Returning to the Four Seasons Island Palace, he summoned the three ruling ministers to learn about the development and changes in the past seven years.

"Your Majesty, in the past seven years, the construction of Sanchongtian has entered a new stage, according to your requirements, the construction of informatization has been fully rolled out, and the information aggression against Qinghai has also developed very smoothly, and at present, smart phones have been popularized in the hands of ordinary people in Qinghai, and the acquisition of some important information has become more convenient and secretive. Whether it is the spread of Chinese culture or the popularization of basic exercises, there has been a good development, as you expected, the imitation of the navy six exercises to make more powerful people appear on the sea, but also to make more pirates rampant, the current world government is busy catching pirates all over the world, and has no time to take care of our development. "

This is the political minister's play, seven years ago, due to the popularization of science and technology on Four Seasons Island, the world government was red, but Ao Long resolutely did not sell related technology to the world government, although the world government also cracked most of it, but the core technology is still not as good as the four seasons island, so it also triggered further coveting by the world government.

In order to find something to do for the five old men, Ao Long asked the three political ministers to sort out six books on body strengthening, pace, swordsmanship, fingering, and boxing and spread them to the sea.

Originally, it was only necessary to capture or reward some pirates, which could not only knock on the mountain and shock the tiger, but also drive those bounty hunters to help the world government share the pressure, but the popularization of the exercises made the ordinary people on many islands have a little power to resist, so the overall strength of the pirates has increased, and the strength of the ordinary people in the One Piece world has also increased.

Strong strength often brings strong self-confidence, so the people who did not dare to resist dared to resist, whether it was the robbery of pirates or the oppression of the world nobles, they had the courage and strength to fight, so all kinds of killing officials and rebelling, slaughtering the world's nobles happened in the four seas, and the pirates also found that the original sheep-like people were not so easy to rob.

However, the original awe of the navy has also decreased slightly under the increase in strength, so in recent years, as more powerful pirates have poured into the new world, the navy has fallen into a very passive state.

First of all, the establishment of the Four Emperors five years ago: Edward Newgate the Whitebeard, Charlotte Lingling of BIGMOM, Shanks the Redhead, and Kaido of the Beasts. The Four Emperors are known as the Emperors of the Sea, and they reign in the New World in the second half of the Great Voyage like emperors.

In order to correspond to the Four Emperors, the World Government and the Five Old Stars launched the Seven Martial Seas Plan, which was originally proposed before, but it has not been fully implemented, after all, giving the pirates the right to legally plunder is originally a damage to the prestige of the World Government.

However, in order to consume the pirate forces internally, the Five Old Stars still launched the Seven Martial Seas Project again.

His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas is a group of forces, referred to as the "Seven Martial Seas", who are recognized by the World Government as the Seven Sea Pirates, possessing disastrous destructive power and a huge combat power comparable to that of the state. It has the role of carrying out the world government's call to battle and safeguarding the rights and interests of the world government. That is to say, under the call of the world government, it is necessary to go to war, and this is the case with the top war in the original book.

His Majesty's Seven Martial Seas, along with the Four Emperors and the Navy Headquarters, are known as the three major forces of the Great Route, and only pirates who are well-known or have high combat effectiveness enough to intimidate everyone are eligible to be elected as His Majesty's Seven Martial Seas.

His Majesty's Seven Martial Seas are an overly dangerous force that holds freedom and status in their hands, and although they are ostensibly neutral, they are actually regarded as their own enemies by both the navy and the pirates.

The Seven Martial Seas are the powers and qualifications given to the seven pirates by the World Government, and they are not a group, they all work independently. Although called a lackey of the government! But the truth is quite the opposite. Once the Seven Martial Seas are caught by the government, they will be eliminated by the government. The Seven Martial Seas each have their own purpose of becoming the Seven Martial Seas, and for their own purposes, they cannot give up the power and status of the Seven Martial Seas, so they use each other with the world government.

The current members of the Seven Martial Seas are as follows:

Jorakol Mihawk, the world's No. 1 swordsman, is close friends with the redhead of the Four Emperors. Basically a lone ranger, he has no fixed sphere of influence, and often wanders the sea in a small boat, looking for opponents everywhere.

Don Quixote Doflamingo, formerly a Draconian, seized Dressrosa seven years ago and became king, making good use of the authority of the Seven Martial Seas. Engaged in the arms business in the underworld. Its power spreads all over the world, and it can be said that it is the most powerful of the Seven Martial Seas.

Bartholomy Xiong, formerly a cadre of the Revolutionary Army, was voluntarily reformed after joining the Seven Martial Seas. It can shoot lasers from the mouth, and its body is harder than steel. The fruit can bounce everything. This can be regarded as a different way, and the superhuman flesh ball fruit has developed the characteristics of bullets, and to this extent, it can be regarded as a talented person.

Boya Hancock, who was targeted by the world government during an expedition, issued an invitation to the Seven Martial Seas, and Hancock did not refuse according to Ao Long's instructions, and has now become a member of the Seven Martial Seas.

Sand Klockdahl, a natural sand fruit ability, founded the Baroque Commune in Alabastan five years ago, according to Olbia, Robin joined the Baroque Work Society a year ago, according to Robin, he got the news of the historical text, and he wanted to learn about it through this way.

Anilu, under the teaching of Reilly and Xia Qi, Anilu's strength has been rapidly improved, he left the Chambord Islands five years ago, and began to wander above the sea according to Ao Long's suggestion, coupled with "Nine Grades of King Kong Jue" and "Five Elements Divine Thunder", so that Anilu also broke into a resounding reputation on the sea, and finally was invited by the World Government to replace the sea hero Jinping in the original book and become one of the Seven Martial Seas.

"It seems that everyone is doing well, but Robin, is he still following the same path as in the original book? But she doesn't have to worry about her safety, according to her strength, the current Klockdahl shouldn't be her opponent..."

"By the way, Your Majesty, there is another thing, Luo returned to the empty island five years ago, according to your request, raised 50,000 troops on the empty island, and officially went to the South China Sea to lead the uprising and war of various countries, and now his South China Sea army has reached the level of the Zhennan army. Many islands in the South China Sea that were oppressed by the aristocratic class have joined the Dragon Country, and many poor islands have also submitted to us under the relief of the Dragon Country. "

"It seems that Luo's strength has grown very quickly, and yes, the fruit of his surgery was originally a relatively powerful superhuman fruit, which was excavated according to the idea of the year, and then with Reilly's guidance to cultivate the three-color domineering, the improvement of this strength must be very fast. Zhennan General Luo, it seems that his strength has also broken through to the level of a quasi-general, I am really happy to hear that everyone's task has been completed very well, it seems that he is one step closer to success. "

Nowadays, the West Sea has been impregnated under the care of the three ruling ministers, and the South China Sea has developed in the past five years, and the mass foundation has begun to be consolidated, leaving only an unfathomable East China Sea and a North Sea with a master.

"I wonder what is the situation of Olbia and the others now? Why haven't I seen you for a long time? "

In the end, Ao Long is still more related to the recent situation of his several women, after all, these beauties are his forbidden belly, if anyone doesn't open his eyes, don't blame Ao Long for being polite, the dragon has reverse scales, and he will die if he touches it!

Dusty, Guina, Joelle Boney, Monet, Olbia, wouldn't it be a blessing in life if they slept together!!

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