One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 306 I Don't Want To Fight Desperately With You Old Guy, I Found You An Opponent!

The huge flaming lava fist hit everyone in the Donquixote Family. Before the fist arrived, everyone in Don Quixote felt the blazing heat from the lava fist, which made their expressions change.

"Is this the ability of Marine Admiral Akainu?" Even Klocke Dar's face changed at this time, also because of the Logia Demon fruit power, Akainu's power is much stronger than him.

"Marine Admiral Akainu, what are you really planning to do? I'm about to hold a banquet to celebrate the victory of the Kingdom of Nations. Are you going to light candles and set off fireworks at my banquet?" Brother Ming raised his head and said with a smile.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and pushed it out with a palm. Immediately, Akainu's Great Eruption was blocked by an invisible Armament Haki, and there was no way to push it forward.

"Humph!" Brother Ming snorted coldly, pinching his five fingers, and Akainu's Great Eruption burst apart inch by inch as if being crushed by an invisible force.

"Huh?" Akainu's expression changed, and he withdrew his fist instantly, separating his arm from Great Eruption.

At the same time that Akainu's arm was separated from the Great Eruption, the Great Eruption seemed to be crushed by a terrifying force, to be precise, it was crushed from the inside!

"I have to say, the ability of Lava-Lava Fruit is really suitable for doing these things!" Mingo said lightly

"Hmph, I will light candles in front of your grave!" Seeing that the attack was crushed by Brother Ming's Haki, Akainu was not reconciled, stepped on the air, snorted coldly and continued to attack Brother Ming.

The moment Akainu's kick was kicked out, the lava that had turned into a powerful heat attacked Brother Ming.

"If you want to light candles in front of my grave, you are ten thousand years too early!" Brother Ming pushed out with his palm again, without touching Akainu "Chiju felt a powerful Haki impact on his body.

Akainu's face changed, this force was beyond his imagination, it directly impacted into his body, knocking him down involuntarily.

Akainu, who fell out, had some bloodline flowing from the corner of his mouth, and he was injured a little bit by the palm just now.

But Brother Ming's attack didn't end there, I saw that the palm that Brother Ming had just pushed out flipped and pressed down, and a sharp sword appeared above Akainu, and it flew towards Akainu.

"Ah!" The flying sword was extremely fast and shot down extremely densely. In addition, Akainu's body was being hit and fell backwards. There was no way to dodge it. In an instant, Akainu's body was covered with flying swords.

"Wash!" At this moment, a soft shout sounded, and Akainu, together with the flying sword that stabbed him, was left to dry on the clothes rack.

This is exactly the fruit-washing ability of Crane Vice Admiral. Although his move washed Akainu together, it also neutralized the damage of the flying sword to Akainu at the same time!

At the same time, a figure flew out and punched Brother Ming, and Brother Ming also punched at the same time.

The fists of the two collided together, and an incomparably terrifying force overflowed in an instant.

The overflowing terrifying power forced everyone in the Donquixote Family to retreat far away, only BIGMOM stood there motionless.

When everyone in the Donquixote Family stood still and looked at the attacking person again, they all said in shock: Marine hero Garp!"

"Why, is it your turn, old Marine, to go all out?" Brother Ming looked at Garp and said with a smile.

"Doflamingo, you are very dangerous. For the sake of the Marine, for the peace of the sea, if it is possible to pull you down, even a desperate old man will not hesitate!" Garp said with a serious face.

"Ho ho, it's a pity that I, I don't want to fight desperately with you old guy, I found you an opponent!" Brother Ming said with a faint smile.

0 looking for flowers......

"Come on, attack Garp!" At the same time, Granose shouted at BIGMOM.

Under Granu's order, BIGMOM's heart was full of reluctance, but his body uncontrollably rushed towards Garp.

When BIGMOM approached, Garp's eyes narrowed. Although he didn't remember BIGMOM, although he didn't know what was going on with this toy, he felt danger from this toy doll.

When Garp realized this, BIGMOM was already in front of him, punching him, and immediately gave up competing with Brother Ming, raising his hand to block BIGMOM's attack.

"Boom!" BIGMOM's attack hit Garp's arm, Garp was hit and flew sideways backwards.

"Vice Admiral Garp was shot?"

"How is it possible? How could a toy doll have such power?"

"What the hell is this toy?" The Marines were all confused.

Akainu who had recovered, as well as Kizaru and Tsuru also opened their eyes wide in shock.

Garp flew out, and soon came back on the Moonwalk. Although BIGMOM's attack was powerful, it couldn't hurt him.

With the strength of Garp Armament Haki, unless the opponent's Armament Haki is stronger than Garp, no matter how powerful it is, it can only knock him into the air, but not cause real damage. Another thing is that in the original book, Garp puts water, and Luffy can beat him until he bleeds.

"With such strength, are you that Four Emperors BIGMOM!" Garp said in surprise. .

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