One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 310, Doflamingo Flying Towards The G5 Fortress

"Dover, do you really want to keep that woman from BIGMOM? She is an extremely dangerous woman, and if she is here, those members of the Charlotte family will probably have something to think about it!" Diamandi said.

"Boom, don't worry, I have my own plan, she still has some usefulness, if there is any need, just satisfy her, compared to BIGMOM, we need to cultivate our own big brand, Enel, you have to work harder, Soon I will select and set up our own Marine. At that time, we will select Admiral, the three guardians of our Don Quixote Dynasty. You will be one of them. I hope that your strength can be enough to suppress That's the title," Doflamingo said with a smile.

"Guoguo Admiral? Yahaha, is it the same existence as Marine Admiral?" Enel said with a smile.

"The 20 Don Quixote dynasty should have had its own Marine long ago, but the three Admiral-level combat powers have not yet been assembled, so it has been delayed until now. I hope my Marine can be like the Marine of the World Government Deterrence of the sea, so that we may compete with the World government chamber, but now is the time to implement this plan!" Doflamingo said with a smile.

"Dover, have you chosen for the three Admirals?" Torrebol asked.

"Boiling, you will know when the time comes, Enel will naturally be one of them, and what I expect from you is not just an ordinary Admiral, but the strongest Admiral, I hope you don't let me Disappointed!" Doflamingo said with a smile.

"Ahaha, who do you think I am, I am the god Enel!" Enel said arrogantly.

"Boiling, I hope you can maintain this confidence!" Doflamingo said.

"Speaking of Admiral, the one we've been hiding, it's time to call him back. With his current strength, it's too much for him to stay in the Marine. With the current information of our Don Quixote Dynasty The system no longer needs his line!" Doflamingo said.

Hearing Doflamingo's words, several people in Torrebol's eyes lit up at the same time.

"Hey, it's really time to call him back, otherwise he will doubt whether we have forgotten him!"

"Hey, Marine must be surprised too, he will be one of us!"

"He is the hero of our Don Quixote, let me go and bring him back!" Doflamingo said.

After speaking, he stepped forward and walked outside.

Hearing what Doflamingo and Torrebol said, Enels also showed puzzled expressions.

MarineG5 Fortress This is one of the few bases that Marine still remains in New World.

Because the G5 fortress is in the New World, I have experienced this cruel battle with the pirates of the New World for many years.

Years of fighting have made the Marine of the G5 Fortress an outlier among Marines.

Said they are Marine, it would be better to say they are more like pirates.

Cutting clothing, the way of fighting, and even like to kill pirates.

However, Naval Headquarters turned a blind eye to their actions because they understood that the Marines in the G5 fortress had been fighting the pirates for many years.

However, because of this image problem, many Marines feel that the Marines in the G5 Fortress are the scum of the Marines, so they look down on them.

"Hey, what's that?" A team of Marines named G5 Fortress was patrolling, and suddenly they saw a black spot approaching rapidly in the distant sky.

"Human? Could it be Demon fruit power that can fly like this in the air?"

"His target is our place, hurry up and call the police."

"Don't be so nervous, the other party is just one person!"

"Idiot, this is New World, how can someone who dares to single-handedly break into our MarineG5 fortress be a simple character!"

Several soldiers from the G5 fortress said.

At this moment, a Marine soldier took out his binoculars to observe, ready to see who this single-handed person was charging towards them.

But when he saw the figure and image of this person through the telescope, the telescope in his hand fell to the ground.

I saw his whole body petrified there, with a stunned expression on his face, and his eyes protruded greatly.

"What's wrong?" the other Marine soldiers asked suspiciously.

"A lot, a lot..." the soldier who dropped the telescope said dumbfounded.

"How much?" asked the other soldiers.

"Many, Doflamingo!" said the petrified Marine soldier, with difficulty.

"Doflamingo?" The petrified soldier came back to his senses, but his words made all the other soldiers stay there

"How is it possible, how could such a big man..." the Marine soldier said in disbelief.

But before he finished speaking, he saw Doflamingo approaching on the Sky's Path.

They've been able to see Doflamingo without borrowing binoculars.

"Police, siren, hurry up and sound the siren!" a Marine soldier said fearfully.

Immediately, a firework alarm flew into the sky, and at the same time, other guards in the G5 fortress also discovered the approaching Doflamingo alarm and kept ringing through the Marine Base.

"Boiling, are these fireworks welcoming me?" Doflamingo fell from the air and landed on the ground of the G5 base in a flash, and said calmly after watching the Marine soldiers who kept appearing and pointing guns at him. .

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