One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 178 Giant stone statue

After Bain boarded Dressrosa, he has been walking aimlessly here. Maybe it shouldn't be said that, he is not aimless, but he just doesn't know how to find it.

Naturally, he came here to find Doflamingo. In such a huge country, where should he find it?

Bahn opened his eyes, but what he saw was forest after forest. He couldn't see anything except tall trees. Fitz didn't care about it, and he was already flying in the sky.

"It seems that we can only go into the town to see..."

Barn said to himself, and as he spoke, one foot had already stepped into the forest.

Bahn kept his eyes open, and when he walked to the town, he saw an unusually prosperous appearance. The streets were full of people, and of course there were some things that didn't look like people in outline. Brother Ming turned into a toy.

A huge castle-like building appeared in Bain's mind-eye perspective, and he recalled what Buzzby had said before.

"If Dressrosa is captured by Doflamingo..."

This crazy idea appeared in Bahn's mind, but it proved Buzzby's conjecture more and more. Looking at the castle-like building, Bahn frowned.

"If that's the case, it looks like he's there."

Bahn said lightly, but his feet had already started to move there.

Barn quickly arrived under the castle-like building, but what he faced was a closed city gate. Several soldiers standing on the city wall discovered Barn, an uninvited guest.

"Hey! Who is that down here! Don't go near the palace!"

Hearing what the guarding soldier said, Bain nodded and said to himself.

"It seems that there is something wrong here."

Bahn's voice was very low, and the soldier naturally didn't hear it, and asked again.

"Hey! Talk! Who are you?"

The spear in his hand was already aimed at Bahn, and it seemed that he was very alert.

But Bahn didn't answer him immediately, and slowly put his hand on the city wall.

"Hey! Who are you! Are you deaf? Or dumb?"

The soldier spoke again, but this time Bain finally answered him, with no sadness or joy on his face, slowly retracted his hand from the city wall, and said lightly.

"I'm neither deaf nor dumb, I'm just blind..."

"Can you take me to your king?"

Bahn said, but the soldier sternly rejected him.

"Shut up! Is the king open to anyone?"

A trace of disappointment appeared on Bahn's face.

"Is that so? It seems that I can only go in by myself."

This time the soldier heard it.

"What are you talking about! Come on, catch him!"

It has to be said that the quality of Dressrosa's soldiers is quite high. A large group of soldiers appeared from behind Bahn in an instant, and the spears in their hands were aimed at Bahn in a tacit understanding.

Bahn frowned, but slowly moved his hands to his waist.

At this time in the palace, Doflamingo with a strange smile on his face was sitting on the throne, with his hands folded under his chin, and after letting the soldier who came to report go down, he looked at the man next to him who had changed his hairstyle Gladius said.

"Barne is here."

Gradius originally had an afro head like that of a certain fighting nation. The explosion on Murloc Island had all turned into flying needles, but his current head only had a thin layer of short hair that had just grown out.

Gladius frowned when he heard Barn's name.

"Young master, Bane's strength is very strong. From me, he knew that you are the one behind the human trafficking, young master. He may be here for you this time."

Gladius had a stern face when he said this, but Doflamingo's face didn't change much, he just said a word lightly.

"Seka, go back to him."

After saying this, a huge figure slowly appeared from the shadow behind Doflamingo, wearing an armor that seemed to be made of rock.

After he came out, he didn't speak, but just walked out of the house.

Baan, who was surrounded by a group of soldiers, had already been put into the city gate. Not long ago, a soldier appeared and said a word to his chief, and the soldiers who had surrounded Baan walked away.

"Already know I'm coming?"

The corner of Bahn's mouth curled up, and he already knew the reason why those soldiers dispersed.

He didn't say anything, and walked into the city gate on his own with Fitz in the back.

Not long after he left, Bane's danger perception suddenly sounded the alarm.

Bahn frowned, and opened his mind instantly, but saw a huge fist appearing in front of him!

"This is!"

That fist was even as big as a city wall, and the first generation Onikiri on Bahn's waist instantly got out of its sheath, and he slashed through it with a single cleave!

The huge fist was easily split in two by Bahn's slash, but from the perspective of Bahn's mind, he could see that the fist had lost its vitality.

"what happened?"

Bahn frowned, but Seka didn't give Bahn more time to think. The ground under Bahn's feet suddenly seemed to have life, and it turned into a big hand to lift Bahn, and the five fingers Quickly approaching, make a fist!


Bahn realized that something was wrong right away. As soon as he exerted force on his feet, he jumped up, and the huge hand grasped nothing.

"Who is it, come out."

Bahn stood on another piece of ground, frowned slightly, and said lightly, but he didn't get an answer. The whole square was silent, and he heard only his own echo.

But at this moment, Bahn suddenly felt as if someone was watching him from behind, and when he turned his head suddenly, he saw a huge head from the perspective of his mind!

One hand of the huge stone statue grabbed Bahn with a sharp palm, but when the palm arrived, Bahn had already jumped away.

And this jump finally allowed Bahn to see the full picture of the person who pretended to be a ghost before.

It was a huge stone statue, comparable to a castle-sized stone statue, and at this moment, the stone statue seemed to have life, and its huge eyes were locked on Bahn's body.

"Who are you?"

Bahn asked vigilantly, and Fitz on the head looked at the stone statue with vigilance in his eyes.

But the stone statue seemed unable to speak, and a fist like a city wall directly pushed towards Bahn!

When Bahn saw the fist, he naturally knew that the person in front of him did not answer his interest. He slowly pushed his thumb on the scabbard around his waist, and the first generation ghost cut out the scabbard. Instant burst!

"It seems that you can only say it if you have done it once..."

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