One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 201 Years in a hurry

Time passed quickly, at least in Bahn who possessed the fruit of life ability. Several years of time did not cause any obvious changes in Bahn, not even his size. Eun has been active in the New World, dealing with the affairs of the NEO Navy.

Ain is not that difficult to deal with. Although he is Zefa's beloved disciple, he is still not enough to see under the joint efforts of Bane and the Revolutionary Army. It only took a year for Bane and Drago to find him. Ian and the old NEO Navy Department who were hiding in hiding, as Zefa said before his death, Ian is indeed fulfilling her teacher's last wish seriously, and it is done very well, but it has been transferred from the surface to the underground, but It all came to naught when Barn and Drago discovered them, and Zefa's ambitions became a joke.

Ai En's loyalty to her teacher is unquestionable. In fact, Bahne values ​​her ability, or fruit ability, and once persuaded her to join the FFF union, but this is an insult to Ai En, a stubborn woman. , In the end, she also chose the strongest way to reject Bahn.

Although Ian didn't want to see Ain's demise, but now Baan has no extra interest in wasting tears for this woman who has nothing to do with him, and Baan doesn't have many tears left. During the time Bane has been doing the most important thing to himself, or to the Revolutionary Army and even Doflamingo.

The original moving stone, this is the secret of Zefa. Although Ain died without telling this secret to Bahn, this does not prevent Bahn and Drago from knowing this secret. After examining Zefa, the enemy or friend who had brought him a lot of trouble, what he said about eliminating pirates was not unreasonable.

"This is a power that surpasses ancient weapons."

After Dorag learned of Zefa's entire plan, he sighed sincerely, and Bahn, who heard his words, nodded in agreement.

"What are you going to use it for?"

Drago looked at Bahn and asked, holding a plan book left in Ain's headquarters that recorded Zefa's entire plan.

Bahn did not answer immediately, but a mysterious smile appeared on his face, which seemed to hide a huge conspiracy. Perhaps it is not appropriate to describe this matter as a conspiracy, but it is indeed a great plan , but Bahn didn't point it out, only listening to him say lightly.

"Dorag, it's time to take a breath. The preparations are almost complete, but I still have a little concern."


Drago obviously didn't understand what Bahn was talking about. In his opinion, with the terrifying power of the Primitive Stone, he could accomplish anything he wanted.

"I'm not strong enough."

Bahn's indifferent tone said something that surprised even Drago.

"You are strong now, Bahn, you and I are both people who want to do great things, don't be carried away by strength, Bahn, then you won't be you."

Hearing Dorag's earnest remonstrance, Barn smiled and only listened to him.

"Dorag, do you still remember the old man with the sword that I seriously injured in Goa Kingdom?"

"Remember, he is really strong, but this is not too difficult for you, after all, you have seriously injured him."

Hearing Bahn mention the past, although Dorag remembered who Bahn was talking about, he still didn't understand what Bahn wanted to say.

"It seems that you are not doing well in the navy. That person is one of the five old stars. Naturally, there are five such people."

Bahn said lightly again.

"Listen, Dorag, we have nothing to lose in this revolution, and everything must be done seamlessly."

Drago nodded. In fact, Barn was wrong. Drago actually knew the existence of the Five Old Stars, but he had never seen them with his own eyes. In his impression, the Five Old Stars were just five old those in power. Just like the waste kings of those countries that have been independent in these years, they are not taken seriously.

Bahn's words really calmed Drago's agitated heart, only to hear him ask again.

"Where do you want to use this primordial stone?"

Only Bahn replied lightly.

"Don't worry, within a year they'll be working."

"What other plans do you have?"

Dorag asked.

Bahn didn't answer, but just arranged what the Revolutionary Army and the FFF union would do next.

"Go and find all the original moving stones. They must be preserved well. The victory of the revolution rests on them."

After speaking, Bahne left Ain's base.

For the rest of the time, Bane spent the rest of the time on Whitebeard's boat. Here, he also met his apprentice whom he hadn't seen for a long time, now Whitebeard's son, Ace.

The power of the world is very huge, and the butterfly of Barn did not have much impact on the world, but it is impossible to say that it has no impact, at least now Ace admits that Roger is his father, and Not hating him as much as before, and having the same respect for Whitebeard.

At night, Barn was fishing, and Barn, who had just drank a lot of wine, needed to calm down by himself. Since the day he came to Whitebeard's boat, it has been like this almost every day. The wine on the boat seems to be endless. , but such a day is not bad, at least Bahn thinks so, it reminds Bahn of the time when he was on John's ship at the beginning.

But if the protagonist is allowed to enjoy the happy time all the time, then I will not be a good author. Although I don't want to at this time, I still have to add a sentence that the good times don't last long.

Bahn was fishing, and fell asleep in a daze with the sea breeze blowing. When he woke up, something happened that he knew but failed to prevent.

Sage is dead...

The next day, Vista called Barn to the captain's cabin, and when he entered the door, he saw the crew members with livid faces.

"Mr. Barn."

"Master Bahn."

"Here you come, Barn."

Although they greeted each other as usual, their low tone really made Bahn unable to laugh.

"what happened?"

Bane asked.

"Thatch is dead...Ticky is gone..."

The truth was on the cards, and Marco also said to Bahn with an ugly face.

"It still happened..."

Bahn thought, but soon he was relieved. Although Sage and him have a very good relationship, in the past few years, this kind of thing has happened too much.

And at this time Ace came over, his face was more angry than sad, because the murderer Tiqi was his team member.

"Master Barn..."

"Father, let me go and get Tiki back!"

Whitebeard looked at Ace with a sad face, and nodded solemnly. After doing such a thing, Tiqi really needs to have an explanation.

But at this moment Bane spoke up.

"I've been comfortable here for too long, and it's time for me to go out for some activities, Ace, let me go with you."

"Master Bahn?"

"Barne, you?"

Both Ace and Whitebeard looked at Bahn in surprise and asked.

Bahn smiled and said to Ace.

"Let's go, brat..."

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