One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 134, Let Us Set A Small Goal First, To Become One Of The Four Emperors

Hearing that Brother Ming's goal is Wan Guo, the cadres of the Donquixote Family once again froze for a moment.

Apparently none of them thought that Brother Ming's goal was Wan Guo, and after a while, all of them showed excited expressions.

Wanguo is a great place!

"Hey hey, it really is Dover!" Diamandi said

"Hey, I've been envious of Wan Guo for a long time, but they are our big customers. Sure enough, Dover, you are a complete villain." Torrebol said

"It's a pity to lose a good client!" said Diamanti

"Weihaha, it's cool to grab it directly!" Mahabais said.

"Wan Guo, why didn't I think it was Wan Guo, and only Wan Guo in the New World is worthy of becoming the territory of the young master. It really deserves to be the young master, with a unique vision!" Rao G said

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Well, I just think it's a huge waste for Wan Guo to be in the hands of that old woman in BIGMOM. I just reluctantly accepted it. The common people of Wan Guo will thank me." Brother Ming.

"That's right, Dover, Fang Guo is too wasteful in the hands of BIGMOM!" Pika

"Hey, thank you Dover!" Torrebol said.

"You are such a good man, Dover!" Diamandi said.

Everyone laughed and said!

At the same time, their eyes are full of anticipation. Wan Guo is a good place. During the period of trading with Wan Guo, they have fully understood the wealth and beauty of Wan Guo, which is like a fairy tale world. A wonderful thing.

But at the same time, they are also a little worried, precisely because they have a deep understanding of Wan Guo, and they also know the horror of Wan Guo.

In addition to the aunt BIGMOM, Wanguo also has four Admiral stars, dozens of dessert ministers, and many combatants, each of whom is a pirate resounding across the sea.

Since both the general star and the minister of sweets are the sons of BIGMOM, Wan Guo is also the most united one among all the pirate groups. To win Wan Guo is not just about defeating BIGMOM.

Once they launch a war against the nations, even if they defeat BIGMOM, the sons of BIGMOM will fight with them forever. Only by destroying the entire BIGMOM pirate group can they truly capture the nations, otherwise they will suffer endless punishment Harassment.

"Don't worry, I am going to launch a war against all nations now. We still have a few months to prepare, and after entering the Great Navigation Road, in order to make the family's warriors adapt to the cruelty of the Great Navigation Road, we will go to the Great Navigation Road Stay for a while in the first half, this time is enough for our Iron-Blooded Legion to have enough combat power, so the most important thing now is to train the Iron-Blooded Legion into shape as soon as possible!" Ming Ge said.

"Dover, don't worry, this is related to our plan to conquer the New World. No matter what, delay is absolutely not allowed!" Diamandi said.

"Young master, don't worry, starting tomorrow, not today, I will redouble the training of those bastards, and I will definitely not hinder the New World plan!" Gladius said

"Hey hey hey, I trust you guys!" Brother Ming said.

"By the way, how is Vince Mo Ke Judge?" Brother Ming asked again.

"Hehe, even Uranus Laozi couldn't stand being locked up in a dark room for more than half a month, and now he has obediently cooperated with Caesar to study the memory metal battle suit. After coming out of the house, Judge is so cooperative, as long as he is not allowed to enter the dark room, I am afraid he is willing to do anything, and some time ago he asked me to ask his daughter to be your maid!" Torrebol said.

"Hehe, since he cooperates so well, let's satisfy him!" Brother Ming said with a smile.

After Vince Mo Ke Judge was defeated and captured by the Donquixote Family, the Donquixote Family locked him in a cage. Diamandi and the others tried every day to persuade him to let him join the Donquixote Family and cooperate with Caesar's research, but Judge never cooperated. .

After Brother Ming found out, he directly asked someone to create a room with no light and strong sound isolation, and then locked Judge in this dark room with no sound. He was only given one or two steamed buns every day, and he was locked up like this Ten days and a half months, and then see how the effect is.

Originally, Brother Ming thought that people in this world were so strong, and he didn't know if the dark room would be useful to him, but he didn't expect the effect to be super good. Judge, who was released after being locked in the dark room for more than ten days, was in a trance. The house is extremely terrified. In order not to enter the dark room, Judge is extremely cooperative with the Donquixote Family’s request. The glory of the Vince Mo Ke family and the ambition of Germa have long been thrown there by him. go.

Ho ho ho, very good, so the only thing to do now is to prepare for the great sailing road, let us set a small goal first, to become one of the Four Emperors

Brother Ming stretched out a finger in front of his face and smiled at everyone.

"Small Goals, Four Emperors?" Called Pol?

"Hey, Dover, what you said is great, let's set a small goal first and become one of the Four Emperors!" Diamandi laughed.

"That's right, first set a small goal and become Four Emperors!" Everyone said with a smile. .

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