One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 317, The Framework Of The Don Quixote Dynasty

"What the hell is that kid Doflamingo going to do?" Even before the newspapers reported it, the World government had already got the news that the Donquixote Family was going to establish a country and became the Don Quixote Dynasty.

Ever since the Donquixote Family sent out invitations to all parts of the world, saying that they would release important news, the World government has been paying close attention to the Wan Guo and the Donquixote Family, and sent a large number of spies to the Wan Guo Cake Island.

You must know that Doflamingo is still in control of the news of the World government's great secret treasure. If Doflamingo is angry that the World government revokes his Shichibukai status and cracks down on his business in the four seas, and announces this secret, it will be very detrimental to the World government, so They are paying close attention to the news that Donquixote Family is going to release this time, and once the news is leaked by Doflamingo "783", they must take action.

But now it seems that Doflamingo still has some sense of propriety, and did not leak the news of the great national treasure, but what happened to the announcement of the founding of the country? Could it be that Doflamingo is tired of being a pirate and wants to build a kingdom and be the king himself ?

A kingdom is not something that can be established just because it is built. There are so many islands in this world. If one island is counted as one country, there are at least thousands or thousands of countries in the world, but in fact, there are only two countries that are truly recognized. Less than 100 countries that have joined the World Government, and a few established non-World Government countries have been recognized, and the rest are based on villages and towns.

Or the island to call it!.

Because the world's largest political body is the world government, only countries recognized by the world government will be recognized by the world.

Since the establishment of the World Government for 800 years, only a few truly powerful non-World Government countries have been recognized by the World Government, and the rest want to be recognized by the World Government, they must join the World Government and become a member country of the World Government Even so, the World government has to consider whether the country's strength, population and culture are up to standard.

Obviously, Doflamingo will not join the World government, because he established a kingdom and principality that is different from the rules of the World government. It is a dynasty system, and it is obviously impossible for a dynasty above a kingdom to be recognized by the World government.

"Is it really to announce his status as Four Emperors to the world?" a Five Elders asked suspiciously.

"Impossible, with his strength, there is absolutely no need to do this. He is naturally a Four Emperors!" Another Five Elders said.

"Maybe he wants to be recognized quickly, after all, because BIGMOM's memory has been erased, no one in the world knows that he defeated a Four Emperors, and wants to become a real Four Emperors, but he is still slightly inferior in prestige !” said one of the Five Elders.

"If it's just to declare his status as Four Emperors, don't worry, but if you have other ideas, it will be troublesome!" said a Five Elders.

"It is absolutely impossible to see another empire rise!" said Five Elders holding a sword with an extremely stern look in his eyes.

When the newspaper published it the next day, it didn’t cause as much sensation as the reporters expected, especially in New World, Kaido and Whitebeard knew more or less about Brother Ming’s strength, and Kaido also needed Brother Ming’s man-made Devil Fruit. Now he plans to turn against Brother Ming, and the red hair already knows the existence of BIGMOM, and knows that Brother Ming can defeat BIGMOM and already has the strength of the Four Emperors.

None of the Four Emperors spoke, so when the report came out, New World was very calm. In other words, they were all waiting for the reaction of the sea emperors.

On the contrary, the first half of the Great Navigation Road is even more sensational!

Not to mention the major franchise countries of the World government. Although there were many countries in the world in the past, none of them dared to call themselves a dynasty. Now a dynasty suddenly appeared, as if a big country suddenly appeared overhead, which made them very opposed.

Many big countries even clamored that they would not recognize the existence of the Don Quixote Dynasty, and even wanted to unite to attack the Don Quixote Dynasty.

Shichibukai, and the other pirate groups are even more dissatisfied. Ever since the title of Emperor of the Sea appeared, the Emperor has represented the Emperor of the Sea. Now the country established by Doflamingo dares to be called the Emperor. The pirates are gearing up to attack all nations.

But now the Donquixote Family doesn't care about the disturbances from the outside world. They are busy with their feet on the ground. A large number of businesses in the world need to be redeployed. Before the real founding of the country, there are still various things that need to be prepared. Institutions, the enactment of titles, etc.

Brother Ming needs to be responsible for formulating the framework of the entire dynasty, but there are countless frameworks of dynasties in Ming's mind.

After combining the pros and cons, the political system of the Don Quixote dynasty soon appeared in front of everyone, and Doflamingo also formulated the constitution of the Don Quixote dynasty.

In the first article of the constitution of the Don Quixote dynasty, it clearly pointed out that the emperor of the Don Quixote dynasty, Don Quixote. Doflamingo has the supreme power of the dynasty, absolute military and political rights, and the authority over the entire Tang Quixote. The Hede Dynasty had the right of life and death, and had the right to pardon criminals and dismiss noble officials.

The framework of the Don Quixote dynasty is divided into three major systems: military, political, and legal, which are called the military department, the political department, and the legal department.

These three systems have their own responsibilities and strengths, and are independent of each other, and cannot interfere with each other. Only Doflamingo can control the three systems of military, politics and law at the same time, and he has the final interpretation of the constitution.

In addition, the Don Quixote Dynasty also has nobles and royal families. All cadres of the original Don Quixote family will be pardoned as nobles. You can choose to hold an important position in one of the three departments of military politics and law.

The nobles of the Don Quixote dynasty are all pirates, so most of them chose to serve in the military department. Only Torrebol was appointed as the Minister of Commerce of the Political Department, and Diamandi was appointed as the Minister of Finance of the Political Department. The Khad dynasty needs to re-elect a large number of political personnel.

Most of the political personnel will be selected from Don Quixote's warriors from all over the world. You must know that Donquixote Family's warriors are not just those who can only fight.

As for the royal family of the Don Quixote Dynasty, there is only Rosinante besides Brother Ming. .

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