One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 158, Oh, As A Marine, Being Blocked By Pirates In The Garrison, This Is Not Acceptable!

The people on the Sabaody Archipelago found that the entire Sabaody Archipelago was much quieter, and the bounty hunters and slave hunters who usually wandered around looking for prey had disappeared.

Even many intelligence brokers from the dark world are gone, and the whole Sabaody Archipelago is filled with this strong smell of blood.

People also saw the guards of Celestial Dragons die on the street. A group of people rushed out from nowhere, killed people in twos and twos, and then left quickly. The killing method was more professional than that of professional killers.

Everyone understands that something big must have happened in Sabaody Archipelago, otherwise no one would even dare to move the guards of Celestial Dragons, and then someone discovered that people died in many corners, and all the dead were local snakes of Sabaody Archipelago , bounty hunters who make a living by catching pirates, intelligence dealers in the dark world, and slave traders.

The large number caused the people of Sabaody Archipelago to panic and hide in their homes one by one.

Let alone them, the bounty hunter slave hunters on the entire 20 islands of the Sabaody group are now in panic. The corpses discovered by the people of the Sabaody Archipelago are actually only a small part of them. More bounty hunter slaves The hunters died directly in their lairs, and the hidden lairs were captured by mysterious forces.

Sabaody Archipelago is the last stop to enter the New World. All pirates who want to enter the New World need to coat on this island, and then enter the New World through The fish men island under 10,000 meters.

In other words, the pirate groups of the seven routes in the first half of the Grand Line will eventually gather on this Sabaody Archipelago.

Therefore, there are a large number of pirate groups gathered on the Sabaody Archipelago. Pirates naturally attract a large number of bounty hunters. Usually, bounty hunters need to search for the whereabouts of pirates everywhere.

But in Sabaody Archipelago, as long as you wait, there will be a steady stream of pirates appearing.

Because of the market, the need, and the connivance of Marine, there are more and more bounty hunters in Sabaody Archipelago. Based on Sabaody Archipelago, they develop Sabaody Archipelago into a lair. All kinds of means to attack, those who have fought head-on, and those who have failed to kill secretly, in short, the methods are all kinds of strange.

With the advantage of their lair, they dare to try to kill even hundreds of millions of pirates, because this is their lair, but if they hide, even hundreds of millions of pirates can't do anything about them.

What's more, it's very close to Naval Headquarters. Seeing that they are about to enter the New World, they have all kinds of thoughts and scruples, so that even if they were attacked and murdered, even if they were plotted against, they did not continue to pursue it. In the end it was all over.

But this time they were really scared. In the past, they relied on their hiding place, and they were found out one after another, and their nests were breached one after another. The other party seemed to know their course of action and their means of doing things better than they did. , so that they were crushed without any power to fight back.

If in the past, no matter how strong the opponent was, they were not opponents, but it would not be like this, but this time they really have no resistance.

After a panic and heavy casualties, some surviving bounty hunter leaders urgently investigated what was going on.

These bounty hunters were the cowards of the Sabaody Archipelago, and it was soon discovered what had happened.

But after knowing the whole story, they were so frightened that their scalps became numb, and their bodies were covered in cold sweat.

What kind of existence is the Donquixote Family, what they have understood during this period of time can no longer be understood.

In the beginning, when the Donquixote Family's business appeared in Sabaody Archipelago, the bounty hunters didn't care about him, that is, the Donquixote Family was able to do business with Celestial Dragons, which made the bounty hunters face up to the existence of the Donquixote Family.

Gradually they knew that the Donquixote Family turned out to be the boss of the dark world, with huge energy in the dark world.

In their line of work, sometimes they have to contact people in the dark world, such as obtaining information and resources, not to mention that the Donquixote Family controls a large amount of business in the Sabaody Archipelago, and Auction No. 1 even has Devil Fruit from time to time. Precious things appeared, so gradually they had some relationship with Donquixote Family.

Later the Donquixote Family became one of the Shichibukai, which didn't matter to those bounty hunters, what really made them realize the horror of the Donquixote Family was when the Donquixote Family battled the Grand Line subway blood army arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago.

When they saw the iron-blooded army of the Donquixote Family, a word popped up in their hearts, he slammed, who dares to say that the Donquixote Family is a group of pirates, Laozi is anxious to him, have you ever seen someone who is more well-trained than Marine 663 Pirates? Have you ever seen a group of pirates go to the island, instead of going to play around, they set up camp there, and the whole day is not training, but training?

After they learned about the number of these legions and the content of their training, those bounty hunters became even more afraid of the Donquixote Family.

Knowing now that it was done by the people of the Donquixote Family, everyone panicked.

Fortunately, they usually have a good relationship with the Donquixote Family, so they quickly interceded with the Donquixote Family through their relationship, and sent a lot of treasures to plead guilty, saying that they didn't know that the person who offered the reward for the Celestial Dragons was the Donquixote Family, and they would never dare again and so on.

The Donquixote Family did not respond positively, but the hunting of bounty hunters has gradually weakened a lot, especially those bounty hunters who are sensible, and the Donquixote Family no longer targets them.

Just as the bounty hunters breathed a sigh of relief, a golden light streaked across the sky and appeared over the Sabaody Archipelago Marine station.

"Oh, as a Marine, being blocked by pirates in the garrison, this is not acceptable!" This ray of light transformed into a person, and this person is the current Marine Admiral Kizaru Polusalino

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