The Bucky Pirates are a group of pirates led by Captain Bucky, and the organization looks like a circus, the pirate ship is called the "Bikudop", the bow of the ship is characterized by an elephant, and the part of the nose is made into a cannon.

Bucky Pirates Captain Bucky is a Split Fruit Capable of Splitting People, Split People, the body can be split, and various parts can fly towards the enemy to attack, but the other parts of the foot must be on the ground to fly, and the slash is ineffective against it.

Since childhood, he and the red-haired Shanks have been a pirate apprentice on the ship of One Piece, and 22 years ago, One Piece was executed, and Baki did not want to become Shanks's subordinate, so the two parted ways in Rogue Town, and he was quite concerned about having a red and big nose, and because of this, he often hurt the innocent.

While Ao Ryu was drifting alone in his canopy boat, Nami approached in the boat she had stolen from the Bucky Pirates.

It turned out that the other crew members of the Bucky Pirates found their treasure ship and did not go back, and came out to find the minions soaked in the sea, so there was a scene of pirates catching thieves.

"Stop!! Thief mother-in-law, leave us the treasure!! "

I saw a larger ship chasing Nami at full speed, and Nami used her nautical knowledge to deftly dodge, but unfortunately the speed of the ship was not as fast as the slightly larger ship that was not as fast as the Bucky Pirates, and it was only a matter of time before it was overtaken.

"These treasures are in my pocket, you don't want to take them back, and it is a dream to catch up with me, a genius navigator, at sea!"

Nami turned around and grimaced at the Bucky Pirates, and suddenly she noticed a rickety awning boat on the sea in front of her, and there was a man lying in the sun on the bow of the boat, so Nami thought about it and drove towards the awning boat, and shouted loudly:

"Boss, come and save me, I've got all those treasures!! I'll go back to the base first, and I'll leave you with these pursuers! "

I saw Nami's boat and the awning boat passing by, without making too many stops.

"What? That thief and her accomplices!! Everyone, hurry up and kill him! "

"Yes, what are you afraid of, he will be alone, take it down, and then take back our treasure."

The crew of the Bucky Pirates quickly caught up, and it seemed that they believed Nami's nonsense, and really felt that Ao Long was Nami's boss, and they couldn't understand such a simple strategy.

"Since you call me boss, I'll help you once! Pai Yun Palm!! "

I saw Ao Long wave his hand and slap it over, and the clouds in the sky quickly condensed into a giant palm, and slapped at the people of the Bucky Pirates, and then saw that the ship was shattered, and all the pirates fell into the water.

"Good..... It's amazing.... I actually slapped the whole cloud with one sleeve....."

Nami looked at how tough she was with a random passerby in the sea, and she now had a feeling that she had pitted herself.

"That..... That one.... Eldest brother.... I'm just a thief..... Not intentionally .... You don't remember the villain, I'll go first!! "

After saying that, Nami drove the ship as fast as she could, and if she wanted to leave Ao Long quickly, she could hide as far as she wanted.

As a result, when she looked back to see how far she had lost Ao Long, she suddenly found that the awning ship was already on par with her treasure ship.

I saw Ao Long jump onto Nami's treasure ship, put away all the treasures with a wave of his sleeve, and then turned back and said to Nami with a smile:

"Since you said that I asked you to steal all these treasures, then I will put them away, this gold coin is reserved for you, and it is your hard work!!"

Nami looked at the only gold coin left in her hand and wanted to cry without tears. You must know that she is now stealing everywhere in order to raise money, how can she watch her treasure being taken away by Ao Long, only to see Nami finally break out, and shouted loudly to Ao Long:

"Boss, please take my knees, I'm a very good navigator, a thief who specializes in stealing pirates, let's work together, we will definitely make a fortune!"

Ao Long smiled, looking at Nami's excellent performance, this acting skill, Ao Long can give full marks.

"No, since you call me boss, how about messing with me in the future?"

I saw Ao Long suddenly appear in front of Nami's eyes, directly holding Nami's slender waist with one hand, and looking down on Nami condescendingly.

"Ahh Let me go..... I don't want to mess with you, I'm going to get rich!!!! "

Nami looked at Ao Long's handsome face, thought of his cool skills, blushed, and refused Ao Long's invitation, although Ao Long was very handsome, but still could not shake Nami's determination to save her village.

"I'm a pirate, and as for the treasure, what do you think is on that ship?"

I saw that Ao Long waved his sleeves, and the canopy boat was full of a mountain of gold, shining with golden light, and Nami's eyes were full of Bailey's symbols.

"Good.... Better.... There's a lot of money, I don't have to run around anymore, I just need to steal you alone! "

After saying that, Nami jumped into the awning boat, started the boat, and wanted to go away, but unfortunately the awning boat was under the control of Ao Long and did not move.

"How so? It's strange how my seamanship could fail. "

Ao Long looked at Nami, who was there wondering about the effectiveness of his skills, and with a wave of his sleeve, he put away the treasure on the awning boat again.

"Ah!!??? What about my treasure, my treasure? Why don't you have any?! "

Three black vertical lines appeared on Ao Long's head.

"Figure, it seems to be my treasure, when did it become yours, and besides, didn't you say don't mess with me? Then you should take your boat and continue to steal the treasure of the pirates. "

Jumping back on the awning boat, Ao Long directly asked Nami to return to his ship, but seeing so many gold and silver treasures in Ao Long, how could Nami leave, although I don't know what method Ao Long used to hide those treasures, but Nami witnessed it with her own eyes and knew that Ao Long must have a lot of money.

It's better to steal a hundred families than to stare at one, since Ao Long alone can solve all Nami's treasure needs, Nami naturally won't go to other places and be chased around to defraud the treasure, after all, although she is a little thief cat, but her strength is still very weak, and many times in the past few years, she has escaped from Ascension with a clever energy.

I saw Nami stand up for her own snow peak, hold Ao Long's arm, and start to be coquettish in a loud voice:

"Boss, I'm a powerful thief, let me follow you, I'll definitely make you a lot of money when the time comes!!"

Enjoying the comfortable touch of his arm, Ao Long lay down on the chaise longue and said to Nami:

"Yes, but you have to help me beat my legs first, and then recommend you to the captain after those three boys come out of Qijing Mountain."

Nami was full of flattering Ao Long at this time, and it was best to let Ao Long be fascinated and obediently hand over those gold and silver treasures, so she took the initiative to approach Ao Long, help him pinch his legs, serve tea and water, and show her beautiful figure intentionally or unintentionally.

"Captain? Are you not the captain of the ship? Anyone else? Why didn't I see it? Also, Where is Qijingshan? Why doesn't this place appear on my chart? "

suddenly realized that Ao Long was not the captain yet, so what a powerful person the captain should be!! What she didn't know was that the captain who was waiting for her would be a very funny person!

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