One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 92 The World Is Really Sick, And It's Very Sick

On the other side, when he heard that Brother Ming was going to give him this precious Devil Fruit, Monet was also stunned, with a face full of disbelief.

"Why are you still standing there? Don't you want to become a fruit-capable user?" Brother Ming asked with a smile.

"No, no, is it really okay for you to give me such a precious Devil Fruit? Give me such a humble maid?" Monet asked suspiciously.

"No matter how good a Devil Fruit is, it needs people to use it. Now is the time for the Donquixote Family to develop and improve their strength, so a strong Devil Fruit cannot be idle. I heard that you performed very well in the training camp. This Snow Snow The Devil Fruit is for you to use, I hope you can exert its power, become the strength of the Donquixote Family, and become my strength." Brother Ming said with a smile.

"Don't worry, young master, I will definitely work hard to be your strength!" Monet said adoringly.

"By the way, I heard that you have a 20-year-old younger sister called Granose, right? I heard that she has good aptitude. If you want, you can give her this Devil Fruit, but tell her that if she eats this Devil Fruit, she will never grow up again." Big, and must be eaten before the age of twelve!" Mingliang said.

"Don't worry, young master, Granose will definitely be willing to become the young master's strength, and it is also a blessing if he never grows up." Monet said.

"Very good, after eating this fruit, Granose will be the princess of our entire Donquixote Family, and the entire Donquixote Family will love her dearly!" Brother Ming said with a smile.

"Thank you, young master!" Monet said excitedly.

The next day, Granose appeared in front of Brother Ming, but at the same time, there was another boy who appeared in front of Brother Ming.

"Young master, this is De Linjie, one of the orphans adopted by the family. He has an extremely outstanding talent and has half the blood of fighting fish. I brought him here specially today. I hope that the young master can grant him complete Don Quixote. The Twelve Forms of Dejian Tiquan allows him to serve the family better!" said Larry G on the side.

"Ho ho, do you have the blood of fighting fish? Very good, let's train with Luo and the others in the future, well, among the cadres of our family, we also need a cadre who can fight underwater!" Brother Ming said with a smile.

"Haha, thank you young master, this is the young master's trust and expectation, G!" Rao G said.

"Thank you, young master!" Delinger said excitedly, he is one of the orphans adopted by the Donquixote Family.

Donquixote Family adopts a lot of orphans every year. Compared with those who joined Donquixote Family as adults, they believe more in those orphans raised by the family. Delinger is one of them. These orphans will become the mainstay of Donquixote Family when they grow up .

Moreover, Delinger is an orphan adopted by the Donquixote Family relatively early. If Brother Ming hadn't been busy with his own training and the training of Rosinante and others some time ago, Rao G would have recommended him to Brother Ming a long time ago. This time, I just took advantage of the opportunity of Granose to recommend it to Brother Ming.

"Very good, from now on you will be with Granose and train with Luo, I will specially formulate a training plan for you, and teach you how to practice Don Quixote's twelve moves!" Brother Ming said.

"Thank you, young master!" Delinger and Granose both said excitedly.

"San Tang, you must have known it from your sister. I have a Devil Fruit called Tongqu Fruit. This Devil Fruit is very useful to me. It will be of great help to the Donquixote Family, but it has a disadvantage, that is People who eat it will never grow up, and it is only useful for children under the age of twelve. Are you willing to eat this Devil Fruit for me and for your family? After eating this fruit, you will be our Donquixote Princess of the Family." Brother Ming asked.

In the original novel, it seems that Granose was force-fed by Doflamingo with the childlike fruit. Brother Ming doesn’t know how in the original novel, Granose stays loyal. Maybe it’s because of her sister’s loyalty to Brother Ming, or after she ate Devil Fruit, her body no longer When I grow up, my mind should stay at that age.

However, Brother Ming does not intend to let Granose take the fruit of childlike fun so early. Firstly, Granose in the original book is too young and mentally too fragile, so Usopp can take advantage of it. The ability of the fruit of fun did not allow her to show her true strength, so Ming brother planned to train her for a few years first, and then let her take the fruit of children's interest when she was about eleven years old, so that she could maximize the power of the fruit of children's interest, anyway, twelve Children under the age of 10 are all children.

Eleven or twelve-year-old children already have their own judgments, and Brother Ming 163 doesn't want to force her to cause Shatang's repentance or even betrayal in the future.

"I am willing!" Sasuke replied without thinking.

"Ho ho ho!" Brother Ming was taken aback for a moment and then laughed.

This world is really sick, and it is very sick. Originally, Brother Ming thought that even if he wanted to, he would hesitate for a while. After all, after eating it, he would not be able to grow up. This is a kind of defect and regret for everyone. , especially at an age like Sato who wants to grow up quickly.

But Granose agreed without hesitation, without a trace of reluctance, even full of joy.

Brother Ming could see that Granose was not pretending to be acting, but was completely sincere, and even looked impatient.

Granose wants this Devil Fruit from the bottom of her heart, because Brother Ming said that as long as she eats this fruit, she will be the princess of the Donquixote Family, even if she eats this Devil Fruit, she will never grow up, but then How? Just not being able to grow up, no big deal, and it's better not to grow up, so you don't grow old, and don't become as ugly as grown-ups. .

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