One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 222, Craving For Food? Doflamingo Indeed

"Doflamingo!" Just as Mingo was intimidating everyone in the Charlotte family, an extremely angry voice came from BIGMOM who was smashed to the ground.

At first, Brother Ming hit BIGMOM with a punch that really hit BIGMOM hard. At that time, Brother Ming's attack was so fast that BIGMOM was hit by the punch before he could even react, and he vomited blood directly.

However, the next blow was not as severe as what everyone saw. After regaining consciousness, BIGMOM had already used Armament Haki to protect himself, so although the ground looked sunken and collapsed, the damage he received was not as serious as the first blow. Heavy.

With the powerful Armament Haki protection, coupled with BIGMOM's steel balloon physique, although Brother Ming's attack caused some injuries to BI "417" GMOM, he quickly stood up again slowly.

"Mama!" Seeing the aunt standing up again, everyone in the Charlotte family showed joyful expressions.

From Brother Ming's glance just now, everyone in the Charlotte family understands that the only person in the world who can compete with Brother Mingo is their aunt. Then the world is really over!

But when they saw BIGMOM's state at this time, all the people present were worried again.

BIGMOM's body didn't seem to have suffered any injuries, but her eyes turned blood red at this time.

"how come?"

"Could it be that Mama's cravings have flared up?"

"Damn why this is the time!" Seeing this state, all the BIGMOM Charlotte family couldn't help exclaiming.

Everyone in the Charlotte family is very familiar with this situation. This state is exactly the same as when the aunt suffered from food cravings, and everyone couldn't help but wonder if the aunt had an attack of food cravings.

"Doflamingo!" BIGMOM looked at Brother Ming with blood-red eyes, and finally let out a roar. At the same time, he grabbed Napoleon's long sword and held the sword in both hands, angrily hitting Brother Ming.

This furious slash fully demonstrated BIGMOM's terrifying strange power, a sword slashed out, a roar sounded, the air under the sword was shattered, and he slashed towards Brother Ming with the momentum of Mount Tai.

Faced with such a terrifying slash by BIGMOM, even a pirate at the Shichibukai level would be shocked. Unfortunately, she is facing Brother Ming now.

I didn't see how he moved, and his body disappeared under BIGMOM's sword in an instant, easily dodging BGMOM's attack.

"Doflamingo!" BIGMOM shouted angrily, the long sword in his hand slashed out like a storm, and a dense sword curtain was formed by the swing of the long sword, covering Brother Ming, leaving Brother Ming nowhere to hide.

But Brother Ming can always easily find a flaw in the dense sword screen, thus easily avoiding all the slashing attacks of BIGMOM. It looks like a small boat in a storm that may capsize at any time, but it seems like two The world is ordinary, there is no way to affect Brother Ming, even if BIGMOM attacks wildly, but still can't touch a trace of Brother Ming's clothes.

"You have enough attacks, it's my turn, give me a punch!" Brother Ming disappeared under BIGMOM's sword again, and then appeared next to BIGMOM, and at the same time he had once again Punch in BIGMOM's face.

But at the same time that Brother Ming's punch hit BIGMOM's face, BIGMOM's face also showed an extremely strong Armament Haki blocked Brother Ming's fist

Brother Ming's speed is beyond imagination, even BIGMOM's Observation Haki can't perceive the signs of Brother Ming, especially now, the fury makes BIGMOM lose his mind, I'm afraid even Observation Haki can't use it!

But in this state, BIGMOM has a terrible intuition. He just sensed the danger with a beast-like intuition. He sensed Brother Ming's attack the moment he attacked, and made the most appropriate response. ..0

Even with the protection of Armament Haki, BIGMOM was punched by Brother Ming and his head was turned to the other side, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding again.

BIGMOM resisted Brother Ming's fist, and glared fiercely at Brother Ming!

"Oh, what a scary look!" Brother Ming sneered and punched hard with his fist, BIGMOM was hit hard to the ground, his head hit the ground hard, the ground continued to crack, BIGMOM's head The beaten fell heavily into the ground.

"Damn it!" BIGMOM's angry voice resounded, and the ground was cracked again by a terrifying force, and Akira retreated in a flash.

BIGMOM tore open the ground and charged towards Brother Ming, her eyes became even more blood red, and she kept shouting Doflamingo.

Now she has only one Doflamingo in her eyes, as if she is willing to tear Brother Ming to pieces.

"It has completely turned into a wild beast. It seems that stronger power is needed to subdue this terrifying beast!" Brother Ming still said calmly. sanity.

Talking brother Ming had already disappeared in place in a flash, and at the same time hit BIGMOM3.0 with a punch.

Under Brother Ming's punch, BIGMOM's body was deformed, and the terrifying force took her to fly backwards, but in an instant, Brother Ming appeared on the route of BIGMOM's backward flight, and hit BIGMOM's back with an elbow. set, will fly high into the sky.

With a flash of his body, Brother Ming caught up with BIGMOM, and flashed in the shape of a hexagram centered on BIGMOM in the air. Fist after fist hit BIGMOM continuously, causing her to vomit blood frequently.

In the end, Brother Ming hit BIGMOM fiercely with his kick. BIGMOM turned into a rocket and shot at the cake island in an instant. The whole cake island vibrated, the ground cracked in a large area, and the terrifying energy exploded. .

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