One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 258 I Want All The Kingdoms Of New World To Become Our Vassal States.

In fact, the selection process has already begun!

When Brother Ming and the others left the Don Quixote Dynasty, they had already ordered to gather the fighters of Donquixote Family level five and above. Under Brother Ming's order, all the senior fighters of the Donquixote Family had gathered in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Nations.

They have a task, which is to inspect the people's livelihood, characteristics, materials, etc. of each island in the Sea of ​​Nations.

They will have a month, and then write one or several copies. If they are the officials of the entire dynasty, or a certain island of the dynasty, they will develop the dynasty or this island in any way.

In the end, Brother Ming will select their suitable positions based on these reports and let them practice. If they can take on this position, they will be formally appointed.

So during this period of time, I saw a lot of expeditions from one island to the next.

By the time Brother Ming returned to the Sea of ​​Nations, he had already received many investigation reports and how he would develop and implement his duties once he became the 20th official.

Brother Ming, with his powerful computing power, read and analyzed these reports in a blink of an eye.

Many of these reports submitted are absurd, but there are also some very good suggestions. After all, these are senior wrestlers of the Donquixote Family in various places. To become a senior wrestler, they are still very capable in some aspects.

After analyzing these reports, Brother Ming selected some people with outstanding abilities and made them the highest officials of the various islands of the Don Quixote dynasty, and let them establish the local government. Wait until they really do something. After that, they will be allowed to govern the politics of the entire Don Quixote Dynasty.

But what Brother Ming is most concerned about now is not the selection of political officials, but the restructuring of the army of the Don Quixote dynasty and the selection of the Royal Secret Guard.

In this world of pirates, the most important thing is force and financial resources, other things are not very important, so what Brother Ming values ​​most is the army.

After the World War I, although the iron-blooded fighters lost a lot, after eating the nations, the army under Brother Ming not only did not decrease, but increased a lot. In addition to those murlocs, the iron-blooded army alone has no way to control them, so Brother Ming decided to restructure the army and build another two legions on the basis of the Jagged Legion to accommodate these people.

At the same time, Brother Ming is also preparing to build a secret guard of the royal family, which will be composed of elites selected from the special forces, and will be trained by Brother Ming himself, which is equivalent to a CPO guard. .

After all, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, some things cannot be done openly, but some things that threaten the dynasty must be resolved by someone, which requires the use of the Royal Secret Guard.

But now these secret guards, Brother Ming is only secretly recruiting and preparing to build them, and he only claims that they are the guards of the royal family and the messengers of Brother Ming, responsible for conveying Brother Ming's orders, also known as shadow guards, which means Ming Brother's shadow is average.

This Shadow Secret Brother Weiming is going to hand it over to Luo, Luo's ability is very suitable for assassination and attack.

"Dover, the army has basically been reorganized according to your orders. Now our Don Quixote dynasty has three major legions, namely the Iron Blood Legion, the Murloc Blood Legion, and the Blood Oath Legion. The establishment is successful, but there is still a lot of friction between them!" Pika reported to Brother Ming, who is now the Minister of Defense of the Don Quixote Dynasty, who guards Cake Island and directly leads the Iron Blood Legion.

The Jagged Legion is Brother Ming's old army, all composed of iron-blooded fighters, not to mention the Murloc Alliance Blood Legion, all formed by Murlocs and led by Jinbei, and the Blood Oath Legion is composed of pirates from the original Ten Thousand Kingdoms.

Since many of the armies of the nations are composed of Homiz soldiers, the number of this Blood Oath Legion is not large, but its strength is not bad at all, because it contains all the power of the former Four Emperors BIGMOM pirates. The legion is Katakuri, and the Charlotte family below them.

"Friction is natural, after all, they were still hostile not long ago, but it doesn't matter, there will be something for you to do soon!" Ming Gao said with a smile.

"Dover, is there any action?" Pika's eyes lit up and said.

"Ho ho ho, our Don Quixote dynasty is called a dynasty, but as a dynasty, we don't even have a vassal state. How dare we call it a dynasty, so I will give you one month. Within this month, I will have New World get rid of Four All the kingdoms other than the power of the Emperors have become the vassal states of our Don Quixote dynasty." Brother Ming said.

Hearing Brother Ming's words, Pica's face became excited, and he wanted to show his skills a long time ago. He didn't use his skills to capture the kingdoms, but he was looking for an opportunity to establish his prestige as the Minister of Defense. This time The chances couldn't have been better.

"But does the member country of the World government also want it?" Pika asked again doubtfully.

"I said that it is all the kingdoms in the entire New World except the Four Emperors forces, which naturally includes the countries that are members of the World government!" Brother Ming said.

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