One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 19: Boy Luo With The Bomb

In addition to this set of 12-style body training boxing, Rosinante also valued those medicinal meals and body quenching medicinal baths, especially those body quenching medicinal liquids.

Doflamingo's training is not just a theoretical life-and-death, but a real almost-death.

Many times Rosinante was forced to train and then passed out, but when he woke up, you know what he found, he was still training after he passed out of a coma.

It turned out that after he passed out of a coma, Doflamingo actually used his ability Parasite String to control his physical training.

Parasite String can control other people's bodies, he has known for a long time, as early as when Doflamingo taught them Don Quixote Twelve Exercises, he used Parasite String to control them, and used their bodies to punch the body, thus Learn to exercise boxing in the shortest time.

But he didn't expect that Doflamingo would be so inhuman. After he passed out, he wouldn't let him rest, and even used Parasite String to control his training.

Not only is he treated like this alone, but everyone else in the Donquixote Family is also treated like this.

After a day of training, after they have injured their muscles and bones, and there is no pain anywhere in their bodies, they will be soaked in these body-hardening medicinal baths.

If ordinary people do such extreme training, their bodies will collapse within a few days, but the miracle is that after soaking in these miraculous medicinal baths, they are full of energy and completely recovered the next day.

Hao bluntly said that it was because of these miraculous medicinal baths that they were able to persist in such extreme training. Without these medicinal baths, they would have been useless under such inhuman training.

In addition to the body quenching medicinal bath, the medicinal diet also gave them great nutrition, and it was the great nutrition provided by the medicinal diet that allowed them to make such great progress in just a few months.

Rosinante can imagine how terrifying the Donquixote Family with such a complete set of systematic training will grow in the future. Thinking of this, Rosinante couldn't help feeling worried.

It's a pity that he is trained like a dead dog every day. He returns to the base in a coma every day, and falls asleep immediately after taking the medicinal bath. He doesn't have time to report these situations to Sengoku.

Time passed in such a day-to-day training. On this day, Doflamingo returned to their stronghold in the waste treatment plant with Rosinante and others who were close to coma, or in other words, who had passed out.

When Doflamingo was just approaching the stronghold, he heard Diamandi shouting, "Don't underestimate the pirates, kid!"

Doflamingo walked in and saw a boy with a hat, who was cut off by Diamandi, and the bombs he was carrying were also cut off.

"Ho ho ho, what's going on?" Looking at the boy in the hood, and the whitish white Madara hidden under his clothes, Doflamingo immediately knew it was Luo.

"Hey, Dover, you're back. This brat is carrying a bunch of bombs. He even said that he wants to join the Donquixote Family, and he doesn't seem afraid of death. He wants to beat me and become a cadre!" Diamandi said.

"You are the captain Doflamingo of the Donquixote Family? I heard that your pirate group is the strongest pirate group in North Blue. I want to join your pirate group and become a pirate. My life is not long, three years, three years I want to kill as many people as possible, and I want to destroy some!" Luo stared at Doflamingo and said.

Hearing Luo's words, Rosinante couldn't help raising his head to look at Luo. He saw the anger of hatred in Luo's eyes, and he was another kid who was dazzled by hatred.

"Ho ho ho, I like the look in your eyes very much. From your eyes, I can see that you are willing to give everything for the purpose, but it is not that simple to join the Donquixote Family and put on the name of the Donquixote Family. You You have to pass Diamandi's test first, Diamandi, and when he passes the test, bring him to me!" said Doflamingo.

After talking, Doflamingo led Rosinante and the others towards the stronghold. Rosinante and the others needed to take a medicinal bath as soon as possible.

"Understood Dover!" Diamandi replied.

"Hehehe, Dover seems to value you very much. Don't disappoint the opportunity Dover gave you. After you pass the test, maybe Dover will teach you himself!" Diamandi said.

"That's right, there are quite a few people who have joined the Donquixote Family during this period, but Baby-5 and Buffalo are the only ones who can be taught by Dover himself. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" said Torrebol on the side.

"Hmph, isn't it the same as joining the Pirates? Is there any difference? I just need to join the Pirates and kill people as soon as possible!" Luo said disdainfully.

"What's the difference? It's a big difference, do you know? There are hundreds of people joining the Donquixote Family during this period, but those are just ordinary fighters under the Donquixote Family, and accepting Dover's teachings may directly become One of the members of the four knights of diamonds, clubs, hearts, and spades directly under Dover, the treatment between the two is very different!" Torrebol said.

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