One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 156 You Listen, Today I Want To Make The Celestial Dragons So That Every Day Should Not Work

Hearing Brother Ming's words, Robin and the others also breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time couldn't help feeling that joining the Donquixote Family is really a lucky thing.

At this time, Robin suddenly realized that what Brother Ming just said was 'Dare to attack my woman... You must know that there is a huge difference between my man and my woman.

Thinking of this, Robin couldn't help but blush and glared at Brother Ming, but Robin didn't refute.

Then Robin thought again, did Brother Ming mention my woman, including her and Monet, and even Baby-5 and Reiju?

As expected, she is indeed a woman, who was worried about this and that just now, but now she has started to think wildly.

"Dover, although we are not afraid of the World government, there is no need to attack the Celestial Dragons. After all, this is a taboo for the World government. The World government will have to do something then!" Torrebol said.

"That's right, Dover, why don't we enter the New World as soon as possible, anyway, the coating has been completed now, and the fruit ability of the sugar is almost developed!" Diamandi also said.

"But if you just leave like this, where is the prestige of the family?" Pika said in a sharp voice. As the main combat faction of the family, he naturally didn't want to see the family enter the New World in such a dispirited manner.

"Hey, it's really troublesome to directly attack the Celestial Dragons. I don't plan to fall out with the World government yet, but I can't just hide in New World just because of a Celestial Dragons. It will only make those guys even worse. I can't see people being arrogant in front of me, especially those guys!" Brother Ming said lightly.

Hearing Brother Ming's words, Diamandi and the others all laughed. Diamandi and the others knew Brother Ming's background, and they understood that Brother Ming hated the arrogance of the Celestial Dragons the most, and wished to pull them down Come to the altar.

"Then Dover, so what should we do?" Everyone asked, being able to build a Celestial Dragons was also very exciting for them.

"Hey, we can't take action against Celestial Dragons, but can't we also take action against Celestial Dragons' subordinates? Listen, today I want to make those Celestial Dragons feel unresponsive every day. There is not a single living guard around, I want those hunters who are looking for prey with Robin's photo to disappear, can it be done?" Brother Ming said lightly.

"Hey, of course there is no problem, it's a piece of cake!" Diamandi said with a smile in his eyes.

"It's just Dover, it means nothing to us. We have more than 40,000 elites here, and we won't necessarily lose if we fight against Naval Headquarters!" Torrebol said

"Dover, as long as you order, don't say these things, even if the entire Sabaody Archipelago is bloodbathed, we can do it!" Pica said in a sharp voice

"That's right, we are Donquixote Family!" Everyone said with a smile.

"Then let's move, but we can't tell everyone that we are the ones who move, at least we need a fig leaf to cover my face, well, the Sabaody Archipelago is so chaotic, pirates, bounty hunters, slaves Hunters, as well as all the forces and killers in the dark world, as long as they don't blatantly show that our Donquixote Family did it, who would dare to say that we did it? Are my fists not strong enough?" Brother Ming said with a smile.

"Hey, that's right, Marine can't accuse good people, right?" Diamandi also said with a smile.

Once this matter is figured out, who doesn't know that the entire Sabaody Archipelago is capable of such a big matter now, and they will be Don Quixote, but guessing is guesswork, but you can't wrong people by guessing, right?

Of course, if Marine wants to quarrel with Donquixote Family, this guess is enough to take action against Donquixote Family, but now is Marine willing to quarrel with Donquixote Family? They still want Donquixote Family to enter New World to share the pressure of pirates for them Well, they still think about the Donquixote Family entering the New World and the pirates in the New World killing each other.

"There are also Marines who blocked the Sabaody Archipelago. I don't want to see the Marines from the Marine branch of Sabaody come out of the station. If they dare to trespass, kill them. Of course, they are disguised as other pirates." Brother Ming continued.


"Don't worry about Dover, we will handle this matter beautifully!" Everyone said.

0 looking for flowers......

"Then let's do it, Robin stay here for a while, I have something to say!" Brother Ming said.

After hearing Brother Ming's words, everyone laughed. It's been a long time, and everyone couldn't see that Brother Ming had thoughts about Robin. Everyone smiled and walked out.

After everyone walked out, Brother Ming walked towards Robin with a serious face, getting closer and closer, and soon Brother Ming's face was close to Robin's, and both of them could smell each other's breath

"Well, if it's okay, I'll go out!" Robin turned his face away a little bit and said.

"Ho ho ho, I'm going to punish you hard today!" Brother Ming said suddenly, wrapping his arms around Robin's waist.

"Punish me?" Robin was taken aback.


Is it because I meddle in my own business and bring so much trouble to the Donquixote Family?

"Of course, did you just think that I would hand you over to the Celestial Dragons? Don't lie to me, you just showed despair, don't think I didn't see it, you dare not believe me, I want to punish you !" Brother Ming said.

"It's for this!" Robin said in surprise.

Robin thought Brother Ming was going to punish her for causing such a big trouble for the family, but he didn't expect that it would be because of such a thing.

"Oh, if it's this, I'm willing to accept the punishment. Tell me how you plan to punish!" Luo Bing was really embarrassed about this matter. She had been betrayed many times, and she was very afraid of being betrayed again, so she just really He thought Brother Ming would hand him over, so he showed a look of despair.

"Before punishing you, I need to deepen our relationship first, so that next time something like this happens, you won't doubt me!" Brother Ming said.

"Deepening the relationship? How to deepen the relationship?" Robin asked.

"Of course it made you my woman!" Brother Ming hugged Princess Robin while speaking.

"Ah, stop it!" Robin was picked up by the princess and involuntarily wrapped his arms around Brother Ming's neck.

Regardless of Robin's soft objection, Brother Ming directly carried Robin into his room, and after a while, there was a soft voice like eroticism in the room!

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