One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 269 Bear The Name Of The Don Quixote Dynasty And Stand Proudly In The Whole World!

After several months of preparation, the time finally came for the founding of the Don Quixote dynasty.

Early this morning, in front of the square in front of Cake Castle, a large number of iron-blooded legionnaires stood in full armor. Among the citizens of the German dynasty, there are still many kings and ministers of various countries and officials of the Don Quixote dynasty standing in the cordon.

During this time, the three major legions have all returned one after another. The Iron Blood Legion is in charge of the guard in front of the Cake Castle, the Oath Blood Legion is in charge of the realm on the sea outside the island, and the Allied Blood Legion is in charge of the realm of the seabed.

At the same time, with the return of the three major legions, there are also the kings of the countries that have been subdued by the three major legions. They need to offer tribute after the Don Quixote Dynasty announces the founding of the country, and they will profess their vassals to the Don Quixote Dynasty and become Don Quixote. A vassal state of the dynasty.

Some of the countries that joined the World Government, because of Five Elders' negotiations with Brother Ming, are no longer vassal states of the Don Quixote Dynasty, and no longer have to pay tribute to the Don Quixote Dynasty, but Brother Ming did not let it go They left, and now that they are here, they will serve as guests to witness the establishment of the Don Quixote Dynasty, and to serve as the guests of World Government's 303 congratulations on the founding of the Don Quixote Dynasty.

In the square, many reporters were anxiously waiting for something, instead of looking up.

Finally when the scheduled time came, Brother Ming walked out slowly with many members of the Don Quixote Dynasty, including the cadres of the original Donquixote Family, several main members of the Charlotte Family, and Jinbei and members of his Allied Blood Legion. Several cadres.

The most unique thing is that there is a huge toy doll not far behind Brother Ming, and there is a little loli sitting on the toy doll, and this little loli is Granu.

"Oh, my lord!"

"His Majesty the Emperor!"

"There are also the ministers of the dynasty!" Seeing the appearance of this group of people, the citizens of Cake Island cheered.

Although Brother Ming has only ruled the Seas of Ten Thousand Kingdoms for a short time, he has promulgated many decrees that are beneficial to the people, such as abolishing the order of life in exchange for residence rights, and at the same time increasing the construction of facilities on each island of the Dynasty, and connecting (caee) sea trains to the Seas of the Dynasty It is also under construction in an orderly manner.

Because Brother Ming has invested a lot of manpower and material resources, and Tom and the others already have experience in building sea trains in the water capital, after these few months, a sea train has been built and opened to traffic.

When people saw the appearance of the sea train, they were all curious and cheered. They could see that the appearance of the sea train made the connection between the islands of the world closer, and it would be more convenient to go to other islands in the future. They communicated with each other and sold their respective specialties to other islands to earn a lot of wealth. They saw with their own eyes the changes after the two islands were linked.

You must know that although the various islands of Wanguo Marine were not very far away in the past, due to the prohibition of the BIGMOM pirates and the inconvenience of going to sea, ordinary people actually seldom communicate with each other.

But in fact, each island in the Ten Thousand Nations Sea Area has its own characteristics. Now that the transportation is connected and the materials are exchanged, the market will immediately enrich, and their lives will naturally improve, and the islands will also prosper.

And the most important thing is that the people can see from the proper government orders issued by Brother Ming, the construction of various facilities, and the construction of sea trains that Brother Ming really wants to develop the dynasty. Naturally, he began to embrace it.

The reporters were eagerly looking forward to Brother Ming's arrival, and the phone bug camera in their hands frantically took pictures of Brother Ming and the others. This was big news for them.

"The citizens of the Don Quixote dynasty, the officers and soldiers of Don Quixote, the guests of the dynasty's vassal kingdom, the guests who came to witness the history, and all the reporters!" Brother Ming said to everyone.

Hearing Brother Ming's words, everyone stopped, and many people looked at Brother Ming expectantly.

"From today, the great Don Quixote dynasty is established" and I, Don Quixote Doflamingo, will be the first emperor of this great dynasty." Brother Ming said.

"Oh!" The crowd below cheered.

"Citizens and nobles of the Don Quixote dynasty, I want to tell you now that I will give you the rights that citizens should have, such as the right to life, right to life, right to property, right to reside, and from now on, no matter where you are in the world, no matter what What are you doing, doing business, working or traveling, the Don Quixote Dynasty, and the legions and soldiers of the Dynasty will be your most powerful backing, as long as you do not violate the decrees I made and the laws of the Don Quixote Dynasty According to the law, anyone who wants to harm you and deprive you of your rights, the army of the Don Quixote Dynasty will tell them that this is a stupid thing!" Mingo continued.

Hearing Brother Ming's words, all the citizens opened their mouths in surprise, and looked at Brother Ming with disbelieving eyes.

For many kingdoms, the citizens are just lambs to be slaughtered casually, not to mention abroad, even in the country, the kingdom only cares about your life and death. For them, the death of the people is nothing to worry about, but Now Brother Ming said that not only they are in the country, but also in foreign countries, even in the sea, the Don Quixote Dynasty will be their backing. Just such a sentence immediately gave people a deep sense of belonging.

"So from today on, be proud that you are the citizens of the Don Quixote dynasty, and stand proudly in the whole world bearing the name of the Don Quixote dynasty!" Brother Ming shouted

Hearing Brother Ming's words, the people present were silent for three seconds, and then cheered crazily. Many people had tears in their eyes, and fanaticism!.

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