Thank you Fairyan for your great encouragement and flower tips!!

Just when Ao Long and Tetsuo Redfoot were catching up on the top floor of the sea restaurant, Nami's sweet voice was happening in the hall, and Sanji the bewitcher gave her a free order, coupled with the gentle smile of Koya on the side from time to time, Sanji was about to become a servant, circling around the two sisters.

"Huh? Is that? "

Suddenly, Ao Long noticed a dilapidated ship in the distant sea, a huge sailing ship with three decks, the bow of the ship in the shape of a panther, and an hourglass painted on each side of the skull on the flag. Unfortunately, the ship was shattered in many places, and the sails had become rags and hung on the masts, and even the pirate flag was in tatters, and the patterns on it could only be vaguely recognized.

"Your Majesty, that should be the overlord of the East China Sea, Admiral Creek of the pirate fleet, known for his military might. However, I heard that he had gone to the Great Voyage seven days ago, and why did he suddenly come back so miserably. "

Tetsuo took a look at the Pirate Flag and saw that it was the largest pirate group in the East China Sea.

"Maybe it's a storm."

Tetsuo has a deep understanding of the strange weather of the Great Voyage, and it is for this reason that he withdrew from the Great Voyage and lost a leg.

"No, the scars on that ship are sword wounds, and the one who can inflict such serious scars on such a large pirate ship should be at the level of a great swordsman."

Ao Long pointed to the remaining sword marks on the ship's side, the explosive scars that were definitely not left by the storm.

Sure enough, two people got off the ship, one was Admiral Creek, and the other was Ghost King.

"Hahahaha, it's really Creek, it's so embarrassing, doesn't it mean that you entered the Great Voyage seven days ago? Ran back so miserably. "

Although Creek's power is very large, there are many people in the East China Sea who are not afraid of him, and among the guests who eat in the Sea Restaurant are guests who have not dealt with Creek much before.

"Can... Can.... Give me first... A little bit to eat...."

It can be seen that Crick is indeed hungry, and he has no energy to fight, so he directly asks the chef of the sea restaurant to give him a piece of food.

"Okay, please wait!!"

According to Tetsuo's work ethic, the chubby chef didn't dislike Crick's embarrassment, and went to the kitchen to bring some ready-made food to Crick.

"Hahahaha, thank you for your hospitality! It tastes really good, but it's a pity that I have a fancy to your ship, all the chefs should fuck me off, and this will be my pirate ship in the future!! "

Not to mention that sometimes, some people can't be saved, after this Crick finished eating, he immediately recovered, and then looked back at his already dilapidated pirate ship, and then looked at the luxuriously decorated, crowded sea restaurant, and immediately moved his mind, to directly snatch this sea restaurant to be his own pirate ship, after all, now he has nothing, only by robbing, can his pirate group quickly recover.

"You.... How can you be so ungrateful!! "

The fat chef was annoyed by Crick's attitude, and he kindly took him in and provided food, and this Crick actually coveted the sea ship of the sea restaurant.

"Look, this is Crick, he wants to snatch the ship, everyone hurry away so that they don't get caught up in the battle."

Soon, some of the less powerful but very discerning guests discovered the anomaly here and quickly beckoned their relatives and friends to leave.

"My ship is in tatters, and I want a new one. If you pack your things, get off the boat for me. "

"Who is that man? So arrogant? "

Luffy looked at Crick who disturbed his meat, and looked unhappy, of course Crick wanted to grab the ship, of course he understood, just because he was fooled by Nami to give everyone a free order, in fact, Luffy still felt that he should do something to repay the restaurant at sea, just right, just fly that person.

"That's just an ungrateful villain!!"

Stopping Luffy's footsteps, Sanji lit a cigarette and paced forward himself.

But before Sanji could speak, suddenly there was a loud bang outside.

"What's going on?"

Crick, who was particularly sensitive to this voice, immediately had a horrified expression on his face, because he thought of the man who killed them back in the East China Sea, a man with eagle-like eyes.

"Chief, no, our main ship has been cut off with a knife!!"

Crick's younger brother stumbles and comes in dejected to tell Crick the unfortunate news.

"What? That guy .... Isn't it enough to cut my fleet apart, and chase it all the way to the East China Sea? Darn!!! "

"Crick, it's that man, the man who broke us, he must have come to kill us!!"

The ghost man Ah Jin looked at the small boat on the sea, and the man who had eagle-like eyes sitting on it.

Crick was frightened, he felt that Hawkeye was a ghostly and powerful enemy, where did Crick still have any intention of snatching the restaurant on the sea at this time, and directly changed into his own golden armor, fully armed, maybe only in this way could he bring him a sense of security.

"Bastard!! What kind of grudge do you have against us, and you actually hunt us down all over the world!! "

Creek hid in his full body armor, and finally had the courage to face Hawkeye, and asked very aggrievedly.

The world's No. 1 swordsman was on that small boat, characterized by short black hair, eagle-sharp yellow eyes, a short beard, a black top hat with white fluff, a burgundy patterned shirt, a black trench coat, white trousers, and black boots. There is a cross knife on his chest, and the strongest black knife in the world is on his back.

"Pass the time!!"

In the face of Crick's grief and indignant accusation, Mihawk only said lightly.

"Bastard, is it just to pass the time? Damn Hawkeye!! "

At this moment, Crick restrained the fear in his heart, or rather, humiliation overcame fear, he had always been arrogant, he did not allow himself to be just an object to pass the time, only to see him constantly shoot at Hawkeye with his golden gun.

Unfortunately, Mihawk's black knife changed the direction of the bullet with a random swing, and all the attacks missed.

"I've never seen such a soft sword !!"

Suddenly, a person appeared next to Crick, looking at Hawkeye's swordsmanship, and sighed, this person is naturally the sword idiot Zoro.

"A sword that is not soft is not strong!"

Hawkeye looked at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him, and he noticed the three knives on Zoro's waist, which looked like he should also be a swordsman.

"You used that sword to cut this ship, you deserve to be the world's number one swordsman! That's what I'm going to sea for!! "

Zoro said to Hawkeye, and slowly pulled out his knife.

"Oh? What is the purpose of your voyage to sea? Why? "

"Because I want to be the number one swordsman in the world!! So, accept my challenge, the strongest in the world, Hawkeye Mihawk!! "

At this time, Crick finally recognized Zoro's identity and looked at the three knives at his waist.

"You're... Be... That pirate hunter.... Roronoa Solon !! "

At this time, Hawkeye finally stood up and said to Sauron:

"If you are also a swordsman, then there is no need to fight, the gap between you and me is clear at a glance, I don't know if you challenge me, is it out of your courage or out of your ignorance?"

"No, from my dream, the dream of becoming the number one swordsman on the sea!!"

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