One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 178, Please, Let Me Stop, Or Else, Or Else, My Brothers Will All Die


"Captain Kent, how come?"

"Kent, what are you doing?"

"No, Captain Kent!"

"Captain Kent, stop!"

Everyone in the Kent Pirates hadn't reacted yet. In just a few seconds, several pirates had blood spattered under Kent's double knives, and their bodies were cut open with long wounds by Kent's double knives. Kent's attack No mercy, completely you are attacking to kill them.

"I don't know what's going on, my body can't control it!" Kent also said with disbelief.

While speaking, his hands didn't stop moving, instead he cut into four more violently, and instantly the four pirates beside him fell under his sword.

"Hurry up and stay away from me, my body can't control it by myself, you guys run away!" Kent shouted.

"Devil Fruit ability? Bastard, when is it?"

20 "Such despicable ability, dare, dare to do this to Captain Kent!"

"Quickly avoid it!"

Everyone in the Kent Pirates exclaimed and said, the pirates around Kent also backed away one after another. As New World pirates, they had naturally seen Devil Fruit's ability, so they quickly guessed that Devil Fruit was at this time. Fruit ability caused.

But how could these pirates escape Kent's pursuit, Kent is a pirate with a reward of 370 million Baileys.

"Captain Kent, don't want it!" A pirate couldn't dodge, and was caught up by Kent in a blink of an eye. When he saw Kent appearing in front of him in an instant, he raised his two knives high and was about to slash at him. Said the pirate in panic.

"Get out of here quickly!" Kent said with panic on his face.

But although Kent's face was full of panic, he didn't show any mercy in his hands. He slashed with two swords, and the pirate's body was cut with two wounds that went deep into the bone marrow. Blood splashed out and dyed Kent's face red. It also made Kent's expression extremely panicked.

"No!" Kent exclaimed.

It's a pity that no matter how much he yelled no, his body didn't show any signs of stopping, and without any hesitation, he quickly rushed towards the partner next to him.

The speed that he is usually proud of has become a nightmare for his friends at this time. Under his extremely fast speed and knife, many of his companions fell to the ground.

"Don't do this, please stop quickly, don't let me kill my companions!" Kent begged with tears in his eyes as he swung his knife to kill his companions.

Seeing his life and death companions being beheaded by him one by one, and falling powerlessly in front of him, Kent felt incomparable pain in his heart, but he was powerless to change it. This kind of powerlessness and pain made Kent want to die , I just hope Brother Ming can make him stop, and don't let him hurt his companions.

Now Kent regretted it immensely, he shouldn't have underestimated Donquixote Family, and shouldn't have acted so arrogantly.

If they didn't know what would happen like this, and they had to do it all over again, they would still be so arrogant, because they were the Whitebeard Pirates, and the arrogance of looking down on the sea had already been ingrained in their bones.

But if he knew that this would be the result, he would never show such arrogance in front of Brother Ming, because he really couldn't bear the price.

"Hey, sure enough, this expression is correct. Seeing such an expression really makes me feel good!" Diamandi said with a smile.

"Hey, where did your arrogance go?" Torrebol said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, you should learn to be more humble in front of the young master, the young master is destined to be the king!" Qiao La said with a smile.

"Please, let me stop, or else, or else, my brothers are all going to die..." Kent cried with tears on his face.

While Kent was crying, 050 continued to kill his companions with his knife. Due to his efforts, only a few of his original twenty-odd subordinates were left intact. , When another subordinate of his companion was about to die under his sword, suddenly a sword flashed and blocked Kent's face.

The person who came raised his hand and stretched out an arm covered in black Armament Haki, and was struck by Kent.

"What are you doing Kent, stop quickly!" Someone shouted to Kent.

"Jinbei, I can't control my body, kill me quickly Jinbei, I don't want to live anymore, if this continues, I will kill all my brothers!" Kent said sadly with tears all over his face.

Kent's heart was ashamed, and he only wanted to die quickly, and he couldn't let his companion die by his hands again.

"It's really reckless, Doflamingo, are you going to fight the Whitebeard pirates?" The person who came was Jinbei, one of the Shichibukai. .

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