"Submit to you? Hehehehe, Canglong King Ao Long, your prestige is indeed very loud, but I don't even put the white beard in my eyes, why do you make me give in, since I have arrived in Alabastan today, then it is my home field, even if you are a dragon, you have to lie on my stomach!! "

You must know that the sand crocodile Klockdal shined on the sea when he first debuted, and became the king of the Seven Martial Seas in his twenties, although he failed to challenge Whitebeard, but he has always aimed to surpass Whitebeard, and he doesn't pay attention to Ao Long's achievements.

"It seems that a heroic career in Alabastan has made you forget one of the most important things, and that is fear, and always have to be afraid of the sea, especially for those who have been famous for a long time."

Ao Long watched as Klockdahl swung his scorpion hook there, and it seemed that he would not make a choice without a fight.

"Robin, I haven't seen you for so long, so let me kill this light bulb in a few moments, and then I'll catch up with you."

Ao Long straightened Robin, filled her cup with another glass of wine, and walked over to the sand crocodile.

"Hehehe, the surface is cracked!!"

I saw that Klockdahl directly attacked the ground with his right hand in the face of Ao Long's might, and then found that the entire café had lost its moisture under his move, slowly cracking and sandifying.

"It seems that you are confident in the fruit's abilities? I want to create a desert in the first place, but it's not that troublesome, come with me, I'll go directly to the desert to defeat you, it's the same! "

Seeing this move of the sand crocodile, Ao Long thought of Luffy behind him, so he gave Robin a hint, and then flew up and flew over the desert outside the rain land, waiting for Klockdahl.

"It looks confident, but it's a pity that this is not Fish-Man Island, since you want to sink into the sand, then let me sand crocodile fulfill you!"

I saw that Klockdahl directly turned into a small sand dragon roll, and went outside the city with Ao Long's figure, as for Luffy's people, he was not worried.

"Desert Sword!!"

Klockdahl directly turned his arm into a sand blade and released it giganticly, spreading the entire sand dune, but unfortunately, Ao Long blocked this wave of attack with a simple straight hook.

"The ability is good, the sand fruit is really blessed in the desert, and its power has been increased by two layers compared to you just now."

Feeling the lethality of the Desert Sword, Ao Long praised.

"Now I regret fighting me in the desert, but it's too late, Dragon King, take me another move Arc Moon Dune!"

I saw Klockdahl turn his arm into a crescent-shaped sand blade and slash Ao Long, the air that was cut through was as if it had been burned by fire, and there was no trace of water left, but unfortunately Ao Long dodged to the side of the sand blade scythe and kicked it, although he could feel the attraction from the sand blade, but it was nothing to Ao Long.

"It doesn't look like your attack has a significant effect on me, so let me see how your physical skills are!"

I saw that Ao Long turned around with a side-spinning kick, which directly cut Klockdahl's head into a sunflower splashed with yellow sand.

"Hahahaha, do you think such an attack will work against me? You must know that I am a natural sand fruit ability, no matter how strong the ordinary attack is, it can't hurt me at all!! "

From his severed neck, Klockdahl's head gradually recovered under a shroud of a careful salon roll, including the cigar he was holding in his mouth.

"Really? You must know that there are many ways to restrain the natural system, not to mention the sea building stone, the armed color domineering, and even attribute restraint can make your elementalization invalid! "

Ao Long looked at the sand crocodile playfully, knowing that he knew very well that the weakness of this sand crocodile was water.

"Yes, it depends on whether you can restrain me, now, the weak have no right to speak, the desert sword !!"

Klockdahl condensed an even bigger desert treasure knife, and looked at Ao Long with full power, if this knife was cut to the ground, even Ao Long would not feel good, but since it had a speed advantage, why resist.

"The Flying Dragon of the Nine Appearances of the Cloud Dragon is in the sky!"

I saw that between the waves of Ao Long's sleeves, he used the cloud dragon Jiuxian, which had not appeared for a long time, and directly controlled the sand and dust in the desert to condense into a golden earth dragon, and collided directly with Klockdahl's giant knife.

"Boom !!"

At the junction of the earth dragon and the desert treasure knife, it was like two bombs colliding, forming two powerful shock waves, but it was clear that Klockdahl's treasure knife was not the opponent of Ao Long's earth dragon scroll, and I saw that the earth dragon rolled up like a cloud, directly eroding the huge sand and gravel treasure knife of Klockdahl step by step.

"How so? How can you control this dust too!! "

The current Klockdahl is simply dumbfounded, you must know that he has always been proud of his rustling fruit ability, which is also the foundation of his strength, and he has always been committed to the development of fruit ability, because his philosophy is that as long as the fruit ability is developed to a certain extent, he will definitely be able to surpass Whitebeard.

But now that Ao Long opposite him could actually control these sandy soils, and the power was even stronger than his own, how could he not be shocked.

"It doesn't seem to be that difficult, why are you so surprised? Hahaha, let me weigh your physical skills! "

Ao Long felt very cool to win over Klockdahl from the sand crocodile's best sand control ability, but if he wanted to really solve it, he had to solve it physically.

"Humph!! It's just a little physical skill, do you think I'm going to be afraid of you? "

Klockdahl directly brandished the scorpion hook in his left hand, which contained highly poisonous, which was also a preparation to make up for his own lack of physical skills, and many powerful but unguarded pirates had fallen on his scorpion hook.

"It's just a broken hook, it's worth your attention, Klokdal, don't you understand that the essence of strength is your own strength, not relying on these foreign objects!!"

I saw Ao Long's fierce leg whip on Klockdahl's scorpion hook, causing Klockdahl to fly directly to the desert.

"Yunlong Jiuxian's Kanglong has regrets!!"

I saw Ao Long use his true qi, attached to his palms, and after kicking the scorpion hook, he slapped it fiercely on Klockdahl's chest and abdomen.


I saw that Klockdahl directly spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew out.

"Damn the Dragon King, the strength is actually so strong, it doesn't seem to be much weaker than Whitebeard, look at my Desert Vajra Treasure Knife!!"

At this time, Klockdahl knew that if he wanted to win, he would definitely not be able to compete with his physical skills, because Ao Long's physical power had already made him suffer a great loss.

"It seems that you only care about cultivating your fruit ability, and you have wasted the cultivation of physical arts, in this case, I will abolish your best physical skills today!"

I saw that Ao Long directly recited the spell and found a small cloud, and he didn't need to have a wide range, just go down around Klockdar, and then he saw the uncomfortable look on Klockdahl's face behind the originally majestic Desert Vajra Sword, and even the power of the attack dropped by a few percent.

"Yunlong Jiuxian's Kanglong has regrets!"

"Bang !!"

I saw Ao Long's two palms and Klockdahl slamming up, and directly solved his vicious scorpion hook, shattering to the ground.

"Damn the Dragon King, I won't let you go!! Even if you're strong, the desert is still my home turf!! "

I saw that after Klockdahl found that he couldn't win Ao Long, he dropped a cruel word and fled directly to the sand.

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