One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 225 It's Up To You To Do The Work

Seeing blood splatter on BIGMOM's body, and even many flying swords pierced into BIGMOM's body directly, all the members of the Charlotte family opened their mouths in shock, and now they can't even speak words of surprise.

How could it be possible, Mama has the title of steel balloon, and has the ability to withstand most people's swords, muskets, and even shells even without Armament Haki's defense, but in front of these flying swords of Brother Ming, Mama is like paper Like a paste, it is easy to cut through the skin, and even directly penetrate into the body, only a direct piercing through the heart

If it's one or two, it's okay, how could Doflamingo make thousands of flying swords have such terrible destructive power? Isn't it too scary? Such a large number

With such terrifying power, who in the world can stop it?

"Oh, it looks like it's over!" Baby-5 said.

"It's really scary, with such a dense attack, such terrifying power, and such a speed, I'm afraid no one can block the young master's move except for those with Logia fruit ability!" Grano said.

"Even if it is Logia Demon fruit power, it may not be able to block this move. 017, with the ability of the young master, Armament Haki can be applied to these flying swords!

Enel said lightly.

"Isn't even your speed able to dodge?" Granose asked suspiciously.

Brother Ming's flying swords are fast, but at the speed of Enel's lightning, they should be dodgeable!

"Stupid, although it is not difficult to dodge these flying swords, the difficult thing is the young master behind the flying swords. With the young master's current state, no matter how you dodge, no matter how fast you are, it is impossible to escape the young master's flying sword attack. The young master can control so many flying swords, and with his calculation ability, he can completely set up a game, and it will be useless for you to hide, and even make you have to collide with flying swords!" Enel said.

Although he is far away from Cake Island, but with his powerful Observation Haki, he definitely understands Brother Ming better than anyone else. Perhaps only Katakuri in the field can understand Brother Ming's horror better than him!

"Doflamingo!" Even with more than a dozen swords inserted into his body, BIGMOM's momentum remained undiminished. Even the swords inserted into his body and the sword wounds on her body seemed to be no hindrance to her, and he was still furious. Brother Ming roared.

Seeing that BIGMOM has suffered such serious injuries and his strength is still not weakening, everyone in the Charlotte family can't help rekindling hope, but at this time Katakuri really said with a gloomy face: "It's over!"

As soon as Katakuri's words fell, the sword stabbing into BIGMOM's body suddenly changed its form. The long sword that looked like steel turned into countless lines, and even BIGMOM's body also pierced many lines, and these lines interspersed and connected with each other. Get up and tie up BIGMOM's whole body.

At the same time, more and more swords flew over, piercing into BIGMOM's body, and then transformed into threads and bound towards BIGMOM.

In a blink of an eye, BIGMOM's whole body was bound up densely with threads, these threads were extremely tough, one or two BIGMOM could be torn apart, but even BIGMOM couldn't be torn apart if there were too many threads.

Moreover, these threads penetrate into BIGMOM's body, as if taking root in BIGMOM's body. If BIGMOM wants to tear off these threads completely, he has to hurt his own body, even the internal organs.

At the same time, these threads also draw her power from BIGMOM's body. After a while, BIG(cafh) MOM's physical strength is emptied by these threads. There are too many threads. Even BIGMOM's recovery power cannot compare to the speed of these threads. BIGMOM The body trembled and collapsed to the ground.

"Mama!" Seeing this situation, everyone in the Charlotte family exclaimed, and Perot and the others rushed directly to BIGMOM.

"Shh! Be quiet!" Brother Ming raised a finger in front of the corner of his mouth, and said calmly to the rushing Charlotte family members.

Brother Ming just said a few words lightly, but in the ears of everyone in the Charlotte family, it was like a big bell ringing in their ears, or rather, it directly rushed into their souls and rang in their souls Toru, just two words shocked their souls, stagnated their thinking, made them pale and stopped all actions.

"San Tang, it's your turn to work!" Brother Ming said lightly, but the people in the distance could hear clearly.

So Buffalo immediately flew over with everyone.

"Young master, we are here!" Sandu and a few people jumped down and said.

"Let's get started!" Brother Ming said.

"Understood!" Sato said, and Sato walked towards BIGMOM while talking.

"What do you want!"

"Doflamingo, what do you want!" Seeing Grano walking towards BIGMOM, although they didn't know what Grano was going to do, a bad feeling came to their hearts.

"Shh!" Brother Ming raised a finger again in a hush motion, making everyone quiet.

At this time, Granu came to BIGMOM's side, and BIGMOM was already spread out on the ground. Granu pressed one hand on BIGMOM's body, and BIGMOM's body began to become distorted.

Sweat profusely poured out from Granu's forehead. With Granu's current ability, it is no problem to turn BIGMOM into an ordinary toy, but it is still too reluctant to turn BIGMOM into a demon toy.

"It seems that it's not that easy, let me help you!" Brother Ming said.

After Brother Ming finished speaking, the few wires inserted into BIGMOM's body flew up and were inserted into Granu's body. Grano immediately felt a terrifying force enter her body.

"Touch!" A huge doll appeared in front of everyone. .

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