One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 215 Bigmom's Surprise

BIGMOM flew up to the sky with Leiyun Zeus, quickly came to Brother Ming, and slashed at Brother Ming vigorously with a sword.

"Dang!" Brother Ming raised his fist and punched out.

BIGMOM's sword slashed on Brother Ming's fist, and sparks flew everywhere!

"The power is still so terrifying!" Brother Ming said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

I remember the last time I was in a normal state, I was sent flying by BIGMOM.

But now under normal conditions [Ming Xuan has been able to freely receive the sword slashed by BIGMOM in anger.

This is not only because Brother Ming's strength has reached the limit of the human body, but also because Brother Ming's mental strength has improved qualitatively recently, and his control over the body and strength has reached a new height.

Just like being a Hercules, he is an ordinary farmer, and he is a boxing master are completely different things.

Brother Ming, who has soared to an extremely high level of control over his body and power, has the same power in his hands, and can easily unleash a power that is several times stronger than before. Otherwise, even if Brother Ming's body also reaches the human limit, he will not I want to be the opponent of monsters like BIGMOM. 753

You must know that BIGMOM is the scariest monster in the One Piece world. Throughout the entire One Piece world, I am afraid that there is no one more talented than BIGMOM.

If we only talk about physical talent, even Whitebeard might not be able to compare with her. Titan, who was able to fight at the age of five, was invincible. When she went crazy, she even destroyed the entire Titan village and even killed the hero of Titan village. If she Being able to get some better training from a young age, her strength will definitely not be inferior to Whitebeard.

It's just a pity that what she met was either a nun who was going to sell her for money, or a down-and-out pirate chef who was going to rely on him to call the storm.

Neither the nun nor the down-and-out pirate chef has the ability to train her, and of course he is not prepared to train him!

If it were someone else, maybe he would be an ordinary pirate for the rest of his life, and he would be just a pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions, but BIGMOM just relied on his natural talent for terror and became one of the Four Emperors. In the end, he also spelled out a huge kingdom.

Seeing Brother Ming easily take over her attack, BIGMOM's face was also slightly surprised, and she didn't expect that it was only a short period of time

Brother Ming's strength has changed so much, can he take the blow of his anger without relying on the explosive Haki?

In fact, during this period of time, BIGMOM has also heard some news about Brother Ming, from Brother Ming repelling Kaido's attack, to Brother Ming's battle with Whitebeard in New World, and even rumors that Whitebeard suffered some injuries.

Hearing the news, BIGMOM dismissed it. BIGMOM, who had fought with Brother Ming, felt that he knew a certain amount about Brother Ming. Although Brother Ming was very good, he was not at the level of a monster after all.

In the last battle, the reason why Brother Ming was able to fight BIGMOM to that extent was not because of how strong Brother Ming was, nor was it because of how powerful Brother Ming was, it was entirely because of the explosive potential of that move Move support.

But potential is potential after all, no matter how much it is stimulated, there will always be a time when it will run out, and Brother Ming will not let her deal with it at that time.

From BIGMOM's point of view, even if Brother Ming really repelled Kaido and the news of his battle with Whitebeard is true, it is only by relying on that move to stimulate his potential and gain (cacf) powerful strength for a short time.

In BIGMOM's eyes, apart from that move with explosive potential, Brother Ming is nothing.

But now Brother Ming actually took his own attack without stimulating his potential, and he didn't seem to be too embarrassed, which really surprised BIGMOM.

"I said how dare you aim at Wan Guo. It turns out that you have broken through to the limit, but do you think that you are qualified to challenge me?" BIGMOM said coldly

Being able to take her own attack, brother Ming's strength has indeed become stronger, and her body has reached the limit of the human body, but so what, she is Four Emperors BIGMOM, if you think you can become the ultimate strong, you can use her as your If it is the goal, then it is a big mistake.

"I think I can!"

"And I can still beat you!" Brother Ming said with a faint smile, and at the same time he raised his fist hard, pushing BIGMOM away for a distance.

"Doflamingo, you are too arrogant, don't think that you can be self-righteous because you are the ultimate strongman, I will tell you, I am a different dimension from you, I am Four Emperors BIGMOM!" BIGMOM shouted!

Although Brother Ming's strength has improved greatly now, and his body has reached the strongest human limit in the world of One Piece, but BIGMOM does not think that Brother Ming can become his opponent. The limit of the human body is also very different from the limit of the human body. Ordinary people cannot compete with monsters , This is the difference between ordinary people and Four Emperors.

Just like the current Marine three Admirals are all at the limit of the human body, reaching the pinnacle of this world, and even the three Logia Demon fruit power, but there is still a big gap between their strength and the Four Emperors.

After speaking, BIGMOM raised his sword again to kill Brother Ming. A powerful Armament Haki had condensed on her sword, and at the same time, an extremely terrifying strange force erupted from her body.

BIGMOM, who showed his true strength, was like a prehistoric beast in human skin. He slashed over with a sword, and made a violent sound, as if the air was blown up by her, with unparalleled strength. The testicles are cut towards Mingshi. .

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