One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 173 But Who Can Guarantee That This Is Not A Defect Deliberately Exposed By Doflamingo?

Mariejois Five Elders in the office!

After Mingge hung up the phone bug, Five Elders' complexion became more and more ugly!

"Doflamingo's getting more and more outrageous!" exasperated Five Elders, bald and mustache.

"It's actually expected. Doflamingo's arrogance has not been a day or two, and he already has the qualifications to make Garp serious. Even the Four Emperors of New World are no more than that!" White with long beard and long hair said Five Elders.

"Who would have thought that a Celestial Dragons brat who left Mariejois would reach this point!" said the blond Five Elders.

"Well, after all, adversity makes people grow. He was originally the blood of the Celestial Dragons, the blood of the descendants of the original twenty kings. If they were given the environment to grow, it would not be unimaginable that they could grow to this level. In this way, did we decide to implement the captivity plan!" Five Elders, who was wearing a kimono with a long sword in hand, said lightly.

Hearing the words of Five Elders wearing a kimono with 20 knives, the eyes of the other Five Elders all lit up.

As the descendants of the creators of the world government, Celestial Dragons are known as the nobles of the world and have unparalleled rights. Some Celestial Dragons who are not lonely will intervene in the government affairs of the world government from time to time, and many of the Celestial Dragons have indeed brought great benefits to the world government. It brought great benefits, but it also brought countless chaos and power struggles to the World government.

After the Five Elders came to power, they got the support of a certain adult to implement the captive breeding plan, hung the Celestial Dragons high, and gave them supreme rights and status, but they were raised like pigs in captivity, and the World Government All the powers of the government have been concentrated, and this is how the current Five Elders is in power.

"But Doflamingo's growing up a little too fast?" says Five Elders, a bald mustache.

"I really didn't expect that Doflamingo could grow to this point. Originally, even if his physique reached the limit, it was impossible to compare with those monsters of Kaido BIGMOM, but now it seems that his combat power may not be weaker than Kaido. It should be Devil Fruit works!" said Five Elders with long hair and beard.

"At first, I thought he was relying on an explosive move to repel Kaido, but now that he can make Garp fight seriously, he really has the combat power of Four Emperors!" said the blond Five Elders.

"Perhaps the effect of that Don Quixote boxing exercise is greater than we thought!" said Five Elders, wearing a kimono with a sword.

"Speaking of which, there is an unexpected harvest this time!" At this time, Five Elders with long hair and beard said.

"It's not wrong, at least I know what Doflamingo likes!" said Five Elders, with curly hair and flat buns.

"Do you like beautiful women? It really seems like a young man's shortcoming [but who can guarantee that this is not a shortcoming that was accidentally exposed by Doflamin's accident?" said the bald and bearded national star.

"Whether he did it on purpose or not, just try it when necessary. After all, they are just some beauties. With the ability of the world government, it is not easy to find a few beauties. There is no loss if you try!" Said the Five Elders.

"Do you think you can win Doflamingo's favor by just looking for a few vases? Check out the profile of Doflamingo's little girlfriend!" said the blond Five Elders, throwing a profile on the table.

"Well, Nico Robin? A survivor of the Ohara incident, who obtained a doctorate degree from Ohara at the age of eight, and a person with Flower-Flower Fruit abilities, doubts that he can grasp the knowledge that can interpret the historical text?" When they saw that Robin could interpret the historical text, several people Five Elders narrowed his eyes.

"Can the historical text be deciphered? Will Doflamingo..." said one of the Five Elders.

"Don't worry about this. After all, Doflamingo is a descendant of Celestial Dragons. The historical text is also a disgraceful thing for him. What's more, he has never heard of Doflamingo's search for the historical text. With his ability, if he wants to It's not that hard to find historical texts!" said another Five Elders.

"I let you read the information, not to doubt Doflamingo's idea of ​​playing the historical text. The World government has ruled the world for more than 800 years. Even if the historical text is exposed, it will not have a big impact on the World government. Although some of these things will cause some ambitious people, are there still few ambitious people in this world? What I want you to see is this Nico Robin. Apart from her beauty, she is an out-and-out academic master, and also a Flower-Flower Fruit Capable people, perhaps it is the elegant temperament of scholars and Flower-Flower Fruit capable people that attracted Doflamingo. I have never heard of it before. Doflamingo has a romantic mood. He has always been ambitious. How can it touch his heart!" said the blond Five Elders.

"In other words, do you need beauties with temperament and ability? This is not difficult. There are many in the World Government, even if there are none in the World Government, you can look for them from various countries and Marines. Speaking of Marines, there are some in Marines. There are many beauties with good temperament, such as Momousagi Gion!" Five Elders, who was holding a knife and kimono, said thoughtfully.

"That has a chance to be Marine's candidate for Admiral!" the blond Five Elders said in surprise.

"If you can tie up the flood dragon Doflamingo, you're just preparing for Admiral, after all, it's not as good as Admiral!"

"There are also some good ones among the CPs of the World government!"

Five Elders started picking beauties for Brother Ming.

In ancient dynasties, courtiers like to speculate on the king's preferences. As the saying goes, what is good at the top must be good at the bottom. Although the relationship between Brother Ming and Five Elders is not the relationship between courtiers, it is the strength of Brother Ming and the Donquixote he established. Family, enough for the Five Elders to start paying attention to him, to study his likes and dislikes.

Not only Brother Ming, but also the Four Emperors and some forces that are powerful enough to control the situation of the sea and pose a threat to the World government, they will all study it in order to control and balance the situation of the sea.

When they reach their level, they have already left fighting and killing. Long-term experience tells them that the pirates in the sea are inexhaustible, and after killing one batch, another batch will come up. First Rocks, then Roger, and now There are Four Emperors.

Therefore, they focus more on political adjustment of the situation, and only when the situation develops beyond their control, will there be a wave of harvest. .

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