One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 240 Bellamy's Revenge

"This is the log of the day we arrived at Gaya Island—May 21, 1122!"

Nami flipped through Nolando's logbook in her hand and suddenly said in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, cheers came from among the drinking crowd.

"Nolando! Nolando!"

Then Nami read it with a smile.

"When we got to that island, we heard wonderful birdsong..."

As soon as Nami said this, Kuri Kate took over the words and spoke slowly.

"And the sound of a great bell, a bell from a great golden bell!"

"The sound of the bell spread across the earth and resounded through the sky, as if the ancient capital of the past was boasting of the glory that once belonged to her!"

"Ancient civilizations bred by the vast sea are ultimately no match for the impermanence of life..."

"We who have wasted decades of time can't help but lament that the world is impermanent and life is like a dream!"

Speaking of this, Kuri Kate shouted excitedly. He memorized these words. It seems that he usually reads this diary a lot, so that he has already mastered it by heart.

"Ah! Nolando is so handsome!"

Two monkeys, who are fanatical fans of Nolando, shouted loudly.

"Haha! Uncle! So you like Nolando very much!"

Usopp also yelled loudly.

"Great! There is such a big golden clock!"

Well, this is Nami who only has money in her mind...

As he said that, Kuricate put down the wine glass in his hand, dragged out a bag from under the bed, and took out three small golden clocks from it.

"Eh? How huge is this golden clock?"

Usopp looked at the golden clock that had been hugged tightly by Nami and complained.

"Haha, of course Nolando is not talking about this clock. This is just a bell-shaped ingot. We found three of them on the bottom of the sea!"

Curry Kate said proudly, obviously, he has not gained nothing in the past ten years.

"Then the Golden Bell is real?"

Luffy asked excitedly.

But Kuri Kate shook his head and said.

"How can this little thing be used as evidence? Even ordinary ruins can dig up this amount of gold."

Robin said with a smile.

"However, these are enough to prove that this area indeed once gave birth to civilization!"

"Robin, what's an ingot?"

Weiwei also held a small golden clock in her hand, and asked curiously.

"Ah, the ingot is for the convenience of calculation, the gold is divided into small pieces, and commodities are traded on it."

At this time, Kuri Kate also nodded affirmatively and said.

"That's right, as for the wonderful bird call mentioned earlier... Hey! Ape!"

The salvage king who heard Kurikat's words put his hand into the cloth bag again.

"Wow! There are more!"

"This is huge!"

What the salvage king took out of the bag this time was a bird-shaped sculpture made entirely of gold, holding a small golden clock in its claws.

"These are the nuggets we found!"

"Haha! Ten years of diving to get this, it's not worth it!"

Kuri Kate said with a smile.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Nami immediately leaned forward, her eyes turned into Bailey's, watching the golden bird almost burst into flames.

"What is this? A penguin?"

Usopp complained softly...

"The golden bell, plus the bird, is this the symbol of the ancient city of Gaya?"

Sanji said with a smile.

"Then I don't know, personally I think they're part of a certain look."

As he said that, Curricate put his hand on the gold sculpture and said.

"It's called the southward bird, and this kind of bird still lives on this island."

"His barking was weird, um, just like the journal said."

At this time, the salvage king orangutan also came over and said with a smile.

"Speaking of Xiangnan Bird, in the past, it was circulated among sailors..."

But before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Kuri Kate's exclamation.


"What happened?"

"The big thing is bad! Go to the forest quickly! The forest in the south!"

Curry Kate's sudden move made them all a little clueless.

"What? Uncle, did you suddenly go crazy after drinking too much?"

Luffy said.

"Catch this bird and bring it back, now! Immediately!"

"Huh? Why? What happened to this bird?"

Sanji asked puzzled.

"Listen to me carefully."

"The soaring ocean current you are heading to tomorrow is located directly south of the cape! Do you know how to get there?"

"Just drive the boat over there."

Luffy said in an idiot of course.

"Idiot! This is a great route! Once out of the sea, you can't tell the difference between south, east and north!"

At this time, Nami seemed to wake up suddenly, and said.

"That's right! Our target this time is not an island, but an ocean current, so the record pointer will be useless!"

"Then... how can I go straight to the south?"

Weiwei also asked with a worried face.

"That's why we have to use the habits of animals!"

"Some animals have a magnet that can tell the direction, so they can know where they are."

Curricate was completely awake from the wine at this time, and said seriously.

"Well, I know this, I heard that pigeons and salmon have this ability."

Nami also became serious, while Luffy was still so out of tune, slapped Zoro with a slap and smiled.

"Haha! So Sauron, you are worse than animals!"

"You have no right to speak of others!"

Sauron also shouted loudly...

And over there, Curricate continued.

"The southward bird is one of them. No matter how vast the land or the sea is, it will automatically find the right direction!"

"All in all! There is no such bird! Don't even talk about going to Sky Island! You don't even have a chance to go!"

Kuri Kate shouted loudly, Luffy's trio of idiots finally realized the seriousness of the situation.


"Why are you talking about such an important matter now! It's already midnight and you want us to go into the forest to find birds!"

"Stop rambling! Now we will help you strengthen the ship!"

"Think about it carefully, there is no time for a banquet at all today!"

"So why are you only thinking about it now!"

Luffy and the others hurriedly ran out of the house and shouted loudly.

"Listen! At least one southerly bird must be caught before dawn! Otherwise, it will be too late to go!"

Everyone only remembered that Kuri Kate said this sentence very seriously, and rushed into the forest!

The hut where the carnival was just now was empty, and only the busy monkeys and Kurikat were left on the shore, as well as Bane, who was leisurely sitting on the bow of the boat fishing...

That's right, Barnes is fishing again...

"Hey! Why don't you hurry up and find the bird! It's too late!"

Kuri Kate shouted loudly at Bahn.

Bahn smiled and said.

"It's a pity, I'm blind, so I don't want to go in and make trouble, and I always feel a bad premonition..."

Hearing Bahn's words, Curricate remembered that this guy was blind. He ignored the bad feeling in Bahn's mouth, took a deep look at him, and continued to work with the monkeys.

And while Kurikat and the others were still busy, a huge pirate ship docked on the shore, and a person stepped down from it.

It was Bellamy who was injured by Bahn and had a bandage on her head!

"Hey! Old guy, hand over the gold!"

The orangutan and orangutan who noticed Bellamy also put down their tools and walked over.

"Oh, brother, don't make us angry."

"Come here in the middle of the night to control others for gold? Hurry up and go home and sleep! Little ones!"

"Hahaha! You two are bodyguards."

"Hey, Curricate, I heard about your deeds in the town, and I was so moved! Pirate, Curricate!"

Bellamy didn't have the slightest intention of retreating, she walked up and took off the cloak on her body, and said presumptuously with the unbeatable smile still on her face.

"Snatching other people's hard-earned treasure, but it's not a good feeling!"

"Do you know what people call me? It's a hunting dog! Hahaha!"

At this time, Kuri Kate, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

"You are not qualified to touch that gold!"

"Huh? Qualifications? Hahaha! I'll let you see if we are qualified!"

Sage, who was following Bellamy, suddenly pulled out the strange-shaped knife at his waist and shouted loudly, and was about to rush up, but Bellamy stopped him.

"Hey! Sassky! Wait!"


Sassky glanced suspiciously at Bellamy who made the sound, and Bellamy was already squatting on the ground at this moment, her legs had turned into two giant springs!

When the spring was compressed to the limit, the whole person rushed out and aimed directly at Curricate!

And just when Bellamy's fist was about to hit Curricate's body, Bahn moved.

He appeared directly in front of Curricate, and a palm with five fingers spread out directly blocked Bellamy's long-stored fist!

"Hey, kid, is it really okay to ignore me like this?"

After finishing speaking, Barn said to Curricate again.

"Culli Kate, you continue to work, these little thieves, just leave it to me."

"Hey, Bain Baxiet, you are indeed here. I want you to pay back your capital and interest today for the humiliation you gave me!"

Bellamy, whose fist was caught by Bahn, said frantically, but Bahn smiled disdainfully when he heard it.

"If you can do it, kid..."

Although Bellamy already had a bounty of 55 million at this time, he was still too weak compared to Bahn. His body was bruised and bruised, and he leaned against Sassky's body, while Barn didn't even move the first generation Onikiri around his waist!

But at this time, a change occurred, the originally dark coast was suddenly illuminated, and the shadows of warships slowly appeared.

"Ahem...haha! Barn Bashuit, I know about you, and I know that I am not your opponent, but what about facing the Navy's order to kill demons?"

"Hahaha! I informed the navy that you are here from the beginning! Prepare to be reduced to ashes with these daydreaming idiots!"

"Bellamy, the navy is here, let's go!"

Sassky, who was supporting Bellamy, whispered to Bellamy, Bellamy nodded lightly, and Sassky turned around while supporting Bellamy.

But he was stopped by Kuri Kate.

"Stop! Brat!"

"A brat who doesn't even have the courage to imagine has no right to be called a pirate!"


Bellamy turned her head and looked at Curricate angrily, but she was afraid of Barn who was standing aside, she didn't speak, and let Sassky support her back to the boat.

Bellamy left, and Curricate also finished the work at hand, watching more and more warships appearing on the coastline and approaching Bahn's side.

"I should have thought of it earlier, you are the Bane who is called Asura."

Bahn smiled and said.

"These are not important anymore, just sail the boat to the cape, we are in trouble..."

Looking at the densely packed figures in the perspective of the mind's eye, Bain said with a solemn expression.

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