One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 205 The Legendary Powerhouse

"Huh? Luffy's master?"

Everyone looked at the young-looking man in front of him in surprise, with disbelief written all over his face.

"Master Barn?"

Luffy couldn't believe it and called again.

Baan, who was made to smile bitterly by a large group of kung fu manatees around him, finally noticed Luffy's voice.

"This voice is..."


Bane immediately turned his head to Luffy. Although he couldn't see it, Luffy managed to see his face, which was the familiar face he had when he was a child.

"Haha! Master Barn! It's really you! You really haven't changed!"

"it is true?"

Hearing what Luffy said, his little friends crashed again. In their impression, Luffy's master should be a strong man or a kind old man, but this person in front of too young!

Bahn immediately stood up from the rock, walked towards Luffy, and the kung fu manatees around him also looked over.

"It's really you, Luffy, is there any water?"

Bahn's mouth was not the touching words of the master-student reunion as imagined by others, but water...

"Ah, yes."

Luffy directly handed over his share of water.


Sanji immediately rushed up to stop it, but it was too late, the water had already reached Bahn's hands, so there was no reason to change it back, but Bahn didn't drink it himself, but raised it over his head and handed it to Fitz's mouth .

Fitz, who had fainted from the heat, seemed to feel the breath of water, and immediately came to his senses. He pecked open the bucket with his mouth and stuck his head in.

Fitz was really thirsty, so he drank the whole pot of water straight away, but he also regained his spirits, and once again stood energetically on the head of Bahn, the beautiful feathers appeared under the scorching sun of the desert. Even more dazzling.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

It is a woman's nature to love beauty. At the same time, women's resistance to beautiful things is also very low. Nami and Weiwei rushed up directly, with the idiot-like shining eyes of Luffy and Usopp appearing on their faces.

When Fitz saw two pretty girls approaching, he spread his wings, but not to threaten, but to show himself better...

Sure enough, the sparkle in Nami and Weiwei's eyes became even more dazzling...

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp."

Fitz stood on Bahn's head and yelled melodiously.

"Um, he said his name is Fitz, and he is the master of the human below. Please take care of him."

Chopper appeared immediately and translated meticulously.

I heard Zoro translated by Chopper, Sanji and Usopp all have black lines on their faces...

At this time, Fitz had already arrived in Nami's arms, and the huge bird head was buried in Nami's "abyss". He let the two beauties caress his feathers, and a drunken expression appeared on his face. reddish...

Bahn, who also had black hair, spat in a low voice.

"This pervert..."

"Hahahaha! Master Barn, your bird is so interesting! Hahaha."

Luffy on the other side couldn't stop laughing.

"Master Barn, why did you appear here?"

Hearing Luffy's question, Barn straightened his clothes and answered.

"Ah, I came with Ace, you've already met Ace."

"Ah! I saw it, yes, Ace told me that you were coming too, oops, I forgot, haha."

The black line on Bahn's head became denser...

But the idiot Bahn has become accustomed to this apprentice, and only listens to him.

"Um, Luffy, you really haven't changed at all. I have some things to do here, and I just received the notice. I'm doing my friend a favor."

"Ace is gone?"

Bane asked.

"So that's it, um, Ace has already left, and he said he didn't see you when he came back."

Bane nodded and said.

"This kid, but it's okay, he also has something to do."

"By the way, Luffy, can you help me deal with these guys?"

As he spoke, Bahn pointed to a large group of kung fu manatees surrounding him.

At this time, Weiwei, who had been attracted by Fitz, remembered the situation around her...


A large group of kung fu manatees in the dark are waving handkerchiefs that they don’t know where they got, and they are saying goodbye to Luffy Barn and his party with tears in their eyes, but they all have a piece of meat in their mouths...

"It's all your fault, there's not much food left!"

Sanji was not good at losing his temper with Bahn, so he had to spread all his grievances on Luffy.

Luffy doesn't care, Bane is a little embarrassed, and takes the initiative to send Fitz to Nami's arms...

"If it wasn't for Chopper to convince them, it would be impossible to clean up!"

But Nami still complained, but it was Chopper who walked ahead sternly, speaking with a look of restraint.

"They kept saying 'to follow the Master', and they persuaded them to go back with food."

"That's right! Let me give you a formal introduction!"

Luffy had long forgotten about those manatees, and was completely unaware of the trouble he caused.

"Barne! This is my master, a very powerful pirate, and Ace and I are both his apprentices!"

"Hey, by the way, where's Jiger?"

When Luffy asked about Jigbahn, he also smiled and said.

"He grew up, and he went out to sea to be a pirate not long after I returned to the Chambord Islands. He also said that he wanted to live the same life as you."

"Hey! Haha, isn't it? It turns out that Jiger is also a pirate, ahhaha."

Seeing that Luffy didn't intend to continue the introduction, Barn smiled wryly, walked in front of everyone and said proactively.

"Ah, my apprentice is an idiot. Sometimes I can't stand it anymore, but I get used to it slowly. I will trouble you all these days."

"Hey, don't say that, Master Barn, although this guy is unreliable, he is our captain after all."

Nami said with a smile, then smiled and looked at Luffy who was giggling.


Bahn nodded, he was very happy that his apprentice had found such a companion, even though he knew that all of this was inevitable.

"My name is Barn, just like the guy Luffy said, I'm a pirate."

At this time, Usopp's weak voice came over.

"Then...well, Mr. Bahn, how old are you this year?"

"Hey, I really can't remember when you ask me that. I'm probably in my fifties this year."

Barnes said thoughtfully.

Usopp is okay, but Nami and Weiwei went crazy.


The two abandoned Fitz directly, rushed up and grabbed Bahn by the collar.

"How do you take care of it?"

"...Ah, I am a user of the fruit of life, and I will not grow old."

Feeling the malice that the two women were about to eat him, a drop of cold sweat dripped from Bahn's forehead.

Seeing Nami, Vivi and Barn making such an intimate move, it wasn't Sanji who reacted, but Zoro slowly pulled out the knife from his waist and pointed at Barn .

Everyone looked at Sauron strangely, as if it was only at this time that they remembered that something was wrong with this person from just now.

"What are you doing, Sauron?"

Lu Fei asked strangely, but Sauron ignored him and only listened to him.

"It really is you, the legendary powerhouse, 'Asura'..."


The smile on Bahn's face disappeared, replaced by a very subtle expression.

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