One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 313 The Sea Shakes, Shichibukai And The Four Emperors' Reaction

As soon as the news of Doflamingo's removal from Shichibukai came out, it immediately caused a shock in the whole sea.

Since the establishment of Shichibukai, in a short period of time, two Shichibukai including Doflamingo were pulled down from the throne of Shichibukai.

The last time Locke Dar was revoked from Shichibukai's position, and no replacement has been found yet. This time Doflamingo was pulled down from Shichibukai's throne again, which greatly reduced Shichibukai's prestige.

"What the hell is the World government planning? They revoked two Shichibukai one after another. Last time, Klocke Dar had an explanation, but this time there is no explanation at all!" One of the Shichibukai, Pirate Queen Hancock threw a newspaper on the ground and was cold said coldly.

The World government revoked Shichibukai one after another, which also made the rest of the Shichibukai very dissatisfied. You must know that although the World government published the news of revoking Doflamingo Qi 20 Wuhai's position in the newspaper this time, it did not mention any reason, which inevitably made other Shichibukai feel dissatisfied. Shichibukai wondered what the world government and Marine were doing.

"Hee hee hee, Doflamingo won the IWC. Could it be that this matter caused the dissatisfaction of the World government? But IWN was originally a kingdom of pirates. Is there anything weird about Doflamingo's taking down the IWN? It seems that there is It is necessary for someone to investigate." Moria, who is in the Devil's Triangle, looked at the newspaper and said suspiciously.

Although Brother Ming won the Wan Guo, but because the memory of BIGMOM was erased, the Wan Guo incident became less important, so although many people knew that the Donquixote Family took the Wan Guo, even newspapers reported it This matter did not cause any sensation.

Many proud guys like Hancock, although secretly surprised that Doflamingo won such a huge kingdom, also sneered, it was just a kingdom of pirates.

Although Katakuri in BIGMOM Pirates is strong, they are not invincible!

Katakuri's bounty and strength are very high, but after all, he is not the captain. He was suppressed by a BIGMOM earlier on his head, and his reputation is not high, so the Shichibukai-level pirates don't take him seriously. After all They are captains.

Now that BIGMOM is gone, Katakuri's fame is even more dispensable, so the world ignores him.

"Doflamingo? Wanguo? It seems that something has been forgotten, no matter, Doflamingo will crush you sooner or later, hasn't the man-made Devil Fruit been delivered yet?" Kaido asked.

Kaido's angry shout shook the entire cave, and made his subordinates tremble in fear.

"Boss Kaido is drunk again." A cadre said with a very serious face. Although Kaido is not as scary as aunt's cravings when drunk, it is almost the same.

"Has Doflamingo been revoked Shichibukai? That guy is not a subservient existence, and it will happen sooner or later, so don't worry too much!" Whitebeard in the Whitebeard Pirates heard Marko's report.

"Dad, there is one more thing. Recently, Doflamingo is in the IWC he just won, and he sent invitations to newspapers all over the world saying that there is an important thing to announce!" Marko said.

"Huh? It seems that a big event has happened. That guy has never been a fuel-efficient lamp. This time, through the trade with Wan Guo, he sent a large number of troops into Wan Guo silently, and then easily won the huge territory of the entire Wan Guo Sea. , I have to say that Doflamingo is sinister enough and cunning enough, he is really a difficult guy to deal with." Whitebeard said.

The last time I fought Mingo, let Whitebeard know that Mingo's strength can definitely be compared with the so-called Four Emperors, and Doflamingo has united with the Whitebeard pirates, so the Whitebeard pirates are still very concerned about Mingo .

"Indeed, this time, the Donquixote Family won the IWC with almost no effort, and subdued the Charlotte family of the IWL, and their strength increased all of a sudden. This may be why the World government revoked the position of Doflamingo Shichibukai, because Doflamingo won Wanguo, with Wanuo as the foundation, and the resources of Donquixote Family in the four seas, Wanguo will grow rapidly, and by the time of 703, even the World government will be afraid of Donquixote Family." Marko said analytically.

"Marco, let people always pay attention to the movements of Doflamingo and IWC!" Whitebeard said.

"Dad!" Marko looked at Whitebeard worriedly.

He knew that Whitebeard would not just let it go with Doflamingo, but Marco was worried about Whitebeard's body, Mingo is not the kind of character that can be taken casually, and Whitebeard suffered a lot of injuries last time. .

"Go ahead, while I can still move, I will help you solve this hidden danger. In a few years, maybe even if you want to avenge Kent and the others, you won't be able to move anymore!" Whitebeard said.

On the other side, the boat of Four Emperors red-haired Shanks is having a banquet.

"Doflamingo and Wanguo? It's not an easy role!" Redhead Shanks said with a smile.

"About Wan Guo, I discovered a shocking thing!" Red Hair Pirates' deputy captain, Ben Baker said with a sparkle in his eyes. .

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