One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 109 Let’S Go To War, I Only Have One Request, I Want To See Vince Mo Ke Submit To Me

In addition to Brother Ming, who started to immerse himself in cultivation after returning from Mariejois, Monet also had a huge change.

After returning to Don Quixote's headquarters from Mariejois, Monet expressed to Ming that he wanted to train her.

This trip to the World Government made her realize how weak she is. When the CPO made a move against Brother Ming, she couldn't even see how the CPO made the move, let alone helping Brother Ming.

Although she also knew that Brother Ming didn't need her help, but as a maid, if she couldn't even handle some ordinary things and needed the young master's help for everything, she would not only become a useless vase in the end, but also become a drag on the young master , this is what Monet is absolutely not willing to do, and it is also worthy of the Snow-snow Fruit given to him by the young master. Such a good Devil Fruit!

So after returning from Mariejois, Monet, who was training while serving Brother Ming, proposed to Brother Ming that he could concentrate on training for a period of time, and asked Brother Ming to formulate the strictest training plan for her.

Brother Ming promised her that there was no reason to suppress his subordinates' desire to improve, so he asked Monet and Robin to train together, and also made a training plan for her!

But in this way, Brother Ming would have fewer people to serve him.

Recently, I got used to being served by Monet, and now without Monet's side, Brother Ming is really not suitable, but it is 280, Brother Ming needs a period of time to fully train the twelve moves in Don Quixote's body training boxing, but it's okay I don't use people to serve me very much.

"Hey, Dover, something happened!" Torrebol said to Brother Ming with Pica and others that day.

"Oh?" Brother Ming looked at Torrebol and the others with interest.

"Do you know the Vince Mo Ke family? The family that used to dominate North Blue!" Torrebol said.

"Hey, an old-fashioned family, I heard that they have good technology, but it seems to have disappeared for a long time, why did they appear?" Brother Ming asked.

"Hey, not long ago, the Vince Mo Ke family suddenly attacked the four kingdoms of North Blue, slaughtered the four kings, and made a mess there. Our business in the four kingdoms has been greatly affected. ’ said Torrebol.

"Hey, it's just that the voice on the surface has been affected?" Brother Ming said.

"In fact, the dark business has also been affected. Although it is said that the darker the war, the better the business will be, but a war that is completely crushing by one side is another matter. Although (cacb) it is said that after the war, business may There will be more and more, but compared to the losses, it can be said to be a heavy loss, and our Donquixote Family has also been affected in this war, losing many warriors and countless chess pieces. This Vince Mo Ke family But they didn't take us seriously at all!" Torrebol said.

"Ho ho, what are you going to do?" Brother Ming asked.

"Dover, it doesn't matter how much those pawns lose, but wrestlers are peripheral members of the family after all, and the Vince Mo Ke family doesn't care about our Donquixote Family at all, wantonly attacking our Donquixote Family branch, this matter It can't just be left alone!" Torrebol said.

The Vince Mo Ke family, as the family that used to dominate North Blue by force, has technology that others do not have even if it is declining now.

Vince Mo Ke Judge, the head of the Vince Mo Ke family of this generation, once conducted illegal research with the current Naval Headquarters scientist Vegapunk. This illegal research was banned by the World government, Vegapunk entered the World government, and Judge was alone Escape to continue research.

During the research with Vegapunk, Judge obtained the bloodline factor technology, and used it to genetically modify the human body and make artificial humans, so that the Kingdom of Germa obtained a strong military force, a large number of modified artificial human soldiers, let Judge fueled his ambition to once again have the Vince Mo Ke family rule North Blue by force.

In order to fulfill the ambitions of the Vince Mo Ke family and Judge, not long ago, Germa used the soldiers produced by artificial humans to launch a war against the four kingdoms of North Blue, and easily defeated the four kingdoms of North Blue in one fell swoop. Si Mo Ke Judge even cut off the heads of the four kingdoms with one knife to announce the comeback of the Vince Mo Ke family.

And this crusade against the four kingdoms of North Blue is the first step for Vince's Mo Ke family to rule North Blue, but when they crusade against the four kingdoms, it also caused a great deal of damage to the power of the Donquixote Family in the four kingdoms. destruction.

Moreover, the ambitious Vince Mo Ke family, who came back this time, did not seem to take the Donquixote Family, the most powerful pirate group, into their eyes, and did not have any scruples about the warnings of the Donquixote Family branch wrestlers, and finally the two sides clashed.

Although the strength of the Donquixote Family's wrestlers is good, but they are small in number after all, and the strength of the android soldiers of the Vince Mo Ke family is also good, and each of them is fearless. In addition to the large number, the wrestlers of the Donquixote Family in the Four Kingdoms lost heavily.

"Hey, let's go to war. It just so happens that Don Quixote hasn't made a big move for a long time. Launch the North Blue call-up order to call up all the fighting warriors of the family in North Blue, against the Vince Mo Ke family, against Germa 66 Launching an all-out war, this is a good opportunity to gain merit!" Brother Ming said with a smile.

"Hehe, war? After Dove became Shichibukai, the family really needs a war to tell everyone the prestige of the Donquixote Family!" Pica said excitedly in a shrill voice, as the top cadre of Don Quixote's combat department , he also needs a big battle to prove himself.

"Well, this time, Pica will be in charge personally, Torrebol and Diamandi will provide assistance from the side, and Gladius will be the staff officer of the Great War to formulate the battle plan. I only have one request. I have some knowledge about the technology of the Vince Mo Ke family. Interested, I want to see Vince Mo Ke surrender to me!" said Brother Ming.

"No problem Dover!"

"Your request will be fulfilled, I promise!"

"Hey, Vince's Mo Ke family, that was the big family that used to dominate North Blue. I heard about their legends when I was young, but now it's our Donquixote Family that dominates North Blue. I really want to see them become prisoners. What expression will it be?"

"Dare to fight our Donquixote Family [their fate is doomed!"

Diamandi and others said excitedly!

"Then let's start moving!" Brother Ming said.

Immediately, a call-up order was issued to all the branches of the Donquixote Family in North Blue, and immediately a large number of fighters gathered towards the headquarters of the Donquixote Family, and the smoke of a war began to fill the air. .

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