"Damn the Dragon King!"

Doflamingo's roar can be heard from the royal palace of Dressrosa!

Obviously, Ao Long slashed his birdcage and not only ruined his plan to kill people, but also caused his abilities to be counterattacked!

"Hehe, it looks like Doflamingo is about to jump off the wall! Let's go, let's go! "

Ao Long led everyone directly into the unguarded palace, or the ruins of the palace!

After the destruction of Pica's stone ability, coupled with the battle between Law and Hancock and Doflamingo, the palace of Dressrosa at this time was only a piece of wreckage!

"Pheasant! You just wait to accept the sanctions of the Navy and the World Government! "

On the other side, Akainu saw the current result, he had already consumed a lot of physical strength in the process of fighting with the pheasant, and he also hurt each other. Seeing that Doflamingo's defeat could not be stopped, and it was impossible for Ao Long to be arrested, he left directly with indignation!

The pheasant looked at the departing red dog, his face was ugly, but he didn't say anything! After all, he was for the justice in his heart, watching the birdcage disappearing from the sky, and the lilliputi who looked at him with adoration13.

The pheasant didn't say anything, the truth about the tragedy of Dressrosa has been revealed, and he did what he had to do! didn't say a word, picked up his schoolbag, and left indifferently.

As for the merits and demerits, the pheasant doesn't care, just go back to Marin Fanduo Pavilion to deal with it!

On the way, he still took out his phone bug and reported the whole situation to the Warring States.

After listening to all the causes and causes of the incident, Sengoku did not judge the pheasant's behavior, but issued a new order:

"Pheasant, since such a tragic incident has happened in Dressrosa, the Navy Headquarters will send people to treat the civilians and wounded there! You can go back to the Navy Headquarters first! "

The statement of the Akainu in this matter is very different from that of the Pheasant, and the Akainu is directly reporting to the five old stars of the World Government!

Therefore, the treatment of the pheasant depends on how the five old stars of the world government deal with it, and the most important thing is that the five old stars must be willing to believe in the red dog, not the green pheasant!

Marin Fando, Warring States Office, looked at Lieutenant General Crane and Karp next to him, Warring States sighed, his own generation has grown old one after another, and Pheasant Their generation originally had his favorite successor Pheasant, but this happened, it's hard to say!

The sea is turbulent, the power of pirates is becoming more and more rampant, the world is becoming more and more turbulent, and the warring states are doing their best to maintain stability, but there are such disputes within the navy, which is not a good sign!

Dressrosa, Ao Long looked at Rowe, Doflamingo, and Hancock standing in the triangle.

Luo's body was cut by Doflamingo's thread fruit, and Doflamingo's body was also on the left side of Luo's abdomen, and the shoe prints on it seemed to be left by Hancock!

Only Hancock is still spotless and proud!

"Doflamingo, the Dragonman of the Seven Martial Seas, is now the largest underground weapons dealer in the New World, and Kaido is also trading artificial devil fruits!"

Ao Long looked at Doflamin in the field. Said lightly.

He saw Doflamingo's eyes shrink, it was a sign of extreme jealousy, he didn't know why Ao Long would have such a clear grasp of his information!

"Canglong King Ao Long, I don't think I'm offended, I don't know why you want to destroy my foundation!"

It took many years of time and painstaking efforts for him to pull up such a powerful team, and finally occupied Dressrosa, and the country flourished under the development, and he became the hub of underground trading in the entire New World, and he was able to speak in the world government!

It's all Ao Long, it was his appearance that set off a riot, unveiled the country of toys, and lost the foundation for many years!

Doflamingo, who has always maintained his aristocratic son-like demeanor, is like a lone wolf who has been injured at this time, and he is also the wolf king!

Roaring angrily, questioning Ao Long's meddling!

"You really didn't offend me directly, but my subordinate Luo, who was bullied by you so badly, I, the master, have to help my subordinates come out, and my secretary Monet, a native of Dressrosa, has such a tragedy in her hometown, and I, as a young master, can't come out!"

"King Canglong! These reasons shouldn't be enough for you to get involved in it yourself! You know that this time you are risking being surrounded by the navy! I don't believe it for the sake of my subordinates! "

"Doflamingo, therefore, you never know what it means, those who have attained the Tao have much help, and those who have lost the Tao have little help! Of course, your own status is also a very important reason! "

"My status? Your Majesty the Seven Martial Seas! This woman of yours is also the king of the Seven Martial Seas, and I don't think there is anything in the Seven Martial Seas that is worth your rarity! "

Doflamingo laughed, he definitely didn't believe Ao Long's words!

"No, it's your other identity, the world's largest underground dealer, the giant of weapons dealers! You say that you have fallen, those brutal countries have lost their sources of weapons, and the people's riots will be suppressed by what will they rely on!? "

Ao Long has never moved for a certain person, and those who do not seek the overall situation cannot seek a domain! As long as Doflamingo's central brain is cut off, the whole new world will be chaotic, and it will be good to fish while it is chaotic.

Therefore, Ao Long's purpose is to continue to add fuel to the fire in the Age of Discovery, whether it is the cultivation of outstanding talents or the uprooting of the enemy's leaders!

"You, King of the Dragon! It turns out that your purpose has never changed! Compared to you, I'm Doflamingo really just a little bit of a fight! What I want is to restore the status and power of the Celestial Dragons, and you want to replace them! "

Doflamingo seems to understand Ao Long's purpose, he wants to use his failure to blow a storm that sweeps the world and a tsunami!

"Alright, Doflamingo, thank you for helping Luo and Sucrose, then please hit the road!"

Ao Long has no interest in talking anymore, although Doflamingo is a talent, but this kind of heroic Ao Long will never stay by his side!

"The trip to 493 Avenue is also the world's public. Selecting the virtuous and capable, stressing faith and harmony, so that people do not only kiss their relatives, do not only have sons and sons, so that the old have the end, the strong have usefulness, the young have growth, the widows, the lonely and the sick, all have support. Men have a share, and women have a home. If you abandon the goods on the ground, you don't have to hide them for yourself; The power of evil does not come from the body, and it does not have to be for oneself. It is because of the plot to close but not to prosper, to steal and thieves and not to do it, so the outside of the house is not closed, it is said to be the same! Ao Long, your Datong, is it your dream or your excuse!? Hahahaha..."

Reciting the oath Ao Long had made back then, Doflamingo turned into a line and flew straight into the clouds, knowing that neither Rowe nor Hancock had the ability to fly.

Without Dressrosa's foundation, he will create it again, it's a big deal to start all over again, as long as he is still there, everything is possible!

Just now, he had really felt a murderous aura from Ao Long's body, and he knew that Ao Long was really murderous!

Doflamingo, who flew up to the clouds, looked at the Ao Long people below, and laughed unbridledly, let's fight again next time!

At this time, Ao Long also seemed to be pondering, whether to kill Doflamingo!

Kill him, everything goes according to plan, and the storm rolls up the new world!

If you don't kill him, the events of Dressrosa will be announced, his factories will be destroyed, the new world will still be stormy, and Doflamingo can go to fight with the navy and force the pheasant to leave the navy!

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