One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 255 The World Government Can't Control The Don Quixote Dynasty

"Franky!" Tom's voice sounded at this moment, making Franky stop.

Franky turned his head and saw that although Tom was cut off from the chest, he didn't look in pain at all, and the wound didn't even flow out of blood.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"How did my body get cut in half?"

"What about my body? Why do I only have a head left? Am I dead? I don't want it!"

"Hey, isn't that my body? My head and body were cut in half and I'm still alive?"

Although the person who was cut in half was not in pain, he was almost scared to death. He was surprised that his body was cut in half but he was still alive. What happened.

"Is this the Devil Fruit ability?" Spandam said in the same shock.

After all, Spandam is a member of the CP organization. He knows more than others, and immediately thought of Devil Fruit's ability.

"Baton!" At this moment, Luo raised his fingers, and the position where Tom's body was cut open, 853, happened to be the position of the thorn on his body. Luo's knife cut the thorn and his body into two sides. Rod, immediately controlled the thorn to fly out of Tom's body easily, without hurting Tom at all.

After the thorn that Franky shot stabbed in Tom's body was taken out, Tom's body closed again, and immediately returned to the way he was before he was cut in half, and he was intact.

"Mr. Tom, are you okay!" Franky ran to Tom's side and asked.

"I'm fine, what a magical power! He just helped me pull out the thorn in my body." Tom said in surprise.

"Ho ho ho, you are the murloc boatman Tom who built the sea train!" Brother Ming walked over and said at this time.

"I'm just, I don't know why a big man like you is looking for me?" Tom looked at Brother Ming with some vigilance and said.

He has seen this incident very clearly. It was the world government that took a fancy to the shooting map in his hand and wanted to take it away from him, so he directed and acted in this play. The design drawing, then the Doflamingo in front of him may have taken a fancy to the design drawing in his hand, otherwise it would be impossible for a big man like him to appear here, let alone speak for him.

"Hey, don't worry, although I'm quite interested in the blueprint in your hands, it's not the purpose of my coming to you this time!" Brother Ming said with a faint smile.

As soon as he saw Tom's expression, Brother Ming knew what he was worried about!

Hearing Brother Ming's words, Tom's eyes narrowed. Sure enough, he also knew that he had the Ancient Weapon design in his hand!

"I don't know what the blueprint is, but what is your purpose? I don't seem to have anything to make a big man like you think about it?" Tom asked suspiciously.

"How can you say that there is no such thing? Compared with the thing that I don't know if it can be built, I value your sea train more. In this world made up of seas, there is no greater invention than it. I would like to invite you to the Don Quixote Dynasty as Minister of Trains, responsible for the construction of the Don Quixote Dynasty’s sea trains. Our Don Quixote Dynasty consists of more than 30 islands. I want to connect them all. Not only do I want to build a sea train on the sea, I also want to build this train on land, can it be done?" Ming Gao asked lightly.

"Since the sea train can be built on the sea, (cacj) can naturally be built on land. It's just that such a large project requires astronomical financial and manpower resources. Are you sure you want to build it?" Tom asked.

"That's natural. I can satisfy no matter it is money, manpower and material resources. Nothing is more important to the development of a country than education and transportation." Brother Ming said indifferently

"But now I am a criminal to be tried by the World Government, are you sure you want to take us in? The World Government will not let it go!" Tom said.

"That's right, they are the criminals designated by the World Government to arrest. If you take them in, you will be the companions of One Piece. The World Government will not let you go, and quickly recover me. Otherwise, the World Government will definitely not let you go." You'll be spared!" Spandam yelled.

"Noisy!" Brother Ming swept his indifferent eyes towards Spandam, and Spandam felt that those eyes were full of supreme authority and domineering, which made him pale instantly.

Any more words.

"The World Government can't control the Don Quixote Dynasty. As long as you join our Don Quixote Dynasty, I guarantee that even the World Government will not dare to arrest you!" Brother Ming said lightly.

Hearing Brother Ming's words, Tom and the others glanced at each other, and finally Tom nodded and said, "I can take over this job, but I'll have to think about whether to join your Don Quixote Dynasty or not!"

He knew that the World government wanted to deal with him and wanted to get the design in his hand, so there was no place for him here, and now the Don Quixote dynasty was the only thing he could rely on, so he didn't think much about it. I agreed to Brother Ming, but whether to join the Don Quixote Dynasty or not, we still need to see what kind of existence the Don Quixote Dynasty is.

"No problem, I'll give you one day to clean up, and we'll set off for the Don Quixote Dynasty tomorrow!" Brother Ming said.

Hearing Brother Ming's words, Tom and the others glanced at each other and nodded, then left with Bingshan Franky.

"You can't leave!" Spandam yelled anxiously when he saw Tom and the others were about to leave.

But Brother Ming glared at him, and he immediately shut up.

"Young master, what should we do with these people?" Luo looked at Spandam and the others and said coldly.

"It's up to you, but the existence of these corruptions can accelerate the corruption of the world government, so stay as long as you can!" Brother Ming glanced at Spandam and sneered, then ignored him.

Hearing Brother Ming's words, Luo also looked at Spandam with disdain, and then left, leaving only a group of World government personnel in the branch house. .

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