The town of Shields is a relatively prosperous town, otherwise there would be no naval base here, and generally the places where there are naval bases are some traffic arteries or prosperous towns, because it is easy for pirates here to log in for supplies and loot.

"I heard that the pirate hunter has been tied up at the naval base for nine days, and he must be dying of starvation!"

Under the leadership of Kirby, Ao Long and Luffy found a more famous restaurant, and Ao Long didn't have the habit of treating his stomach badly when he went out, so they were all kinds of delicacies, and when they were eating, they heard other guests discussing the news that the pirate hunter Zoro was arrested by the navy.

It turned out that after Sauron came to the town of Shelds, Sauron rescued the girl Lijia, who was bullied by Captain Monka's son Berumeber, and killed the wolf that Berumeber had raised. He was later arrested by the Navy and tied to the execution ground at the naval base, denied food and water. It turned out that Berumeber had promised to release Sauron as long as he lived for a month. But Ao Long knew that this was a joke by Berumeber, and in fact planned to execute him publicly.

"Luffy, I'll leave this Zoro to you to communicate!"

Only when they are of the same age do they have more common language, not to mention that no matter how good Sauron is, he is also a man, so Ao Long is not willing to spend too much effort to communicate.

"Vice Captain Fengyun, what about me?"

Kirby saw that Ao Long had assigned Luffy a task, and hurriedly asked about his plan of action.

"Your strength is still too weak, just follow me, it will be safer."

is still happy to crack down on young people Ao Long, so he mercilessly pointed out the problem of Kebi's strength, and of course inspired Kebi's determination to become stronger as soon as possible.

"By the way, Luffy, you take this with you! It will work! "

I saw Ao Long pick up a bottle of wine from the table, after all, this wine can replenish energy and water at the critical moment, anyway, it is fruit wine, and the degree is not high.

When Ao Ryu and Luffy walked to the courtyard wall of the Navy Execution Ground, they saw a six or seven-year-old girl struggling to climb the wall, carrying a package in her hand, which seemed to contain food.

"It seems that someone is helping that Zoro, Luffy, Kirby, as a boy with a sense of justice, shouldn't you come forward to help that kid at this time?"

"Huh? Yes, it's up to me to fulfill this justice! "

Kirby ran the exercises, stepped on the wind god legs taught to him by Ao Long, and directly took the little girl in a few steps to climb over the wall and enter the execution ground, Ao Long and Luffy naturally jumped into the execution ground very easily.

"Big brother, this is the rice ball that Lijia made for you, you haven't eaten or drunk for nine days, you must be hungry."

The little girl walked quickly to Sauron, who was tied to the torture pillar, and took out a few rice balls from her small flower cloth package, which smelled quite good, and it seemed that the little girl's craftsmanship was not bad.

"I'm not hungry at all, get your rice balls back!!"

"But you've been tied up here for nine days, you must be hungry!!"

"I said I'm not hungry!!"

Luffy looked at the stalemate between the two, pressed his straw hat, and stepped forward.

"Hello, Pirate Hunter Zoro, my name is Luffy, I am the man who wants to become the King of the Pirates, I will help you cut the ropes, you can be my partner!!"

Zoro looked up at the young man who appeared in front of him, because the current Zoro is far from Gu Yina's achievements, so he is a little more mature and stable than Zoro at the same time in the original book, and he is not so arrogant, so he said:

"I'm not going to be a pirate, I'm going to be the number one swordsman in the world!! And I don't need you to cut the rope for me, as long as I can live for a month, that bastard guy will let me go as promised! "

"Kirby, that Zoro is said to be a three-sword swordsman, without a sword, his strength will definitely be greatly reduced, you go to the naval base to look for it, see if you can find those three swords, and take them after you find them."

Ao Long said to Kirby beside him, after all, this kind of errand work is more convenient for someone with good legs, and then walked slowly towards Zoro.

"Legend has it that the famous pirate hunter Zoro in the Middle East, it turns out that he is such an idiot, how innocent you must be knowing that the colonel's son is a bastard and still believes his words."

Ao Long's taunt sounded so harsh to Zoro, but he ignored Ao Long and Luffy, and said to the little girl.

"Go back, little ghost, I'm not hungry at all!!"

"It's not right to bully, Roronoa Zoro!"

I saw a young man who looked two hundred and five walked in under the cover of two navies, he was the son of the supreme commander of this naval base, Colonel Monka, and it was this agreement he made with Sauron.

"Another bastard, this stupid son who only knows how to rely on his father!!"

"Don't be too arrogant, Zoro, my dad is Captain Monka the Axeman!!"

Smoking a cigarette and selling a figure-of-eight step, Berumeber looked at several people on the field.

"Looks like someone is here to save you!! Zoro, oh, isn't this Riga? I'll try the rice balls I made. Phew!! Where is this food that people eat!! "

I saw Berumeber take one of Lijia's rice balls and taste it, and then spit it all on the ground that was very unappetizing, and knocked all the other rice balls that Lijia brought to the ground, and crushed them back and forth with his own leather shoes!! Soon the rice balls and sand were mixed together.

"Hey, you're the son of Admiral Monka, we were just laughing at Sauron, and we actually believed in your bet, I heard that you are going to execute him in public in three days, is there such a thing?"

Ao Long looked at the scene in front of him, and was ready to directly lead to Berumeber's heart, convincing Zoro that the bet was a hoax.

"Ah, did you see through it? But it doesn't matter, my dad is the supreme commander of the naval base, Captain Axe Monka!! Of course, this pirate hunter who dares to bully me will be executed! I thought he would starve to death after a week, but I didn't expect that nine days had passed, and I was ready to execute him in public and establish my reputation as Berumeber!! "

"Hey... That one... Luffy... Help me pick up the rice balls and feed them to me! "

Zoro listened to Berumeber's words and suddenly said to Luffy on the side.

"Huh?! That rice ball is dirty, so I can't eat it!! Or I've got wine here, and you have a bar! "

"That's right, Brother Zoro, why don't you do it again when Lijia goes back!!"

"Less nonsense, don't you want me to be your partner? Why don't you pick up the rice balls for me!! "

Zoro yelled at Luffy.

"Oh, well!!"

I saw Luffy pick up the trampled rice ball from the sand, hand it to Zoro, and then watch Zoro eat it all in one bite. Lijia watched Zoro eat her rice balls as if she were eating a delicacy, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Hey, you guys, you don't take me seriously! In front of me, give this bastard pirate hunter food, I'm going to arrest you all, you know, my dad is the axe man Monka!! "

Berumeber on the side rebuked Luffy loudly, preparing to let his two subordinates directly capture Luffy and Riga.

"Go away, you strange man!"

It's a pity that Luffy's fist directly bombarded Berumeber to the edge of the execution ground.

"Woooooooo Whew.... I'm going to find my dad, you dare to bully me..... He's Captain Monka the Axeman!! "

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