"Didn't that little brother just say that he would help me pay the bill? He said he invited me to eat meat! "

Although Ace eats the overlord meal, he knows that it is not good, so if he is stopped every time, he will not resist violently, and will generally stay to help the boss work to pay off his debts.

"The young man who talked and laughed with you just now said that he was your master, so let's look for you if we have anything!"

The boss directly exposed the lie that Ace was weak~.

"Alright! Then I'll stay and help - you guys work to pay off your debts! "

Ace said in frustration, fortunately, his strength is great, and he can quickly repay the debt every time!

"What? You don't have any money!? It turns out that you came here with the purpose of eating the overlord meal in the first place! "

When the boss heard this, he was angry, but there was no way to squeeze the labor force as much as possible!

In the backyard of the hotel, Ace was honestly soaking his plates, and Ao Long was sitting on the wall, watching him.

"You would have had the strength to run away again! Why stay and work honestly to pay off your debts! "

"Huh?! It's you? Your name is Fengyun, right? He said he would invite me to eat meat but ran away by himself! What should I say is my master, so that I will pay back your share together, and the most hateful thing is that your little dish is more expensive than my pile of meat! "

Ace looked up and saw that it was Ao Long sitting on the wall, and he was about to rush up to fight, but he tripped under his feet, looked at the piles of plates and plates, and continued to wash the dishes honestly!

"If you run away before, you can thank them for their hospitality, but if you are caught, you have to fulfill the man's responsibilities and pay for your part-time job!"

What kind of logic is this, Ao Long directly felt speechless.

"Okay, I'll settle the bill for you, come with me!"

Looking at the bitter Ace, Ao Long directly removed him from the sea of suffering, what kind of man's responsibility is it to wash the dishes here.

"By the way, why did you pretend to be my master before?!"

Thinking of this stubble, Ace is more angry, when did he have a master!

"Oh!? Don't you have a master? Then where did your exercises come from!? "

Ao Long smiled and asked Ace.

"My strength is naturally something I have cultivated! I've always practiced with my brother! "

Ace tilted his head, remembering his silly brother, and grinned.

"Really? What about your ability to control fire? "

Before Ao Long retreated, he instructed Ace to teach a volume of fire control exercises, and Ao Long had already felt the active fire element from Ace.

"Who the hell are you? How do you know I'm going to control fire!? "

As soon as Ace heard this, he immediately exploded, you must know that the person who taught him this exercise back then said that it was taught to him by Ao Long, the king of the dragon!

Since he got the exercises, he has been practicing silently, and others still think that this is the ability of the Devil Fruit, only he knows that this is the ability to control fire, and the cultivation method of the Devil Fruit.

"Isn't it obvious who I am?"

With a snap of his fingers, Ao Long's fingertips grazed with sparks, and then coalesced into a small flame.

Feeling the ability similar to his own fire control, as well as the familiar fire breath, although the temperature and power are much stronger than his own, but Ace knows that this should be the fire control ability!

"Are you the Dragon King! Your Majesty Ao Long!? "

Ace looked at the flame and looked at Ao Long in surprise, knowing that Ao Long's appearance at this time was different from what was advertised in the newspaper.

"Okay, come with me, take you to meet an acquaintance!"

Ao Long didn't say much, took Ace, turned around and left, the owner of the hotel saw Ao Long come out, a kind face, eager to hold a handkerchief, shout, the guest officer often comes!

"So thank you so much for really helping me settle the bill!?"

Although he could feel that Ao Long's flame was of the same origin as his own law, Ace still didn't call Master Ao Long.

Going around and around, Ao Long took Ace to a familiar place, Xia Qi's knock on the bamboo bar, entered the door, and found that there were no customers, and Ao Long returned to his appearance.

"Long time no see, Xia Qi, you have become a lot more beautiful again, it seems that Reilly has worked hard!"

Looking at Xia Qi, who was smoking a cigarette in the bar, and Reilly, who was sitting by the windowsill drinking, Ao Long teased directly.

"Ahem, ahem... Ao Long, you stinky boy, even make jokes about me, do you know how to respect the elderly!? "

Reilly's sip of wine was directly squirted out by Ao Long's words.

"Long time no see, boss, you've done a lot of great things lately! I haven't seen you for a few years, the wind and waves are calm, and when you get out of the customs, you will be shocked! "

Xia Qi took out two quilts from the bar and poured a glass of wine for Ao Long and Ace.

"You... You are...... You're an uncle?! "

Ace looked at Reilly by the windowsill, although he looked older, he still recognized it at a glance, this was the person who taught him the exercises back then!

··· Asking for flowers...


Reilly looked at this young man, very familiar, and then remembered that he had come in with Ao Long, and immediately remembered that it was his old friend's son Ace.

"It's Ace! I haven't seen you for more than seven years, and your kid has grown so big! "

Seeing Roger's descendants again, Reilly was still very happy, after all, he was the orphan of his own captain!

"What you just said... You are...... Immortal Reilly? He's the Dragon King... Ao Long? "

Ace Sparta, it turns out that the uncle who sent him the exercises is his father's deputy captain?

And this young man in front of him is really the Dragon King who taught him the method of controlling fire!?

"It seems that Reilly hid his identity from you in the first place, Ace, I know that your father did not fulfill his responsibilities as a father, but he did his best! Let Reilly tell you a good story about him! "


didn't want Ace to enter a dead end because of Roger, Ao Long still asked Hades Reilly to restore a real and comprehensive Roger to Ace!

As the only heir of One Piece, he has the right and ability to face these stories and the truth behind them.


"So, even if he doesn't turn himself in, his body won't be able to support him for long? But in that case, why did you let me come into this world!? Why should I be saddled with so much? What is the purpose of my life? Carry his burden on your back?! "

After Ace listened to Roger's story, although he understood his distress, he was even more dissatisfied with Roger irresponsibly bringing him into this world!

Over the years, in the East China Sea, all kinds of pirates have risen, and I don't know how many people have abused Roger, and Ace has been growing up in shame, which made him change his opinion of Roger overnight, how difficult it is.

"Well, Ace, the meaning of life is to live bravely in the present and pursue a better future, rather than blindly living in the past. As for the meaning of your life, it should be up to you to find out, and Roger has never planned anything for you! Didn't leave you with any will! "

Looking at the hesitant Ace, Ao Long felt that the bell had to be tied to the bell, maybe he had to go through the same thing, so that he could transform into a strong man from his heart!

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