One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 149 Luo, Help Me Take Out His Heart!

On Little Garden Island, Luo and the others also waited secretly and anxiously. After all, they knew from the phone bug that Diamandi and others were arrested and did not know what was going on, and Brother Ming was going to deal with it this time, but Same Shichibukai as him!

The other thing to be afraid of is what kind of conspiracy and tricks Klocke Dahl is playing.

Several times, Luo wanted Buffalo to take him to catch up with Brother Ming and rush to help, but unfortunately Buffalo did not have the life papers of Brother Ming and Diamandi, so he could only wait for Brother Ming on Little Garden Island.

And they also knew that with Brother Ming's speed, Buffalo might rush over, and the battle over there was over.

"Look, what's that?" At this moment, the sharp-eyed Baby-5 saw something in the distance, approaching it at a very fast speed, and it was not far away from everyone in a blink of an eye.

"It's the young master!" Buffalo said excitedly.

Hearing Buffalo's words, everyone looked up to the sky excitedly, and they saw Brother Ming vaguely.

"Hey, what is the young master holding on to!" In the blink of an eye, the figure in the sky was getting closer and closer, and it was their young master Doflamingo.

At the same time, they saw that Brother Ming was holding a person who looked like a dead fish.

"Touch!" Brother Ming waved his hand, and he threw the fish-like person in his hand to the ground.

"Young Master!" Everyone looked at Brother Ming and cheered as they stepped forward and said.

"Who is this person?" At this moment, Granu looked suspiciously at the person thrown to the ground by Brother Ming and asked.

"Huh, this person seems to be one of the Shichibukai Shah Locke Dar? I saw his picture in the newspaper)." Luo said in surprise.

"Hee hee hee, is this Sha Locke Dar who became one of the Shichibukai like the young master? It's nothing more than that, like a dead fish!" Delinger laughed

"Haha, he is clasping the young master's seastone bracelet. It seems that he was defeated by the young master, so he wears this thing!" Buffalo

"You deserve it, you dare to attack the people of our Donquixote Family, you deserve it now!" Monet said.

"What's going on with Diamandi and the others?" Robin asked.

"Some people were lost, but Diamandi and the others are fine!" Mingo said lightly.

"That's great!" Everyone said happily!

"Hee hee hee, what is the young master going to do with this Klockedar?" Delinger asked.

"Hey, Luo, help me take out his heart!" Brother Ming said.

"No problem!" Luo stepped forward and said.

Locke Dahl showed a puzzled look, and took out his heart, did Brother Ming change his mind again?

"ROOM, scalpel!" Luo stretched out his hand to create a surgical space.

Locke Dahl was wondering, Luo patted him with a palm.

Locke Dahl wears a seastone bracelet on both hands. This bracelet is the seastone bracelet that Brother Ming carries with him, and it is used for his usual training.

With Mingo's adaptability to seastone now, he no longer needs to do seastone training, because even if he continues to do seastone training, he can't completely erase seastone's restraint on Demon fruit power.

However, Brother Ming's current body has reached the signs of a human body, no matter how much he trains, there is no effect, but sometimes Brother Ming still needs to train to maintain his physical condition.

With Brother Ming's physical strength now, even if he trains for a day and a night, he won't feel any fatigue to his body, so it's very difficult to maintain his state.

So in order to improve efficiency, Brother Ming used this high-purity seastone bracelet to weaken his physical strength, making him feel weak and tired more easily, thus better improving his training efficiency.

Ordinary purity seastones can no longer have much effect on Brother Ming, so the pair of seastones carried by Brother Ming are of high purity, with a purity of 90%. Locke Dahl is wearing seastones of such purity. Weak and unable to resist at all, Luo easily slapped him on the body.

There was no pain as expected, and Locke Dahl was about to laugh a few times. Didn’t Brother Ming’s brats even have enough to eat? At this moment, he saw that a square piece of his chest was missing.

Ke Locke Dahl felt that his body seemed to be missing something? The heart, it was the heart!

Locke (Noma Zhao) Dahl looked up, and saw a heart beating in Luo's hand in a boxy module.

Luo weighed the heart in his hands, and Locke Dahl immediately understood that it was his heart.

Devil Fruit ability? What kind of fruit is this?" Locke Dahl said in disbelief.

"Young master, the heart has already been removed!" Luo ignored Ke Locke Dahl, but walked up to Brother Ming with the heart, and handed the heart to Brother Ming.

"Hey, I'll leave the heart to you for safekeeping. Put this old Sha in the prison of the pirate ship. Shut him up for a few days first. I'll still be useful in the New World!" Brother Ming said with a smile

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