On the way to the palace of Dressrosa, there is already blood all over the place, fighting everywhere, and the country is completely in chaos!

Especially after Doflamingo's birdcage loomed over Dressrosa, the people of the whole country stormed the palace after falling into despair!

At this time, in front of Dusty and Guina, there appeared Jorah of the Plum Blossom Army, a person with the ability of art fruits, and a person with special ability. Señol of the Cube Army. Pique, the one with the ability to swim the fruit and the defender of the original arena, is one of the main combat forces of the Don Quixote family!

"Fruit of Art" is an artist who can turn a goal into a work of art imagined by the capable. He can turn his imagination into smoke and throw it at his opponent, and whether it is a person or an object, he can turn it into a work of art similar to an abstract painting according to the will of the person who can do it.

Ao Long has always felt that this fruit is very interesting and has great potential, it is basically an ability to make dreams come true, relying on imagination to change the composition of matter, and it has also involved the supreme "493" Creation Avenue!

As for the swimming fruit, it is a manifestation of the retreat technique, and anything can enter the swimming, isn't it very similar to the Five Elements Retreat technique?

Therefore, these two Devil Fruit abilities are highly appreciated by Ao Long, and if they return to their original origin through Dragon Bead Chaos, they can absorb and experience them well.

"King Canglong, it is unforgivable that you stir up trouble in the Don Quixote family's Dressrosa for no reason! The Navy has promised to join forces with Dover to take you! "

Jorah is brutal to the enemies of the Don Quixote!

"Empress Han Cook! As one of the Seven Martial Seas, you actually joined forces with the world criminal Ao Long to offend the territory of Doflamingo, which is also one of the Seven Martial Seas! Are you going to reneg on the treaty of the Seven Martial Seas? Are you ready to bear the wrath of the World Government and the Don Quixote!! "

Pique, the Wandering Fruit Ability, has some understanding of Ao Long's power, so he didn't directly scare the Dragon King! And the empress Han Cook is the same as the young lord of the Don Quixote family, Doflamingo, and the king of the Seven Martial Seas, so he directly scolded Han Cook!

Ao Long did not respond to Jorah's provocation, after all, he was not on the same level. And his two beautiful swordsmen have already begun to defend their masters!

Hancock, on the other hand, pointed at Peake and smiled disdainfully:

"Hahaha, the concubine is so beautiful! Do you need a reason to do anything? You ugly man, who has the right to accuse me! "

For the first time, Pique was told by the opposite sex that he was an ugly man, you must know that he has always been surrounded by a group of female fans, praising him every day for his manliness!

And what kind of outfit is Pique? He is obese, wears a pink baby hat, bites a pacifier, and wears a diaper with a star pattern. Thirteen years ago, Saignior Peake was very handsome, had a habit of smoking, and wore a standard suit.

Ao Long knows that these two people are people with stories, but what does that matter to Ao Long? Now that you've jumped out, just kill it!

"Bonnie, I'll leave this pervert to you!"

To be honest, Pique's strength is still passable, and You Youguo surprised his attack, and his attack power is already relatively strong, and he is not slow in speed.

But he ran into Joe Ellie. Wave, the age fruit ability, two people dodge and attack each other in their respective fist styles, it depends on whose physical strength is exhausted, slow down and be right! The attack waves of the two people constantly collided, shining with dazzling light!

In the end, it is naturally that Pique is not as good as cultivating the wave of "Eternal Evergreen Gong"! Ni slapped a few times to become ten years old!

Looking at his baby hat, pacifier, and urine pair, Pique felt that he had lost the masculinity he valued most! He was lying in the stone pool made of the Youyou fruit and wept silently.

Ao Long didn't have any mood about this, and directly waved his sleeve to put Pique into his own dragon bead chaos, and finally turned into a fragment of the law of escape, shuttling in the chaos!

Ao Long directly sent it to the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven, and soon some insights about the escape method were transmitted to Ao Long's brain, pointing directly to the source!

"Haha, this time it's really a big gain!"

A slap on Bonnie's fat! On top of the buttocks, Ao Long gave her a kiss as a reward!

"Humph! Of course, my goddess Bonie is out of the horse, and I naturally gain a lot! "

Bonnie was also a bit of a surprise at the right time, but that smugness was so exciting that Guina and Dusty did!

I saw two swordsmen, one with a hundred-step flying sword, and one across all directions, and seeing that the artist Jola was about to turn into art fragments under the sword aura of the two swordsmen, Ao Long made a move!

I saw Ao Long go down with a golden bell cover, and all the vertical and horizontal sword qi was eliminated.

"Master, why did you save this old woman?"

Dusty asked Ao Long with a puzzled expression, but Guina on the side didn't say anything, she had already noticed that Ao Long seemed to have a way to absorb the Devil Fruit's ability to enhance himself.

It's just that this kind of thing is too sensational, and Guina has never said it to the public. Sure enough, under the incomprehensible gaze of Dusty and others, Ao Long directly pressed down with one palm, and Jorah lost her ability to resist and fell into a coma!

Then he disappeared with a wave of his sleeve, and Guina knew that the person with the ability of the art fruit was not received into the cave world!

In fact, Ao Long turned the fruit of Jora's art back to its original in the chaos of the dragon beads, turned it into a fragment of the law of creation, and finally entered the dragon bead cave sky....

I saw that in the Longzhu Cave Sky, the original chaotic continental jungle seemed to add some beauty, and many places have derived amazing scenery, the clouds in the sky began to change some lovely shapes, and in some places there were also celestial phenomena such as the aurora.

Art originates from life, and finally promotes the harmony of life, which is a process of creation, and naturally it has carried out a creation of Longzhu Cave.

Ao Long believes that there are no garbage fruits, only garbage people, and the saying is reasonable, many devil fruits do not play their due strength, and many powerful fruits are only because users are more diligent in development!

"Let's go, there's the royal palace of Dressrosa ahead! It looks like the fighting is fierce there and may need our assistance! "

Looking at the mess in front of him, Ao Long directly beckoned everyone to rush to the royal palace in Dressrosa, and the rock giant of Pika could already be seen from afar! Ao Long felt that the strength of the few of them must be as strong as the abuse.

As for the pheasant, Ao Long is not worried, the light of ice and fire in the northwest direction! It's not something that ordinary people can figure out, Ao Long knows that it was the pheasant and the red dog fighting there, but what he didn't know was that the reason why the two of them were fighting was because of him!

"Pheasant, this guy is really interesting! I still have a very strong position at a critical time! "

Ao Long said with a smile, he knew that there were five hundred Lilliputians and the princess of the Lilliputian Clan on the Pheasant's side, but Ao Long did not want to go to the rescue first, after all, those children were the tight spell on the Pheasant's righteous heart, how could they be easily removed!

Ao Long and his party arrived in front of the royal palace in Dressrosa and looked at the mess in the place, these ordinary cadres of the Don Quixote family, the king's army of the powerful king, and the people who wanted to violently resist Doflamingo!

"Looks like the fighting here is worse than I thought!"

Ao Long said to Hancock beside him.

"Then they can only blame their king for his low ability, not enough to protect his own people! If it is on Nine Snake Island, the concubine will definitely let the cadres of the Don Quixote family feed the snake! "

Hancock was very indignant at this kind of incompetence and exhaustion of the three armies!

"You're right, it's all because the old man is incompetent, which caused Dressrosa to be what he is now!"

Suddenly, in the corner of the stone next to him, an old man's voice came.

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