"System, is it certain that the Tree of Omniscience contains items that can promote the evolution of the Dragon Ball world".

"Yes, host, the Tree of All-Knowing is a Void Banyan Tree, with tenacious vitality and a deep aura of wood."

Before, Ao Long had always wondered if there was something magical about the 5,000-year-old tree of omniscience, the internal space could be used to make such a huge library, and it was still so lush and lush.

The last time Robin was awarded a degree, I went over to inquire about it, so that the system could discern what the difference was.

Sure enough, after the detection of the system, this is a void banyan, it is said that this banyan tree is born with an internal space, and the vitality is tenacious, it is said that the internal space of the banyan tree will grow with the growth of the age of the tree, and after a thousand years of empty banyan in the inner space of the heart of the tree will bear a void fruit, this void fruit is the crystallization of void energy.

However, the Void Banyan Tree only bears one Void Fruit in its lifetime, and then it continues to nourish, and when the Void Fruit falls, it is the day when the old Void Banyan withers, and it uses all of its life to give birth to a next generation.

It is said that the goal of the Void Banyan is the World Tree, which will be enhanced from generation to generation until the void in the body grows into a world. It's a pity that this Void Banyan has only 5,000 years of accumulation, which is far from that level, and it also has the natural disadvantage of all trees: it is afraid of fire.

In normal times, maybe Ao Long would not do anything to take away people's inheritance, but the navy will exercise the demon slaying order on O'Hara, and even the entire island will not exist at that time.

The scholars didn't realize the brutality of the slaughter they were going to face today, but Ao Long still wanted to make an effort, and if Dr. Clover agreed, maybe he would have enough time to retreat.

On the way to the Tree of All-Knowing, a warning from the Navy suddenly sounded in the air:

"Attention all residents, the archaeologists on this island are all demon suspects who are trying to destroy the world!!"

"How is it possible, they are the best scholars in the world," Ao Long skeptical as he heard the villagers protest loudly on the side of the road.

Unfortunately, no one cared about this, and the navy forcibly drove all the inhabitants to the refuge ships.

"What does the crime committed by the scholars have to do with us, we don't need to leave this island!" There was a cultural person in a bib who seemed to have an insightful retort.

Ao Long knew that these were all conspiracies of the World Government, and in the first place, the World Government did not want O'Hara to continue to exist, including the scholars on the island and the literature in the Tree of All-Knowing.

Rushing to the Tree of All-Knowledge, Ao Long found that the scholars had been driven to the plaza in front of the Void Banyan Tree, and Dr. Shamrock, an elder with a bearded hair like three electric fans, was among them.

"Doctor, I have something I need to talk to you about!" Pushing aside the crowd, Ao Long, who was close to Dr. Clover, whispered.

"The World Government is ready to use a Demon Slaying Order on O'Hara to erase all traces of this island from the world!!"

"What? Demon Slayer Order... How dare they, I'm going to negotiate with the five old stars!!" Hearing this, Dr. Clover's beard trembled with excitement, and he waved his fist, looking unwilling to believe that the world government would dare to do such an outrageous thing.

"Doctor, the Navy is already driving the ordinary residents of the island to the refuge ship, and it is basically surrounded by Navy warships on all sides, and at least five vice admirals are involved in this event, all signs can indicate the determination of the World Government to slaughter O'Hara."

"Even so, I will live and die with the Tree of Omniscience, even if it is a martyrdom, I am willing, Ao Long Boy, you must rescue Robin when the time comes, she is still young, she should not be involved" Dr. Clover had anticipated that there might come a day when he was researching "Blank History", but he didn't expect it to come so quickly and so tragically.

"Doctor, don't worry, I will definitely save Robin, and in addition, I can save some people, but I need the help of the Tree of Omniscience, and I can also take the books in the Tree of Omniscience and leave them for future generations." Ao Long couldn't explain much to Dr. Clover.

"Really? Ao Long, can you really take the books in the Tree of All-Knowing and pass them on to future generations? Would you like to? "

Well, the first thing the doctor cares about is not how many people can be saved, but how many books can be saved, and in the eyes of this old scholar, the literature that can save the tree of omniscience is more important than saving their lives.

"Yes, Doctor, but I need the fruit of the Tree of Omniscience, and I need you to tell me about the heart space of the Tree of Omniscience" Ao Long had no way to search the Tree of Omniscience the size of a mountain, and could only hope that Dr. Clover could give him direct guidance.

"Okay, I believe you!! The heart of the Tree of All-Knowing is located in Room 27 on the 49th floor, and in the secret room on the left hand side after entering, the mechanism is on the 32nd document. Dr. Shamrock hesitated for a moment and decided to tell Ao Long where the heart of the Void Banyan Tree was.

"Then Doctor, please be prepared to wait for rescue, we need time and opportunity."

After looking around, he didn't find Robin, and after thinking about his arrangement, Robin shouldn't be in danger at the moment. Finding an opportunity, Ao Long was short, got through the naval blockade, ran into the Tree of Omniscience, and finally found the dark room according to Dr. Clover's guidance.

Inside the dark room was a hollow-shaped platform, which seemed to have grown naturally from the Tree of Omniscience, and the veins on it were engraved like runes. In the middle of the secret room, there is a heart-shaped fruit, and there are vines around it that are involved in the surrounding walls, and it seems that it should be directly connected to the body of the Void Banyan tree, and it seems that the Void Banyan transmits energy through these vines.

"I'm sorry, Void Tree, I can only pass on your seed!"

I saw that Ao Long turned into the original form of a fish and turned into a dragon, waving his tail like a knife, cutting off the vines around him, and cutting off the connection between the fruit and the mother body of the Void Banyan.

The movement is fast and neat, and before the Void Fruit falls, catch it in one bite and swallow it into your stomach.

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