One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 315. This Time The Whole New World Will Shake

"Asshole, Doflamingo is challenging Marine's bottom line." Sengoku said angrily.

No wonder Sengoku is so angry,

There is only one Marine in the sea in history,

That's them Naval Headquarters.

This also means that their Marine is unique in the sea,

But now there is one more Marine in the sea,

Although it is only self-proclaimed, it is just the pirate country's self-righteous announcement,

Countries around the world may not necessarily recognize him,

But that means they Marine don't care about being the only one,

There are so many pirates in the sea,

Even if Roger set off the era of great pirates and let the sea run wild,

Neither will threaten the status of Marine,

Because pirates and Marines are opposites, and pirates and other countries in the world are opposites,

Although they were under tremendous pressure during this time,

But under the pressure, Marine is getting stronger and stronger,

Because Marine20 is supported by the world government and has the support of all countries in the world,

No matter how rotten the world is, how mischievous the pirates are, how corrupt the Marine is,

Countries from all walks of life still need to rely on them to deal with pirates,

Because the world has no choice,

But now they Marine is not the only one,

This will present them with unprecedented challenges,

Even if they don't do well, the countries of the world turn to support Don Quixote's Marine.

Although this is almost impossible,

But an inexplicable pressure came over me involuntarily,

And Sengoku doesn't think that Doflamingo specially formed Marine just to protect the Don Quixote dynasty.

"Doflamingo has always been arrogant, is it not surprising that they would do such a thing? The question now is how should we deal with the upcoming Don Quixote Dynasty Marine?" Crane said.

"The three Admirals on their side are also pretty good. Logia has the strongest Thunder Fruit ability user, Thor Enel, Charlotte's Katakuri, and Virgo who can attack undefeated in Sakazuki. It's scary and good. It's scary," Kizaru said.

"That guy Virgo, I'm going to take his head off sooner or later." Akainu said.

"Oh, is that Virgo really that difficult? Sakazuki?" Kizaru asked.

After the first stop of the g5 branch, Akainu returned to Naval Headquarters, keeping secret about the battle of the G5 branch,

So until now no one knows what happened in the end of that battle, only know that Virgo has mastered Haki, one of the three mysteries of Don Quixote's forging body boxing.

"That guy's strength is not simple, especially the guy who becomes very troublesome after using Haki for a long time, at least it is almost impossible to take him down in a short time." Akainu said.

Hearing Akainu's words, everyone gasped.

I didn't expect even the proud Akainu to say such a thing,

It seems that Virgo's strength is stronger than imagined.

"However, anyway, since the army of the Don Quixote Dynasty calls itself Marine, it must fulfill the responsibility of Marine. "If you don't catch pirates, what is it called Marine?" Crane said at this time.

Sengoku's eyes lit up when he heard He's words,

The newspaper the next day published an interview with Sengoku,

In the interview, remember to ask Sengoku, the Don Quixote dynasty established Marine, and appointed three people including Enel as Marine Admiral, ask Sengoku what he thinks,

Sengoku Answer: Marine exists to deal with pirates. It remains to be seen whether the army of the Don Quixote Dynasty can be called a Marine. Only those who have the heart to deal with pirates and protect the people can be qualified to become a Marine. Don Quixote Dynasty The army is not yet able to become a Marine.

"Boiling, Sengoku really dare to say it. Since Sengoku said that our Marine has no determination, let them see our awakening." Doflamingo said with a smile.

"It's already ready."

"It's already been prepared."

"This time the whole New World will shake."

"They underestimate us, we are the ones who want to conquer the whole New World."

"Sweeping the first half of New World first."

"To establish our Don Quixote dynasty trade voyage throughout the New World and maintain the safety of this route."

"Of course the route is established by us, and the safety of the route is maintained by us. It is also necessary to pay some route taxes to and from these ships, especially the World Government and the member countries of the World Government, who charge me double taxes, even if it is the sky. Kim, don't let me go."

"Let's do it, boil..." Doflamingo said with a smile.

The second heaven Quixote Dynasty has acted,

The Marine of the Don Quixote dynasty is divided into three fleets, led by 890 three Admirals, to clean up the front half of New World.

The pirate who was going to watch the show was suddenly beaten into a daze.

They thought that although the Don Quixote dynasty established Marine, they would not attack pirates.

In their view, the Don Quixote Dynasty was originally a pirate,

Even if some kind of Marine is established, it is impossible to really deal with pirates,

But who would have thought that the Marine of the Don Quixote Dynasty had just been established, and the three Admirals had just returned to their positions, and they would start to clean up the pirates in New World.

The three Admirals dispatched at the same time, those pirates were their opponents.

For a while, the pirates in the first half of New World fled everywhere,

Many pirates fled directly to the first half of the Great Navigation Road, and more people fled to the second half of New World,

Because the Don Quixote Dynasty did not start the second half of the Great Navigation Road,

And most of these are the sites of other sea emperors, and the competition is even more fierce.

For a while, the pirates in the first half of New World were all cleared up,

The countries found that all the pirates who did not rob along the coast before disappeared, and the coast returned to calm. .

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