One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 43: Enel's Vigilance

"Ho ho ho, do you want me to give you the power to take revenge?" Hearing this voice, Enel, who was full of powerlessness, turned around and saw a young man in a pink feather coat, leading She looked at him with a seductive smile on her face.

"Who are you?" Enel instinctively said vigilantly.

"Ho ho ho, it doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is do you want power? Do you have someone you want to kill? Do you have anything you want to destroy?" Needless to say, the person in the red feather coat was right It's Doflamingo, just as Torrebol and the others seduced Doflamingo more than ten years ago, Mingo said in the same tone.

"There are countless such things, but so what!" Enel said coldly.

Eighteen-year-old Enel is very calm, he is not afraid of Brother Ming telling his words to the temple, because he finds that Brother Ming has no wings just like him.

In other words, the other party is either a person who is under the torture of broken wings like him, or an outsider.

The temple would not believe what a person without wings said, let alone an outsider.

"Ho ho ho I can give you strength, the power to take revenge." Brother Ming said lightly.

"Impossible, the power of the temple is beyond your imagination, and the power of the god is even more invincible!" Enel said.

Although the persecution Enel suffered came from the Birka people around him, Enel knew that what he really wanted to resist was the temple. If it wasn't for the temple, those people would not be his opponents at all.

It is the existence of the temple and Birka's concept that led to his current encounter.

If he wants to take revenge on those people who targeted him, he will inevitably confront the temple. When the time comes, he will be chased and killed by the temple. It is precisely because he knows the power of the temple that he has been enduring it.

If the temple only made Enel very afraid, then the gods in the temple brought Enel despair.

Enel has awakened Observation Haki since he was a child. In the words of Sky Island, it is the heart net. He can perceive things that many people cannot hear at a very young age, so he knows the power of God, and no one can resist the power of God. , like the existence of a real god.

"Ho ho ho, are you talking about the Yunyun fruit ability user in the temple?" Brother Ming said with a face full of disdain.

In fact, Brother Ming has been in Birka for a while. In order to find this Birka, he spent a lot of effort, went to several Sky Islands to inquire, and finally found Birka.

After coming to Birka, he also investigated Birka, but Birka was extremely xenophobic. Brother Ming came to Birka so swaggeringly and soon attracted the attention of the Birka Temple. The temple dispatched guards to arrest Brother Ming or Drive away.

So Mingo had to fight the temple, and finally even Birka's Shendu was dispatched.

To Brother Ming's surprise, Birka's God turned out to be a Logia Yunyun fruit power user, but as a Logia Demon fruit power, his strength is too weak, but he is very arrogant, arrogant, and stubborn.

Like many people who own Logia Devil Fruit, they think that eating Logia Devil Fruit will make them invincible.

In the end, he was severely slapped in the face by Brother Ming, and he was hit with an Armament Haki, which made his face full of disbelief. If Brother Ming hadn't come to Birka and still had things to do, Birka would have to choose another god now. .

But even so, Birka's god was beaten half to death by Brother Ming, and he never dared to appear in front of Brother Ming again.

After Brother Ming walked in the town of Birka, no warrior from the temple dared to attack him, and the residents of Birka in the town were also notified and did not dare to point fingers at him.

It seems that they have received an order stating that Brother Ming is an important guest of the gods, and they are not allowed to be rude, etc., so even if Brother Ming has no wings, they are still very respectful to Brother Ming, this is the treatment of the strong.

Brother Ming found Enel not long after he was in Birka, because there are very few people without wings in Birka, and after a little inquiring, he knew where Enel was.

"A person with such a fruit ability?" Enel asked suspiciously. He still doesn't know the existence of Devil Fruit, and only thinks that the power of God is born with it, because he is a god.

"Ho ho ho, that's right, Logia Devil Fruit, Yunyun fruit, the secret treasure of the sea, can make people have the ability to turn into elements and avoid physical blows." Brother Ming

"Can you allow me to have such abilities?" Enel said happily, his eyes lit up.

"As for Devil Fruit, there is no problem. Our Donquixote Family is trading Devil Fruit, and the number of Devil Fruit traded from us every year is no less than a dozen. It is not difficult to get it, but Logia Devil Fruit is a bit rare. It depends on your luck." Brother Ming said.

"What do you want to get? I don't think you will give me such power for no reason. Although I don't know how precious this Devil Fruit is, it is definitely not something that can be seen everywhere. You don't seem to be in a loss-making business. People!" Hearing Brother Ming's words, Enel was a little disappointed, but he also knew that the Logia Devil Fruit must be very precious, so he didn't force it.

On the contrary, Brother Ming's purpose made him more vigilant. The tragic experience made him very precocious. He knew that it is impossible for someone to appear in front of you for no reason and say that it is to give you strength and let you take revenge. I used to have such a fantasy when I was a child , but now I have already woken up from the dream.

"Ho ho ho, don't say that, what is there in you that I want to spend my time trying to get? I just value your aptitude and look forward to your performance. Devil Fruit is not hard to get for me Things, but the best Devil Fruit depends on who uses it. Only people with good qualifications can truly display the power of Devil Fruit. Of course, if you want to get my Devil Fruit, you must join my Donquixote Family. Becoming a member of the family, as you said, I am not a person who can lose money in business." Brother Ming said with a smile.

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