One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 476: Teach surrenders

"Understood..." Teach smiled and nodded in agreement. His heart was really relaxed. Rutgers negotiated terms with him, indicating that he basically planned to let him go...

"This is the chart that I have made and marked over the years, all the sites of the Whitebeard Pirates..." Teach took out a chart from his pocket, which was the most valuable thing on him now, and it was also his Think Rutgers need it the most right now.

Rutgers' eyes lit up, the darkness in his hand floated, and gravity released, and he took the chart in Teach's hand, spread it out and looked closely, the more he looked, the brighter his eyes became...

"The sea routes to the islands are marked very accurately, and they are the safest routes, which can largely avoid the dangerous weather in the New World waters. Most importantly, there are also our Whitebeard Seas. The deployment map of the pirate group, where the pirate group under his command is stationed, are clearly recorded..."

"Also, special islands are also marked with their customs, some strategically important islands, and wealthy islands are also marked...""

"This is a secret among the secrets of our Whitebeard Pirates, and it is impossible for outsiders to know!" Teach said proudly. He has not been lurking in vain for decades. He has already done it for the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates. well-informed.

It's just that Teach glanced at the ability Rutgers had just used, and there was still a trace of resentment deep in his eyes...

"This is a great gift, we need this kind of thing..." Rutgers is very satisfied with this chart. The various labels on it are so clearly marked that even a layman like him sees it. Very understand.

He also knew why the Blackbeard Teach guy could occupy the original territory of the Whitebeard Pirates in a short time after the Summit War ended, so there is such a thing...

"How's it going? Are you satisfied?" Teach's small eyes were raised proudly.

"Satisfaction is satisfaction, but, how can you guarantee that this map is real?" "?" Rutgers naturally wouldn't be easily complacent, fanned the map, and asked Teach with a sneer.

"It's not that simple. On your side, there are at least some people sneaking into our side, right? If you look at the above for a little bit, you can see, how dare I lie to you at this moment of life and death?" Teach said nonchalantly.

"Although you're right, I still don't think it's right..." Rutgers shook his head.

"Then what else do you want?" The smile on Teach's face subsided, and his expression darkened a little.

"Give me a piece of your nails, and what you just said, I need to record it again." Rutgers smiled strangely, like a big bad wolf.

With these, you can completely drain the value of Teach...

"'re going too far..." Teach's face was dripping with blackness, and he even forgot his honorifics.

Nails? Of course he knows what nails are used for, life paper...

If Rutgers did it, then he would be chased by him wherever he was, it would be terrifying....

This kind of thing will only be given to those closest to you.

Just like Rutgers, there are at most a few captains.

And the recording, it's like a knife hanging over his head...

If Rutgers sees him unhappy and lets Whitebeard let them go, then he has to do it if he doesn't want to be the second or fifth boy. The initiative is not with him at all, or, if Rutgers wants him to betray Whitebeard, he must betray... .

He really can't take it like this...

"Excessive? Why don't you just choose? Do you want your life or just listen to me? 35 Rutgers didn't fight him too much, and the dark spear in his hand was aimed directly at Teach's head.

"You..." Teach's eyes suddenly turned red, and the dog was so anxious that he would jump off the wall...

"Looks like you're going to say no?" Rutgers' eyes darkened a little.

But Teach was clearly not a dog, and immediately resumed his grinning look, "Okay, I've agreed to your request, nails and recording? I'll do it! 35

Although he had a smile on his face, his tone was so dull that he could kill...

"Wouldn't it be better to do this a long time ago?" Rutgers' face returned to a smile again, and he did what he said.

It's just that when I took his fingernails and recorded, my vigilance against this guy Teach increased again...

Endurance is so terrible, he is indeed the most successful hero in One Piece...

"Then I'm leaving?" After getting what he wanted, Rutgers was ready to leave.

This time it was an unexpected gain. Let's not talk about Teach's things, that chart will definitely have a huge impact on the next war..

"I wish you victory in the war..." Teach's eyes were gloomy.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot, this is my phone number, you can call me if you have any interesting news. Rutgers was in a good mood and threw a small note to Teach.

Under the control of his perfect strength, the small note fell steadily towards Teach.

"Then I'll accept it. If I have the chance, I'll definitely visit you." Teach grabbed the small note, glanced at the series of numbers on it, and put it close to him.

"" "You're not going to mess around like this, are you? Who is this little wound on your body? Do you want me to help you?" Rutgers pointed to some small wounds on his body, as well as the blood smeared on him.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I'm going to have a heavy hand, I promise to keep your breath..." His expression moved a little, and he played with the dark spear in his hand, as if he would poke a hole in Teach in the next moment.

"Indeed...don't bother you to do it..." Teach glanced at the two teams of the Whitebeard Pirates who were completely defeated. He didn't dare to let Rutgers do it, maybe he could get some for him What a dark wound....

Glancing at the sky, Teach took a deep breath, with a ruthless expression on his face, "Faced with your attack, how can you have such a wound...

Without any hesitation, Teach picked up a knife and inserted it directly into his chest, blood poured out without money, opened his mouth, and it was full of blood... Gong.

It didn't hit the mark, but it was enough (good enough) to make him lose consciousness...

His face was very fierce, as if he was trying to vent... After decades, he couldn't just stop here...

Teach's eyes slowly turned white as he fell towards the ruins...

Before falling into a coma, he left the last sentence, "Rutgers, between you and me, there must be something in common...""

"I'm looking forward to the next time we meet..."

"I'm also looking forward to it. The next time we meet... a guy like you who is cruel enough to yourself is interesting..." Rutgers said and left slowly, an inadvertent voice sounded, echoing Above the ruins, "But the two of us are completely different, I am the winner, and you, the loser...

"You're right, the era of Whitebeard is coming to an end!

"Next, is the era of our Dark Pirates! 39

"A time called Rutgers!

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