"Activate the Demon Slayer Order!!"

"In the name of justice, destroy the demons of O'Hara once and for all!!"

I saw that under the command of the five vice admirals, all the naval warships fired at the Tree of Omniscience, and soon the Tree of Omniscience was ignited, and the smoke rising into the sky seemed to mock the word 'justice' on the naval cloak.

And Robin finally took Olbia's hand

"I've been looking forward to holding your hand like this!! Robin!! "

"Mommy !!"

Robin, who was crying and swollen with red eyes, threw herself into Olbia's arms, feeling the warmth of her mother again, and the mother and daughter hugged each other and complained to each other, as if the surrounding artillery fire had nothing to do with them.

"Whew... Robin... Call... You're here, I've finally found you, come with me, Ao Long asked me to cover your retreat first" Saron finally arrived.

"Salong, where is Brother Ao Long? I found my mom. "

"Saron, how could you... On this island... Also, who is Ao Long..."

"Olbia, don't care about it for now, come with me, Ao Long has prepared a way out, I hope the time is still in time!!"

"By the way, Ao Long confessed and asked Dr. Clover to organize 20 people to go to the beach, and he could only rescue 20 people."

Dr. Clover looked back at the burning Tree of Omniscience, and at the scholars running in and out of the Tree of Omniscience to rescue books.

"I heard that in ancient history, there were those who were willing to sacrifice their lives for their dreams, and there were those who smiled and died in order to light up their dreams, so they were valued by future generations and their dreams were passed on!"

And today, under the persecution of the world government, O'Hara has reached the time of life and death. I have always believed that history is the wealth of all mankind and can light up the future, and 'O'Hara' is not to reveal any history, but to protect the echoes left by time. We are willing to stay and use our lives to light up hope! "

"Moreover, that boy of Ao Long promised me that he would protect the precious documents of the Tree of All-Knowing and escape from this disaster!! So, Robin, live and pass on our hope!! "

"Bang !!"

Seeing that Salonon stepped forward and made Dr. Shamrock faint with a punch, Olbia and Robin looked at Salonon in surprise.

"Hee-hee-hee... It's not what I mean, it's what Ao Long means, saying that if you don't want to go, I'll take you by force, especially Robin, Dr. Shamrock, and Olbia. "

Hearing Saron say this, Olbia immediately took a step back and distanced himself from him.

"I'm going to accompany O'Hara, I'm going to accompany the Tree of Omniscience, Robin will ask you and Aolong, you must let my daughter escape!!"

"Olbia, why are you doing this!!"

"Mom!! I don't want to leave you, I finally found you, and I'm going to stay here!! "

"Robin, you have to live for me from now on!! Saron, let's go!! "

Salon had no choice but to use his broad palm to pick up Dr. Shamrock and Robin, and ran quickly to the beach.

At the same time, the Ao Long in the Tree of All-Knowing had woken up and absorbed the fruit of the Void Banyan Tree. Transformed into a human, Ao Long walked out of the chamber to find that everyone was rescuing the books, and the entire Tree of Omniscience had begun to burn with fire.

"This won't work, everyone just throw the books on the ground, I'll put these books away and protect them!!"

Many scholars recognized Ao Long, believed him, and threw the books on each floor directly down. Ao Long, on the other hand, started from the room where he was, and collected the books that were too late to move one room by another, and directly put them into the Dragon Ball space along with the bookshelves.

And seeing that all the books in the room disappeared with the wave of Ao Long's hand, everyone became more confident and began to divide labor and cooperate to sweep floor by layer.

Finally, when he went to the bottom of the Tree of All-Knowledge, looking at the mountains of documents, Ao Long waved his hand directly, and all of them entered the Dragon Ball space. By this time, O'Hara had begun to sink under artillery fire.

"Olbia!! You're okay!! That's great!! A scholar exclaimed when he saw Olbia coming.

"Hello, Olbia, I'm Ao Long, your daughter Nicole Robin's boyfriend!!" Looking at the intellectual beauty in front of him who was almost the same as Robin when he grew up, Ao Long took the initiative to step forward and say hello.

"Spring Breeze!!"

Under the treatment of the spring breeze, the wounds on Olbia's body healed quickly, and his pale face seemed to have regained some blood.

"Bang!! Bang!!! "

Another round of shelling, and the interior of the Tree of All-Knowing was already feeling scorching.

"Let's all escape with me, the navy defense on the west coast of O'Hara is relatively weak, let's break through from there!"

"Ao Long, we are willing to stay with O'Hara!"

"Yes, we will work with the Tree of All-Knowing, even if it is destroyed!"

"This is a scholar's paradise, where can we wander without here..."

Other scholars have expressed their willingness to die.

"However, history needs the inheritance of historians, and if you all die here, who will pick up this burden, and how many years will it take to train historians of your level? What's more, the literature and books of the Tree of All-Knowing have been put away by me, and we will change to a hidden place in the future and start our research work again! You know, where you are, there is the Tree of Omniscience!! Do you think death is glorious? You must know that only those who live can carry pain and hope!! "

Ao Long almost lectured in a roaring voice to the scholars who were stupid about these studies!

"Maybe you're right, we shouldn't be so selfish. Please take the original history from the secret room with you, and we'll discuss it in the meantime! An older scholar sighed.

"I hope you'll consider my suggestion carefully!"

The artillery fire outside was still reminding Ao Long that he needed to hurry, and he hurried to the secret room and saw the original historical text inside, a cube with a diameter of two meters, dark luster, which looked very metallic, but it was also stony, and it was called an indestructible stone.

There are currently two types of steles in this historical text: one is a stele that records information about ancient weapons, and the other is a stele that shows its location. It is necessary to connect all the words recorded above in order to become an article that fills in the blank history, and only this article that is connected is the "real historical text", and you can know the blank 100 years of history.

Back on the ground, the scholars seem to have made a decision, with Olbia leading the younger generation of scholars to break through with Aolong, while the older scholars choose to remain in the Tree of Omniscience and die as martyrs.

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