One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 145 Powerful New Revolutionary Army

"An enemy of an enemy is a friend, Drago, I appreciate you, we have a common goal, so let's form an alliance!"

Bahn stretched out his hand to Drago who was sitting opposite him. The hideous wound on the palm was still bleeding continuously. Drops of bright red blood flowed from his hand and hit the table where the water dripped. sound.

Dorag was shocked by Bahn's previous words. In his opinion, Bahn is one of the few comrades in the world who have the same aspirations as him. He also had the urge to pull him into the gang before, but he was rejected. Bahn declined, but now Bahn's sudden move is in the hands of Drago.

Drago also stood up, and his rough hand held the blade of the first-generation Onikiri inserted in the center of the table without hesitation. The sharp blade easily cut into the muscle, and blood flowed from the wound .

Drago glanced at the injured hand, smiled slightly, and then firmly held Bahn's hand that was also bleeding!

The wounds on the hands of the two overlapped, and the blood flowing out of the wounds also merged into one stream, flowing down from the hands of the two...

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Then the two laughed at the same time, very happy and loud, without the slightest sense of disobedience that existed all the time even though they were smiling faces before.

Both Drago and Barn sat down, looked at each other, and smiled.

Drago simply treated the wound on his hand, and the wound on Bahn's hand had already healed automatically, and Drago, who noticed this, looked at Bahn in surprise.

Bahn smiled and said.

"Fruit ability..."

Drago nodded with a smile, but silently remembered his ability in his heart.

"Then, Mr. Barn, now we can talk about the cooperation we mentioned earlier."

Drago said with a smile, this time the smile on his face seemed real, not the masked smile as before.

"Hey, Dorag, don't call me 'Mr.' anymore, it looks weird."

Bahn said with a smile, and Dorag also responded with a smile.

"haha, yes."

However, Bahn just smiled, but the corner of his mouth curled up in a mysterious arc, making him even more unpredictable.

"Dorag, you must have heard of the FFF mercenary union, right?"

The smile on Drago's face also disappeared, turning into a serious look, and he said in a serious manner.

"Ah, recently there is a trade union that has been developing rapidly, and its strength is also very strong. Our revolutionary army has also learned about it. It is said that their president, Adam, who is called 'White Hand', may surpass Shichibukai in strength. There are also several strong characters, and I have dealt with the man called 'Brake Pad' before, hehe, a arrogant kid with his name written on his forehead."

Drago, who was still serious at first, suddenly laughed when he said about Ali, and Bahn also laughed when he heard it.

In fact, Barn also had an impression of Ali who wrote his name on his forehead. After all, it was the first time he had heard of such a flamboyant person.

"Ah, haha, I also have an impression of this guy, he's a pretty good guy, but, Dorag, remember the cooperation I mentioned at the beginning?"

"If I'm the only one, of course it's not cooperation. Listen, Dorag, in fact, the FFF mercenary union is a faction that belongs to me. The purpose of course is also the world government. The real meaning of FFF is 'Fight For Freedom' '."

If what he said before only shocked Dorag, this news is undoubtedly a heavy bomb, completely shocking Dorag, perhaps he never thought that the FFF trade union that is developing very fast would belong to Bahn's personal force!

"Fight for freedom..."

After all, Drago's city is still very deep, and he still pretended to be calm, muttering in his mouth.

"So, who is that Adam?"

Drago asked again.

"That's my apprentice. He is the president of the FFF trade union on the surface, and his secret president is me."

"Dorag, tell me, what will happen if our FFF trade union and your revolutionary army join forces?"

Bahn said to Drago with a smile, the arc of his mouth betraying his anticipation.

Like Bahn, Drago finally laughed excitedly.

"If it can be done, that would be great, we will take a big step towards our goal!"

Drago said excitedly, trying to put a smile on his ferocious face.

"Well, Hushou behind me is the president of the branch of our FFF guild in Xihai. You can go to them for your activities in Xihai in the future."

Bane introduced to Drago, and Drago stood up after hearing it, stretched out his hand to Tiger, and said.

"Please take care of me in the future."

Tiger was originally an enthusiastic person, he held Drago's hand and said with a smile.


Drago sat down again, but heard Barn say.

"Dorag, our FFF union can provide you with manpower, and you and I can share information, but I have one request."

"Say it, Barn."

When Dorag heard that Bahn wanted to make a request, he also corrected his attitude. In fact, even if Bahn made some outrageous requests, he would try his best to meet them. After all, the FFF regiment is a great help.

"It's very simple. The cooperation between our FFF group and you is secretly. The FFF group is still a legal organization in the eyes of the government. It is not the time to disclose all of it, and it will also be of great benefit to our intelligence collection."

Drago didn't expect the conditions Bahn said to be so simple, so he naturally nodded ten thousand times, only listening to Bahn continue.

"Dorag, you are a qualified leader. I hope you can lead the new revolutionary army to a higher place. Let's meet again in the Chambord Islands later. I will share your affairs with me. Let me talk about it with my apprentice, and let you know some other strengths of our guild."

Drago listened carefully, and then turned to Xiong and Ivankov.

"Looks like we're going to have to change our itinerary."

"Believe me, Dorag, I can help you more than that."

Bahn suddenly said such a sentence seriously, while Drago nodded very seriously.

Bahn stood up after finishing speaking, and then said.

"A 'big shot' is coming tomorrow, maybe I should do something and treat it as my 'voting certificate'."

When Baan said this, the corner of his mouth curled up in a cruel arc, and even Hushou, who was standing behind him, clenched his fist tightly.

Bahn was about to walk out the door after saying this. When he passed the tiger hunt, he patted him and said.

"Be patient, Tiger, there will be a day when you will vent your anger."

After Bain finished speaking, Hushou's clenched fist slowly loosened, and Bain turned back to Dorag and said with a smile.

"Then, goodbye to the Chambords Islands."

Drago nodded, and watched Bahn and Hushou leave the cabin, but for a long time, he, Xiong and Ivankov did not leave, but kept the original state.

Suddenly Dorag said.

"Hey, Xiong, is everything that happened just now real? Why do I feel like I'm dreaming?"

"It's true, Mr. Dograg."

Xiong said seriously, and a smile appeared on Drago's face.

"I'm looking forward to the future."

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