One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 129 Above The Peak, We Will Be There Sooner Or Later, This Is My Promise To You

Kuzan took Marine and left. Brother Ming took Granose and others to the houseboat land of Vince Mo Ke family. Kaido and Brother Ming took a full blow here, and a large part of it collapsed. Fortunately, the houseboat land is big enough , the crash part is nothing.

After stepping here, Granu and the others looked at it curiously. What a strange boat. There was a snail under the boat, and it could be connected to form a piece of land with buildings on it. Sure enough, there are all kinds of strange things on the sea. Have.

Not long after, the cadres of the Donquixote Family were notified by Brother Ming and brought the unconscious Vince Mo Ke Judge back here.

"Dover, are you okay? Has Kaido left?" As soon as he returned here, Torrebol looked around worriedly and asked, and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he found no trace of Kaido.

This time Kaido's overbearing and Kaido's terror really reflected in his heart, and he is still terrified even now!

The others didn't go there well either, and they still have lingering fears from that breath.

"Don't worry, Kaido has already left. This time, the young master not only repelled Kaido, but also severely injured Kaido. Now even if Guy033 comes back again, we don't have to be afraid!" Luo said with a smile.

"Kaido still wanted to cooperate with the young master, but was rejected by the young master!" Granose laughed.

"And this time the young master has broken through to the limit of the human body, even if it is the top powerhouse in the sea, it is only this level!" Monet said proudly.

Hearing Monet's words, everyone looked at Brother Ming expectantly. It's not that they didn't believe Luo's words, it's just that this matter was too important, and they needed to get an answer from Brother Ming himself before they could fully believe it.

"From now on, there will be no opponents in front of you!" Ming Gao pretended with a faint smile.

Hearing Brother Ming's words, everyone in the Donquixote Family smiled excitedly.

"Let me just say, Dover is a born king, and I will definitely lead us to the top." Torrebol said.

"That's right, Dover will take us to the top!" Diamandi also looked at Brother Ming expectantly.

"Young Master!" "Young Master!" Everyone looked at Brother Ming expectantly.

"Does it need to be said? Sooner or later there will be us on the peak, this is my (cacf) promise to you, but before that, we must clear up our gains this time and solve the shortcomings that have emerged in this war " Ming Ge said.

"My lord, I'm sorry, this time it was my serious mistake!" Gladius said.

Others also lowered their heads. Originally, everyone in the Donquixote Family was full of confidence in this battle, thinking that they could easily crush each other, but the reality told them that the warriors they were proud of were in the Vince Mo Ke family. The soldiers were so vulnerable. If it wasn't for several of their cadres who came to the rescue in the end, and Gladius' ability played a major role in the war, I am afraid that the war would end with the failure of the Donquixote Family.

"These situations are actually within my expectations. The reason why I entrust this war to you is to let you discover the family's current shortcomings in the actual war. This is just to deal with a Vince Mo Ke family. If it is How about facing the Four Emperors pirates, what if it is facing Marine!" Brother Ming said, looking at the crowd.

Seeing Brother Ming, Torrepol and the others all bowed their heads!

"So I decided to set up the Iron Blood Legion at the family headquarters and recruit elite fighters to train them militarily. After a while, I will personally formulate the training plan. The treatment will be higher than that of fighters. This Iron Blood Legion will become a part of our insertion into the New World. A sharp knife!" said Brother Ming.

"Yes!" Hearing Brother Ming's words, everyone in Don Quixote's family said excitedly.

Vince Mo Ke Judge slowly opened his eyes!

"Where is this? The clone culture warehouse?" Vince Mo Ke Judge suddenly knew that he was there as he looked at the human clones packed in the culture solution.

"Hey, this is really spectacular. The blood factor is really an amazing research [you are breaking the taboo of the human body!" At this time, a voice sounded.

"Doflamingo!" Vince Mo Ke Judge looked towards the voice, and saw a young man in a pink feather coat sitting on a delivery pipe and looking towards him with a smile.

Surrounding him were several senior researchers who originally belonged to the Vince Mo Ke family, kneeling there tremblingly, while his three sons and daughter Reiju were being shackled and standing aside.

Besides, there were several Donquixote Family officials looking at him with grim smiles.

And this young man in a pink feather coat, Judge quickly recognized, this young man is the young master of Donquixote Family, Doflamingo!

"Hey, even a villain like me will not trample on life like this. You are better than me at this point. I have to say that you are a complete bastard. I took it all by myself. As for doctrine, since you have already researched it, I will use it unceremoniously!" Brother Ming said with a smile.

Hearing Brother Ming's words, the cadres of the Donquixote Family all laughed.

"Bastard, you, how dare you, how dare you trample the noble Vince Mo Ke family to such an extent, how dare you smash the Vince Mo Ke family's ambitions, I can't spare you!" Vince Mo Ke Judge's anger It was beyond words, stood up and immediately rushed towards Brother Ming.

"Ho ho ho!" Seeing Judge rushing, Brother Ming didn't care. At this moment, Senor stepped out, and his whole body merged into the waves in front of him, and then a wave appeared in the air in front of Judge. , Xiangni Oro appeared from the ripples and punched Judge's abdomen heavily, his whole body was bent straight, and then Senor's hand pressed Judge's head, Vince Mo Ke Judge's face immediately hit the ground An intimate contact was made, and the solid ground was dented because of this press.

"Ignorant thing, who do you think is in front of you? You are the only one who dares to offend the young master. See if I don't kill you!" Senor said.

"Senor, ho ho, it's still useful to keep him. Put him in the prison and let Caesar take over here. He also has research on the blood factor. If you want to come, he can sort out these technologies for us. From today, this is our Donquixote Family The research room of our Donquixote Family gathers all the researchers of our Donquixote Family here. With the development of the world, technology will play a big role in the future, so we can't fall behind too much, but we will be beaten if we fall behind." Brother Ming Said.

"Since Dover values ​​this place so much, I will recruit top scientists from all over the world to study here!" Torrebol also said. .

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