After receiving a call from the five old stars of the world government, the pheasant fell into deep thought, he knew the consequences of disobeying military orders, you must know that the most important thing in the navy is talent, and if you don't get it down, it is light, and it is possible to bear the responsibility!

"Akainu? Can you just watch the heinous Doflamingo get away with it!? "

The pheasant looked at the five hundred villains rescued by him in the factory, and looked up to him with the eyes of a hero, and he felt that this kind of relief from the people was his justice!

At this time, in the palace of Dressrosa, Akaiu has reached an alliance with Doflamingo, although Akainu doesn't like Doflamingo very much, or he doesn't like any of the Seven Martial Seas, but he hates Ao Long even more!

Ao Long left him with the shame of being seriously injured in the O'Hara incident, and later in the Mary Joya incident, he once again embarrassed Akainu, and Ao Long's strength is rapidly increasing, and will eventually become a big problem for the navy and the world government!

As for Doflamingo, it's more about his power, and his personal strength is actually not worried about Akainu, as long as the navy is determined to clean him up, it's still easy!

Coupled with the orders of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, Akainu is naturally happy to form a group to hunt Ao Long!

Doflamingo's Cube Army, led by the top cadre Diamanti, has arrived at the factory and confronted Kuzan the Pheasant and 500 Lilliputies.

"Pheasant General! According to the agreement between our young master and Admiral Akainu, the Tang 493 Quixote family has formed an alliance with the navy, and I hope you can leave those 500 Lilliputians behind. "

Facing one of the three major admirals of the Navy, Pheasant Kuzan, Diamanti did not have much fear, perhaps in his mind, Doflamingo's interests were above all else, even if it was at the cost of his life!

"Is Akainu already here? Although the Navy has reached an alliance with Doflamingo, I still have to save these little people! You can't stop it! "

The pheasant didn't react much to Diamanti's threats or admonitions, but he stood in front of the Lilliputians to show his position!

"In that case, let me lead the Don Quixote family cube army to understand the power of the admiral!"

Diamanti looked at the little people who were covered by the pheasant and felt that this problem could only be solved by force!

At this time, the Akainu had already left the royal palace in Dressrosa and was rushing to the factory, and Doflamingo's first request after forming an alliance was to let the Pheasant General put himself on his own side, so as not to be unable to distinguish between friend and foe!

"Doflamingo, I want you to pay with blood!"

At this time, Law used his surgical fruit ability to directly transfer Cyrus and Violet and others to the palace.

As a legend among gladiators, Cyrus swung his sword as soon as he discovered Doflamingo.

"Hahahaha... Room? Luo, it looks like you're here! The position of the highest cadre of my Red Heart Army has always been reserved for you..."

I saw that Doflamingo did not dodge or dodge in the face of Cyrus's sword, and was directly cut in two!

"Ah, young master, you!"

Baby-5 of the Army of Spades looked at Doflamingo who was broken in two with a look of horror!

"Get out of the way, Cyrus!"

Luo knew that Doflamingo was a line-up capable person, and he wouldn't die so easily.

Doflamingo's "Thread Fruit" ability allows him to freely control threads that are invisible to the naked eye with the subtle operation of his fingers. Doflamingo can create thin, near-transparent silk threads from his hands, which can be controlled by wrapping the threads around the target, similar to the effect of a silk golem.

Once entwined by its silk threads, it is difficult to escape as if it had hit a spider's web, and it is allowed to be slaughtered freely by those who have the ability to thread the fruit. In addition, wounds can be sewn with threads, and internal damage can also be repaired.

The wire itself can also shield electromagnetic waves or wireless signals used for calls, so that people surrounded by silk wires cannot use phone bugs to call for help from the outside world.

In addition, threads that are so thin that they are invisible to the naked eye can also cut objects according to Doflamingo's meaning. Moreover, the thread created by this ability is sharper than a piano string, and can easily cut through the target's limbs, even metal harder than steel. If you let the thread be wound with "armed color domineering", the sharpness of the thread will be greatly increased, and it can even scratch the ability of the "natural system".

"Hehehehe... Has the war begun? Then no one should try to escape! "

Sure enough, under Cyrus's astonished gaze, Doflamingo's body regained its integrity and laughed wildly.

"Great, I knew that Master Doflamingo (BDCE) wouldn't be so easily defeated!"

Guradius, a cadre of the Army of Spades on the side, said happily that he was a person with the ability to burst fruits, a burst person, who could detonate his body and the inorganic matter he touched. Dressed in black and covered with a black face, he is good at sniping, so he also exists as a killer of the Army of Spades.

"Pika! Catch these intruders and go and help!! "

After all, King Luo and Liku are bringing a whole army, and they still need someone to stop them!

I saw Doflamingo walking to the window of the castle by himself, looking at Dressrosa outside the window, listening to the sound of fighting in his ears, he knew that the country was in complete chaos, in this case, let's have a bloody hunt!

"Birdcage !!"

I saw that Doflamingo directly used his own trick, forming a birdcage formed by the ability of the thread fruit on the entire Doflamingo Island, and now all the people could not pass through it!

At this time, on the dock, there were some pirates who wanted to escape from right and wrong, and when they passed through those transparent silk threads, they were directly cut into pieces!

"Hancock, it looks like Doflamingo is going to make a big move!"

Ao Long, who had slaughtered from the docks to the palace, said to Hancock beside him. In fact, along the way, Ao Long basically didn't make much moves, and it was all solved by the two swordsmen of Guina and Dusty, and the others were Bonnie mending the knife, Monet was taking care of Sucrose, and Olbia was recording the tragedy that was happening on the island.

Only Ao Long and Han Cook, because of their strength, didn't make much moves, but really walked on the battlefield of flesh and blood like a honeymoon.

At this time, Pika led his legion and fought with Luo and the others.

Pika is a stone fruit ability, and at this time, he directly used the stone materials of the king's castle to transform into a huge stone man, constantly bombarding Luo and others!

And Baby-5 is the escort of the attacker King Riku who constantly attacks with the ability of his own weapon fruit, and it also shines!

Above the ruins of a weapon factory and an artificial Devil Fruit plantation, the Pheasants have turned the Cube Army led by Diamanti into an Ice Cube Army!

Just as he was about to retreat with 500 Lilliputies, Akainu Sakasky appeared in front of him.

"Pheasant, do you know what you're doing now? You're the Admiral of the Navy! "

Watching the pheasant kill all the cube army of his ally Doflamingo, Akainu didn't pay attention, he paid more attention to Akainu's position, he actually helped Ao Long, a criminal in that world, to save people, and weakened the combat effectiveness of the Don Quixote family.

At this moment, the TV set above the ruins lit up, and Doflamingo's figure in the palace was cast into the air, and then Doflamingo's voice was heard!

"Ao Long, King of the Dragon, Empress Han Cook! Welcome to Dressrosa, I think you must be pleased with what you have done, so wait for the revenge of our Don Quixote family! Don't worry, you won't be alone on the Huangquan Road, and I will let those stupid people go to hell to accompany you! "

It seems that Doflamingo is legally determined to let Dressrosa's secret be buried in this sea of blood, and even slaughter the ordinary people all over the island!

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