At the same time as BIGMOM charged towards Brother Ming, black flames emerged from Brother Ming's body, the air was distorted by this flame, and the momentum on Brother Ming also skyrocketed

In the next moment Brother Ming's feet moved, and in an instant the ground under his feet was cracked by his stepping on it. Then he looked like he had appeared in BIGMOM, and punched BIGMOM fiercely.

When Brother Ming moved, BIGMOM also punched forward at the same time, wrapping the extremely hot flame of Prometheus on her fist, and with BIGMOM's punch, the fierce flame formed a giant pillar of flame , violently charged towards Brother Ming.

Brother Ming punched out, his fist was covered with a mass of armed flames, and before he even touched the flames, the Armament Haki that punched out from the fist had already collided with the flames.

The mighty Armament Haki tore through the flames to rush towards BIGMOM, but BIGMOM also injected powerful soul power into Prometheus at the same time.

This fireball Prometheus is Homiz made from BIGMOM's soul. Usually it looks like a harmless little fireball, but once a lot of soul power is injected into him, the flame power on him will explode instantly. open.

So the power of Prometheus' flame depends entirely on the amount of soul power injected by BIGMOM. The stronger the soul power injected, the greater the power.

Now, with BIGMOM's frantic injection of soul power, the power of Prometheus' pillar of fire soared, and he counterattacked Brother Ming.

The temperature on this giant pillar of flames is so high that the whole air is distorted. If ordinary people get even a little bit contaminated, they will be burnt to ashes immediately, but Brother Ming is naturally not an ordinary person.

Brother Ming cast Haki's eternal existence, and all the potential Armament Haki in his body exploded. Speaking of Armament Haki, even Garp is not as strong as Brother Ming now. The terrifying Armament Haki hits the huge pillar of Hokage, constantly tearing apart the huge pillar of flames To press towards BIGMOM, BIGMOM also did not dare to show weakness, constantly injecting soul power into Prometheus.

The two are constantly improving their own strength, the flame giant pillar and Haki are constantly inspiring and colliding, and the two forces that make people feel terrifying are constantly holding on in the air.

In the end, Brother Ming's explosive power became even stronger, the power on his fists continuously tore apart the giant pillar of flames, and pressed towards BIGMOM, causing BIGMOM's expression to change

"Crackling!" Seeing that Brother Ming's Armament Haki was about to overwhelm the flames, Thundercloud Zeus under BIGMOM shot out a lot of thunder and lightning towards Brother Ming, and Brother Ming had to step back, avoiding one after another thunder and lightning.

While Brother Ming retreated, the thunder and lightning on the thunder cloud under BIGMOM kept chasing Brother Ming, and Brother Ming dodged and dodged the attacks of these thunder and lightning.

After one blow, both BIGMOM and Brother Ming's expressions were very serious.

Brother Ming felt that he still underestimated BIGMOM. He felt that after the qualitative change in his mental strength, his own strength had greatly improved, and it should be easy to win BIGMOM. possible.

BIGMOM's face is also unprecedentedly dignified. Originally, BIGMOM felt that no matter how strong Brother Ming is, as long as he uses all his strength, Brother Ming will never be his opponent. But just now, Brother Ming's punch made BIGMOM feel, I actually lost in terms of strength, which made BIGMOM truly realize that this person in front of him is very dangerous, if he doesn't try his best, he will die!

After realizing this, BIGMOM's face was extremely ugly. How many years had he not worked hard? How could such a little devil in front of him force him to work hard? How could this not make her face ugly and angry?

The more BIGMOM thought about it, the angrier he became, and he grabbed the long sword in his hand and slashed at Brother Ming frantically.

"Although after the qualitative change, Haki's long-term waste will be much less, and Haki's long-term existence will be longer, but after all, he can't fight for a long time. It's better to end this battle as soon as possible, so as not to capsize in the gutter , it's ugly!" Ming Ge said lightly.

After the mental power has been greatly improved, the control of the body and strength has been greatly improved, and the waste caused by the 590 explosion of Haki's long-term storage has been greatly reduced. Before using Haki for an hour or two, the potential power must be exhausted. This is not counted. consumption during combat.

And now Haki's permanent state can last for a whole day. Of course, this is not in a state of fierce battle, like the battle against the Four Emperors. Even now, Brother Ming can only guarantee it to last for four or five hours at most.

Well, Haki's long-term survival is not a move for long-term fighting. It is already very remarkable to be able to last for such a long time, unless Brother Ming's potential power is endless.

With Brother Ming's current strength and Haki's longevity, it is not difficult to defeat BIGMOM within four or five hours, but it is not easy. In order to avoid accidents, Brother Ming decided to use the one-stroke mystery that he just completed!

"Jun's Landing!" Brother Ming's eyes flashed, and he shouted lightly.

An extremely domineering aura emanated from Brother Ming's body. This terrifying aura made BIGMOM, who came to kill Brother Ming, show a frightened expression on his face. .

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