One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 458 Bloody Battle on Mango Island! Weak Whitebeard Pirates

"The Dark Horse Pirates under the Dark Pirates." Teach knew, after all, that he held a grudge against Rutgers, and he remembered everything about Rutgers clearly.

"Hello? You're here..." Dreiss, who was beside him, knew them and greeted them indifferently.

"Lord Dreiss, how is the battle situation now? We came to support from the flour island next to him!" Haro saw Dreiss and immediately began to ask for credit.

"Yes, you go to support other places, this guy who plays with fire, but Captain Fujitora gave it to me." Dries replied blankly.

"But that bastard scolded me just now!" Harrow is completely a child, and he is very vengeful for what Ace just said.

"Captain, that guy is the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace, let's listen to Lord Dreis..." A pirate next to Harrow said helplessly.

Not because they are afraid, but because they really don't necessarily play better than Dries.

"Come on, the others need you more." Dreiss still didn't change his expression.

"Okay..." Harrow glared at Ace again, reluctantly but reluctantly ran towards other battlefields.

The reason why he can live so long as a Muggle is because he realizes that he is not smart enough to listen to others.

The other pirates he brought along immediately followed him and went to support other places.

......" Ace received such a provocation, and his face was twitching, and he kept thinking in his heart: Don't care about fools, don't care about fools...

"Ace, let's retreat first? From what it looks like now, if Dad and the others don't come, as reinforcements from the Dark Pirates arrive, it will be more and more difficult for us to fight... Teach consoled with a gloomy face. one sentence.

They didn't go after the pirates either, after all, Dreis was still watching.

"Don't be kidding, Scuard and the others haven't avenged their revenge!" Ace clenched his fists, his roar was no longer as strong as before, his joints were clenched white...

He naturally knows that they are now gradually at a disadvantage...

"But, Ace, the current situation is indeed like this, we should wait for Dad and the others to come, otherwise the loss will be even greater! 35 Teach said seriously, how could he say that he wants to live?

"Dad, it will take some time for them to arrive, so we retreat like this? We marched first and did nothing..." Ace still couldn't accept it.

"Let's go first, Dad and the others are prepared first, and they will definitely come faster than Rutgers! We will still be the ones who will take the lead! Let them pay their debts! Teach said viciously.

"This..." Ace's face was tangled for a while, but he nodded, "Okay, wait for Dad and the others to come over, let's meet Joz and the others first...

Although Ace is currently in a high position as the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, he still regards himself as a newcomer. Naturally, he respects Teach, an old man in the Whitebeard Pirates. Some correct opinions are still should listen.

It's just that Ace obviously forgot who cheated on him a year ago...

"Well, retreat temporarily, and let the bastards of the Dark Pirates see how powerful Dad is!" Teach smiled in satisfaction.

In his opinion, although Ace was a little stunned, he still listened to what he said, and his strength was not bad, otherwise he would not want to accept him as his subordinate after defeating Ace.

As soon as they said they left, the two of them walked away and headed in Joz's direction.

A few black lines suddenly appeared on Dries' forehead, and his personality was as flat as him, and he was a little speechless, "I said these two guys were sneaking something to say, so they wanted to run away...

With a sigh, Dries also chased after him, not afraid of any traps, he sensed it with Observation Haki, it seemed to be the direction of Captain Fujitora, then there was nothing to worry about.

However, now in the center of the battlefield, the battle between Fujitora and Joe (cccg) is far less compact than Ace's side. After many unsuccessful fights with Fujitora, Joe is very self-aware and chose to assist Others, did not go and fight Fujitora recklessly.

And precisely because of Joz's retreat, the central battlefield, the Whitebeard Pirates, had already shown a backward trend.

Fujitora is like the sharpest spear, wherever it pierces, the Whitebeard Pirates retreat.

Even if Joz came up to resist, he was being beaten and slowly retreated. Fujitora's attack as heavy as a mountain was not so pleasant...

But after all, it is the central battlefield, and the battle is still very fierce. . . .

"The guy from the Whitebeard Pirates, the combat power is okay, but it's still a little worse than us..." A crew member of the Dark Pirates said with a smile, the dagger in his hand carrying the still-bloodline .

On the ground next to him, a pirate from the Whitebeard Pirates, with blood all over his neck...

"Damn Dark Pirates! Fire me! Kill the assassin who assassinated us!" Several pirates not far from the Whitebeard Pirates fought back immediately.

"Bang bang bang!" A large number of bullets and shells came, and the crewman with the dagger made a few dexterous jumps to dodge them all.

"You guys are too slow, break through their defenses quickly!" The assassin-like pirate, knowing that he couldn't fight with the opponent, greeted his companions next to him.

"Bastard, don't talk nasty things next to you, come and help us! If you don't, you'll know what to do!" The other crew members near him were also fighting with the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates. Few of them were able to get out. Seeing that he had solved one, he immediately demanded.

"Trouble..." The Assassin crew twitched their lips, moved quietly towards the others, and ordered before leaving, "Guys of the Guard, you bring the iron cloud robot to the Whitebeard Pirates. A few gunners have been solved! Let Tieyun Robot's laser cannon shoot at crowded places!

"Yes!" The members of the guard team near him immediately acted.

"Don't back down, plug this gap, our Whitebeard Pirates are the strongest!" The Whitebeard Pirates rushed forward again, and they fought with the Dark Pirates. Together......

It's just that there are obviously many more people on Rutgers' side. The crew of this ship is like a sharp knife, stabbing towards the defense line of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The flames of war have begun to swirl again...

"Captain Joz, we have already retreated nearly a thousand meters, and if we go further, we will no longer have a chance to fight back..." A pirate beside Joz said with an ugly expression, obviously realizing that , the current situation is too bad.

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