One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 469 Ace's Conqueror's

"Boring, let's end it like this, the life of the son of the pirate king, your will, is too weak..." Rutgers gave Ace a cold look, and raised the spear in his hand without any mercy.

It's just that the action stopped immediately, "It seems that someone still doesn't want you to die, what a lucky guy..."

"Lucky?" Ace's expression was dull for a moment, and he murmured with some doubts.

He thinks that since he was born, he has missed these two words...

"Let me go Ace! Asshole!" Joz rushed behind Rutgers, and a diamond slammed into Rutgers' back mercilessly, with a huge impact from his sprint.

The force penetrated, forming a terrifying shock wave, which swept up a violent air wave several meters in diameter.

However, the armored body of Rutgers didn't move when the "Thirty-Two" moved, and the armor that was hit on the back didn't show any cracks...

Only the ground under my feet is cracked and cracked...

The attacks are equally ferocious, but the outcome is very different...

"How is it possible, this hardness..." The attack failed, Joz learned the painful lesson of being caught by Rutgers, and immediately took a few steps back, looking extremely horrified, "Even if there is your Armament Haki, it can't be this hard..."

"What's the matter? That weird black armor is actually so much harder than my diamond...

Although Joz didn't want to admit it, the terrifying anti-shock force from his fist at that time had already overwhelmed his diamond fist...

"Diamond? Hmph, it's called a diamond if it sounds nice, but it's just a piece of carbon..." Rutgers turned his head, looked at the diamond on Joz's body, and snorted coldly.

Don't look at his disdainful appearance, he is actually quite envious, after all, the diamond man looks really handsome...

And, it's worth the money....

"Carbon?" The ugly black appearance of charcoal appeared in Joz's mind, with a black question mark on his face, "Are you kidding me? How can such garbage be compared to a gorgeous diamond?"

"Hmph, the level of knowledge is not at the same level, you must not understand what I said, you don't understand science..." Rutgers sneered several times with a sense of superiority.

No way, who let him be a scumbag in his previous life, and he can show off his barely passing chemistry in front of a rough guy like Joz...

"Science? What?" Joz looked bewildered, not knowing what Rutgers was talking about.

"Okay, okay, you probably don't understand, let's continue our fight now..." Rutgers smiled playfully, turned his head, and continued to want to kill Ace.

"Ace, how long do you want to be stunned here? The battle isn't over yet!" Joz drank loudly when he saw Ace's stunned look, trying to wake the Muggle, "Don't act like this, What we carry is the father's name, are you worthy of the glory of the Whitebeard Pirates?"5

"Stand up! Even if we die, we will die in the battle to guard the glory of Daddy!

"No matter what kind of strong enemy, our Whitebeard Pirates will not be afraid!"

"Because, it's for the family, it's for the father!"

"Interesting, the guardian of the Whitebeard Pirates..." Rutgers finally got some interest.

"Dad..." Ace's eyes narrowed, as if Whitebeard's figure appeared in his eyes, and every word he said to himself.

"It's a pity that you die now, how about you? Be my son..."

"Whoever is born is a child of the sea, there is no need to worry about so much... gu la la la..."

The powerlessness on his body gradually disappeared, and Rutgers' demon-like figure didn't look so scary now.

"Joz is right, no matter what kind of enemy, I shouldn't be afraid...because, standing behind me is, Dad!" Ace stood up slowly, his face very solemn , staring at Rutgers, the Bloodline on his face also added a bit of decisiveness to him.

"That's the way it is, otherwise I'll have no fun if I kill the unmotivated guy..." Rutgers looked at Ace, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Then as you wish, I'll let you see the power of the Whitebeard Pirates!" Ace's eyes were like a torch, as if lit, the flames on his body lit up again, and he shot first and punched Rutgers. "fire punch!"

The ferocious fire wave rolled and spread out with an invisible wave, ravaging the range of several hundred meters next to it...

"I said, flames are useless to me... can't I change to another move?" Rutgers' boring voice sounded, and at the same time he felt something else, Xiao Xiao was surprised, "Oh? Conqueror's Haki? A little fun...""

The flames dissipated, Rutgers remained motionless, with the absolute isolation of the dark armor, Ace's flame attack, couldn't even give Rutgers a sauna...

It's just that Ace's Conqueror's also swept to other places, so that the people who were fighting on both sides also looked over in surprise.

But the people present were also the elites of the Dark Pirates, and only a dozen or so members of the guard team who were less powerful were brought down, and the others were hardly affected.

The next moment, their sight was gone, and they continued to hunt down the pirates who started the Whitebeard Pirates, just because it was their Captain Rutgers who did it.

It's impossible, nothing to worry about.

"A guy who is willing to admit that someone else is king, such a Conqueror's is really only half a catty..." Rutgers spread his hands and felt that Ace was really a pity, "Have you stopped chasing your father? ? Or, you don't have the guts to chase that seat anymore?"

"Long-winded, daddy is the greatest pirate I've ever seen in 2.6! No matter what, I will definitely let him ascend to the throne!" Ace said with a solemn expression, "Also, my daddy, Only Whitebeard! Don't mention that guy again!"

"Whitebeard is indeed a great pirate, but his era is coming to an end soon, after all, he is an old guy from the same era as your father! 35 You told me not to mention it, I would rather mention...

"Daddy's glory, we will protect it! We will fight until the last moment for Daddy!" Ace clenched his fists tightly.

"Then, just let me see if your so-called glory can help me relieve my fatigue. Rutgers still has a lot of fun, at least before Whitebeard arrives, try to warm up as much as possible?

The next moment, the tip of Rutgers' spear plunged towards Ace...

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