One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 305 The Once Restored Four Emperorsbigmom.

Don Quixote Dynasty, the center of Cake Island, has a huge palace.

This palace was built after the Don Quixote dynasty settled in Cake Island.

At this time, a person slowly walked out of a hall in the center of the palace.

"Ho ho ho, it's come to this point after all!" Doflamingo walked out of the hall with a smile.

An incomparably terrifying aura surrounded him, and because of this aura, his surroundings fell into a distorted field.

Under this distorted field, broken traces continuously appeared all around.

"Is this the extraordinary level of Conqueror's? It's a wonderful ability, but it's a pity that it's like a beautiful poisonous weed, beautiful but deadly!" Doflamingo

Although he didn't specially practice Don Quixote's exercise boxing, but as the Don Quixote Dynasty became stronger and stronger, it became more and more coercive to the New World, affecting the trend of the world, a Doflamingo who was dealing with government affairs, Even with the development of the Don Quixote Dynasty, Conqueror's is also improving rapidly.

Doflamingo, who discovered this, immediately put down the things and rights in his hands, and gradually faded out of everyone's sight, which barely suppressed Conqueror's Haki's promotion.

But today he couldn't hold back anymore, his Conqueror's Haki broke through the bottleneck involuntarily, and reached an unimaginable state.

"Little Lord!"

"Ahaha, the current situation is not good!" Enel appeared in front of Doflamingo with a flash of lightning.

"It's really domineering. The people on the entire island were stunned by the young master's Haki, and everything else is fine, but the sugar is also unconscious!" Enel said with a smile.

Hearing Enel's words, Doflamingo looked towards him.

Following Doflamingo's view, the terrifying Conqueror's aura involuntarily pressed towards him, causing Enel's expression to change slightly.

"Ho ho ho, it seems that sugar's ability to resist stress still needs to be improved!" Doflamingo said with a slight smile.

"The problem now is that BIGMOM recovers after Sasuke's coma," Enel said.

"Boiling, it's really troublesome, but don't worry, there's no problem, everything will be fine with me, it's just a BIGMOM, it can't make any waves!" Doflamingo said with a confident smile.

Doflamingo didn't want his Conqueror's Haki to break through to the supernatural because of the physical strain.

But after Conqueror's Haki broke through to the extraordinary realm, Doflamingo really felt the terrifying power of the extraordinary realm.

When feeling the mysterious power of this Haki, Doflamingo feels that he is omnipotent.

Although I know that this is an illusion caused by Haki's sudden improvement, but I can also see how much the Conqueror's Haki has brought to his combat power after breaking through to extraordinary

While speaking, Doflamingo walked slowly towards the outside of the palace.

His speed seemed to be very slow, as if he was taking a normal walk, but in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared from Enel's sight.

Enel's Observation Haki sensed that Doflamingo had left the palace in two steps.

"Is this the ability of the extraordinary Conqueror's Haki?" Enel said slightly surprised.

In Enel's perception, when Doflamingo walked, the ground seemed to automatically shorten the distance.

"Doflamingo, come out!" Just when Enel was surprised, a roar sounded, and another extremely terrifying aura radiated out.

"Mom!" Katakuri and other members of the Charlotte family who managed to bear Doflamingo's aura without fainting, all looked at this terrifying aura in horror.

At this time, they remembered that they still have a mother and a captain.

"Boiling, BIGMOM, don't be so angry!" Doflamingo came out and said in front of BIGMOM in a blink of an eye.

"Doflamingo, how dare you do such a thing to me, our score should be settled today!" Aunt BIGMOM said angrily.

An aura that terrifies the soul rushes towards Doflamingo.

"Boiling, BIGMOM, you should thank me, if I hadn't spared your life at that time, you would have gone to hell by now at 560 to atone for your sinful life!"

Facing BIGMOM's penetrating Haki, Doflamingo slowly walked over as if he didn't feel anything, and stood still in front of BIGMOM.

"I want to thank you, Mamama, well, let me thank you very well|Napoleon!" said BIGMOM.

"Mom here!" The bicorne hat on BIGMOM's head has also recovered, and under BIGMOM's order, it instantly turned into a big sword.

Clawing the big sword, BIGMOM exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

The ground cracked and cracked because of BIGMOM's aura, and the surrounding flowers and trees withered because of her.

Holding the big sword, BIGMOM took a step forward.

With her stepping like this, the ground collapsed because of her stepping.

"Soul Soul Fruit, Weiguo!" BIGMOM shouted, with a long sword, he destroyed everything with one stroke, and shot towards Doflamingo with the soul-killing slash. .

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