One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 251 I Smell Mice!

"Go back to port, Tom's verdict is coming"

At the port of the Water City, a large number of people from the Water City gathered. At the same time, a tall ship slowly docked. It was the ship of the World Government Enies Lobby.

"Hurry up, there are almost no auditorium seats!"

"Be sure to witness the moment when he was acquitted."

"Judicial ship, World government mobile court, it seems that this Mr. Tom is charged with a lot of crimes!" Luo said lightly.

"Ho ho ho, what about the crime, building a ship for One Piece Roger, so that he can complete a lap of the great voyage?" Mingo said with a faint smile.

"One Piece Roger's ship? He built the Oro Jackson? He is still alive?" Luo said in surprise.

You must know that after Roger was executed, the World government began to search for everything about Roger. All those who helped Roger will be convicted of crimes and will be found and executed by the World government.

"Tom was originally going to be sentenced, but during the trial, he proposed to build a sea train, so he was suspended. Today is the day for his re-judgment, but because of the sea train, today he should be revoked. Well, after all, he built a miraculous sea train, and it is because of him that the water capital and the nearby islands are prosperous today." Hearing Luo's exclamation, someone nearby explained to Luo Said.

"Cancellation? Ho ho ho maybe!" Brother Ming said casually.

"Young master, think that the variable is heavy.

"I can smell mice!" Brother Ming said with a smile.

"Ahaha, I seem to have heard some interesting things!" Enel also said with a smile.

"Huh?" At this moment, Luo's face froze for a moment, and there was a sound of shells, and a shell hit Enies Lobby's boat. The shell exploded on the justice ship, causing a panic, and then shells shot at The judicial ship hit and set off an explosion.

"What's the matter with the cannonball?"

"Who attacked the justice ship!"

"Get off the boat!"

"Could it be a pirate attack?" The people shouted in panic because of the sudden explosion.

Many people who entered the judicial ship and were about to observe the trial of Tom by the judicial judge ran down from the judicial ship in panic.

"Damn it, where is the shelling coming from?" The whole pier panicked.

"Look, there!" At this time, a big man pointed to the sea and said.

"What kind of fleet is that?" Following the fingers of the big man, gunboats appeared in the sea, constantly bombarding the judicial ship.

"I've never seen a warship, where are the pirates from?"

"What's with those ships that are full of weapons?"

"Run, hurry back to the city."

Many people risked to run down from the judicial boat. Under the threat of shells, they ran desperately, so it became a stampede, and some children even fell to the ground.

"Why?" At the same time, Franky, who came to the street to buy vegetables, saw these gunboats, his eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He couldn't be more familiar with these gunboats. These gunboats were the gunboats he studied and built himself, and hid them in Hulk Island.

0 looking for flowers......

"Who is, is, using my boat?" Franky's face was full of disbelief.

"Damn it, I can't forgive it, who is messing around with my ship!" Franky looked at the judicial ship that was constantly being bombarded, and the people on the pier who were injured by the shelling

He ran towards Hulk Island angrily, preparing to use his remaining gunboats to organize these things. You must know that the gunboats he made are not only these few.

"Ahaha, these gunships seem to be very good. Although they are small, they have a lot of firepower. If they are modified, they might be able to be used in New World!" Enel said with a smile.


"Someone dares to attack the judicial ship? This is provoking the World Government!" Luo was surprised that someone dared to attack the World Government's judicial ship.

This is not the New World. In the first half of the Four Seas and the Great Navigation Road, the World Government still has great prestige. Even if pirates attack the Marine, they would not dare to attack the ships of the World Government.

You must know that attacking Marine is still hostile. It is natural for pirate Marine to be hostile, but attacking a World Government ship is equivalent to provoking the entire World Government, which will cause a strong counterattack from World Government Marine.

"Ho ho ho, it's just a trick of the mouse!" Brother Ming said lightly.

"Ahaha, I heard someone say that this is an inevitable sacrifice for justice!" Enel said with a smile.

"The young master is saying that this is a play directed and acted by the World Government? But why?" Luo asked in surprise.

"Ho ho ho, don't you know after reading it?" Brother Ming said lightly. .

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