"What, so you're here to find a companion and a new ship to go to sea with!!"

In a village tavern, Luffy is eating meat, Zoro is gulping wine, only Kirby is eating and drinking there more normally, and Nami is embarrassed to eat the food that Ao Long fed her.

"Nami, I'm going to eat that piece of meat, can you feed it to me?"

Ao Long looked at Nami gently and said with a smile.

"Well... Well, if you are willing to contribute to Miss Ben, Miss Ben will reluctantly feed you!! "

Nami was very tsundere but very considerate and picked a piece of bright color and fed it to Ao Long's mouth, and then Ao Long fed each other with Nami under the pretext of having dealings.

"If you talk about boats, then you can only ask for help from Miss Koya, who is a poor girl, frail, and sick in bed all year round."

"Boss, give me meat again!!"

"Give me !! wine"

It's a pity that Luffy and Zoro don't care about what he's talking about at all.

"Why is a weak girl the one who can help us?"

Nami was still very concerned about the ship, and asked very cheerfully.

"About a year ago, Miss Koya's parents died, leaving her with a huge inheritance, a mansion, and dozens of servants. No matter how rich he is, his life is still very pitiful. "

"Say no more, let's go find a boat somewhere else!"

When Nami heard that Koya was so miserable, she immediately felt sympathy and didn't want to bother Koya anymore.

"Yes, pack a bunch of meat, and let's go!!"

Captain Luffy also agrees with Nami's suggestion, as long as the meat he pays attention to is there.

"And there will be wine!"

Ao Long looked at Sauron, but he didn't expect that after more than ten years, this guy actually slowly became a drunkard.

"Didn't you just say that you were looking for a partner to go to sea with?"

"What's wrong? Do you have any recommendations? "

Kirby asked, knowing that he had a deep understanding of the power of many.

"I can, be your captain!!"

Usopp boasted proudly.

"No need, we already have a captain and a co-captain!!"

"Don't jump to conclusions so early, you even have the deputy captain, who is it, I'm going to duel with him!! Should I at least be made a co-captain? "

"Oh, yes? You're going to duel with me!! "

Ao Long glanced at Usopp coldly, you must know that Luffy didn't dare to say that he was looking for Ao Long to duel for no reason, and the others also looked at Usopp in surprise, but they knew that the mysterious Vice Captain Fengyun was more powerful than these people, and the timid lying cloth actually had the courage to challenge the Vice Captain.

As soon as Usopp saw this posture, he knew that Ao Long was not easy to mess with, and immediately retreated.

"Just kidding, kidding."

At this time, in the villa, Keya is playing with a laptop, which his father bought for her when he was still alive, saying that she can't go out because she is weak and sick, so she wants to let her know the outside world through these communication tools. It is characterized by playful pale blonde hair and a book that never leaves the hand.

Keya's favorite thing is to learn about the outside world through the Navigation Daily inside, because there are many reports about the new world, the great voyage and some heroic accidents in the Navigation Daily, and some customs on the sea also make Keya feel eye-opening.

Now Keya does not have only one friend like Usopp in the original book, but has entered the Internet information age with the tools in her hands, and her most admired hero is the dragon king Ao Long, who broke into Mary Joya alone regardless of her own safety, carried out the liberation of slaves, and also succeeded, and then she was not afraid of power, exposed the tragedy of Dressrosa, and directly attacked the evil forces of the navy, and her room also posted some propaganda posters of Ao Long, and she knew some legends and stories of Ao Long.

And at the head of Keya's bed are Ao Long's two books, a "Dragon Emperor's Quotations" and "Dragon Emperor's Inner Scripture", as Ao Long's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the power is getting bigger and bigger, many insider stories have been slowly revealed, and Ao Long has attracted a large number of fans, and Keya is one of them.

The frail and sickly Keya yearns for medical skills the most, and the "Dragon Emperor's Neijing" originally contained some empirical expositions of Chinese medicine, which can be said to be regarded as a guideline. At least under her own conditioning, her body is still much stronger than in the original book, but it's a pity that many things are still very obscure by self-study.

"Hello, Miss Koya, is there anything you need?"

At this time, in the mansion in the village, Keya got up from the bed, held her books, and wanted to go out for a walk, but her housekeeper Chloe appeared in front of Keya and blocked Keya's way.

"I want to go around the village and relax."

"No, there are too many idle people in the village, and because of the death of your parents, your body has not recovered, so it's better to rest at home."

"But I feel like going out for a walk is better for my recovery!!"

Keya, who had already walked into the courtyard, saw two big men standing at the gate of her yard guarding her.

"Miss, I am entrusted by your father to take care of you, these are the two guards I specially found to protect you, in the future, those liars in the village will not be able to come in or anything, you are absolutely safe."

Keya looked at the guarded guard, deflated for a while, sat on the swing in the courtyard, sighed, and said in a low voice:

"Okay, I got it!"

"I'm also doing this for the good of Miss!"

Inside the tavern, Ao Long suddenly said to Luffy:

"Luffy, since Miss Koya is so pitiful, let's go and borrow a boat from her!!"

"Huh? Why? "

"Then we can cure her illness in return for borrowing a boat!!"

At this time, everyone knew that Ao Long's name was borrowed from the boat, which was actually to treat Keya's illness.

"Great, you will still heal, the great captain Usopp will take you to the mansion of the Koya family at once, speaking of which, the butler of their family is really not a good person, and he locks Miss Koya in the house every day, and Miss Koya is not allowed to go around the village if she wants to."

As soon as Usopp heard that Ao Long could cure Keya's illness, he immediately jumped for joy.

The group soon arrived at the door of Keya's house.

"Hey, is anyone there? Let's borrow a boat? "

Luffy really didn't know how to be polite, so he went up and knocked on the door, saying that he needed a ship.

"Chloe, it looks like there's a guest."

Kyoya heard someone talking at the gate of the courtyard.

"Don't worry about those idle people, there are guards guarding it, they can't break in.

"Chloe, how can you say that, it's a guest who has come to visit, and you have to be courteous."

Keya was really a little angry.

At this time, Usopp looked at the two black-clothed guards standing at the door and said to Luffy.

"These are the people who guard the gate every day and don't let Miss Keya come out!"

At this time, Ao Long said lightly:

"I smell pirates from them, these people are supposed to be pirates in disguise, and they may have bad intentions for that Miss Koya."

"What? Then let's get in!! "

As soon as Luffy heard that these were some evil pirates, and he had bad intentions for that poor Miss Koya, he attacked directly, and Kirby on the side also exploded with a sense of justice, and he also attacked directly with the wind god's legs, and then the poor courtyard door was blown down like this.

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