"You actually killed the former king Valpo!!"

Dalton looked at the pirate flag, of course he knew that it was the pirate flag of the White Iron Pirates, and if it wasn't defeated, it was impossible for this flag to reach Ao Long's hands.

"The tyrannical king, who first made the country into a miasma, when there was an invasion of foreign enemies, did not want to resist, but to escape, and when the incident subsided, he wanted to return to the country of Magnetic Drum to regain control of the country. It is the misfortune of your Drum Kingdom to have such a king! Now that I've helped you get rid of him, Magnetic Drum Island will never be threatened by the White Iron Pirates again, so don't you think we're the benefactors of the Magnetic Drum Country? "

Looking at the gun Lin pointing at himself and the others, Ao Long could actually be killed directly with one palm, but he is not the kind of person who kills with a purpose, and he will not do it if he kills without a purpose.

"Being able to defeat Valpo has proven your strength, and we are grateful for your kindness, but if we want to do something bad for the people in the Magnetic Drum Country, we will drive you out of the island even if we do our best!"

In the end, Dalton gave in, and Ao Long felt that in addition to the fact that he went out of Valpo, the most important thing was that Ao Long's strength really deterred these people, and sometimes the effect of killing chickens and monkeys was still very good.

And at this time, Luffy and the four of them, along the mountain road pointed by Ao Long, suddenly appeared on the road A group of rabbits stronger than bears, scarlet eyes, ran over to attack Luffy and others, this time Luffy and others were happy, after all, they used to fight bears in the snow of Qijing Mountain, and this time they could actually fight rabbits on Magnetic Drum Island, although it was strange to be bigger.

I saw that between the four of them, Zoro's three swords opened the way from the front, Luffy's rubber fist was in the center, and Sanji and Kirby's legs and feet kicked the rabbit in the back.

"Hahaha, Sanji, these rabbits are so weak!!"

Luffy thinks this is really an interesting adventure, you must know that in the original book, several of them were disgraced.

"It's just a bunch of bigger rabbits!! How dare you stop us from moving forward! "

Sanji is also a stinky fart, after all, the environment in Qijing Mountain is much worse than this.

"But there are so many rabbits, it's so annoying!!"

Kirby watched the steady stream of rabbits come up, because of the strong fecundity, so there are a lot of rabbits here.

"We've just arrived at the foot of this cylinder mountain, let's work hard! Well? Not good, what's that? "

Zoro who had just slashed up with a powerful sword qi suddenly found that his sword qi seemed to see a certain node in the snow-capped mountain, and then he saw that the entire snow-capped mountain began to collapse downward.

"Wow, what's that, there's a lot of snow rolling up, let's ski!!"

Luffy, who lacks a string in his brain, has never seen an avalanche, and with an excited face, he blew a breath into his body, only to see that the entire Luffy became like a rubber boat, floating on the snowy mountain.

"Oh no, it's an avalanche, everyone get out of the way!! Otherwise, you'll be buried!! "

I saw that the rolling snow-capped mountains were like a torrent, and they hit down in an instant, but fortunately, Sanji, who had seen the winter, reminded in advance that several people were just half buried and quickly jumped out.

"Wow, ah, ah, no, all this snow can't stop, and it's heading towards the village, and the village is going to be flooded with this snow!!"

Luffy looked back and saw that all the giant rabbits that had just blocked everyone's way had been washed down or buried by the avalanche, and the avalanche trend was getting stronger and stronger, and the village below was about to be buried.

Dalton, who was in the village, had already noticed the signs of an avalanche, his face changed greatly, and he immediately ran towards the village with his soldiers.

"Hurry up and inform everyone, the avalanche is coming, hurry up and find a place to hide first!!

At this moment, how can anyone take care of Ao Long and the others, you must know that the avalanche came down, and the village was buried, but there were not a few people alive.

"Hurry up, everyone, hurry up, the avalanche is coming!!"

Soon the people in the village began to panic, some ran home to have children, and some ran directly to the forest, and the various states of life were in full view at this moment.

"It must be the avalanche caused by the few people who went up just now to retaliate for us preventing them from entering the island!!"

At this time, a soldier looked at Ao Long and the others with hatred.

"yes, the people in straw hats, they went to the castle!!"

Hearing the discussion of several soldiers, Ao Long shook his head, after all, this avalanche was indeed caused by Luffy and others, although it was not intentional, but let the entire village be buried under the avalanche, Ao Long would not be able to do it.

Led by the soldiers, the villagers began to flee for their lives, and the avalanche on the mountain became faster and faster, reaching the top of the village.

Ao Long directly flew over the village with a cloud-flying technique, and slapped out with a fierce palm against the avalanche that was flying down, and everyone only saw a dazzling light wave in their eyes light up.

"Platoon... Cloud....... Palm..."

When the villagers' eyes adjusted to the light, they found that Ao Long was still standing in the air, and the avalanche that was rolling down had been stopped.

It turned out that when the cloud palm was just discharged, part of the snow was directly sublimated into water vapor under Ao Long's palm, and some of it was directly received by Ao Long's Dragon Bead Cave Heaven, which also gave a snow to the inner world, and the rest naturally did not pose any threat to the village.

"Great, the avalanche has stopped, we don't have to escape...."

When the villagers saw this scene, they all began to cheer, throwing all the soft softness they had just escaped into the air, celebrating that they had escaped.

Only the head of the guard, Dalton, looked at Ao Long's eyes full of solemnity, he only thought that Ao Long was a strong man before, but what was more shocking than a strong man who directly faced the power of heaven and earth.

"Lord Fengyun is so powerful!!"

Vivi beside Nami once again felt Ao Long's superb force, especially thinking of the scene when Ao Long rescued her before, holding her thin waist and leaping in the air at the moment, just like only Vivi and Ao Long were left in the world, and they had been spinning with the snowflakes until they were old.

"Knock knock, knock knock! Anyone? We are looking for a doctor!! "

When Luffy and the others arrived in front of the castle, they knocked on the door directly, and soon an elk with a blue nose opened the door.

"Huh? You guys.... Who are you looking for? "

"Wow!! What a cute elk, how can you talk!! "

Luffy fell in love with the fluffy elk in front of him at a glance.

"Bastard, whoever asked you to praise me, even if you praise me, I won't be happy! Hahaha! "

The little elk's head was flushed with shyness, his arms were swinging into noodles with joy, and his smiling eyes were narrowed into slits. The whole person shyly hid his head behind the door, and his body was still exposed.

"I'm so happy!! By the way, why do you speak human words!! "

Zoro on the side complained with a serious face, looking at the elk man in front of him who could speak human words.

"Ah, I'm the elk that eats the fruit of everyone, my name is Tony Tony Chopper, and I'm studying medicine with Dr. Kureha."

As soon as Chopper heard that Sauron was curious about his ability to speak, and seemed to be afraid of being misunderstood, he immediately explained.

"Wow, you're a doctor!! You're so cute, can you be our ship doctor? "

Luffy is like this, he directly invites people he likes when he sees them.

"Luffy, you said that if you let me cook it, it will definitely be delicious!!"

In the eyes of Sanji, a chef with a color, it seems that Chopper has become a good ingredient.

"Yes, meat..."

Luffy's mouth began to drool, and he liked the look at Chopper even more, and that wolf-like aggressive look scared Chopper to cry directly.

"Ah!!! Help me!!! I'm not food!! "

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