Thank you for the sudden flower reward, thank you for the flower reward and praise support of Fu'an, thank you for the flower reward and praise support!

The sea breeze blows Ao Long's clothes fluttering, treading the waves, like an immortal descending into the world, turning back from time to time to provoke Shanks's one-handed dog climbing, it seems that the anger value on Shanks's head is accumulating.

"Damn Ao Long boy, I'll let you know why the flowers are so red later, this is not something that can be solved with a single drink!"

Looking at the waves with a relaxed face, the waves that you are chasing hard in the water can set off huge waves!

"When we arrive, it's this island, uninhabited and uninhabitable, just right for the battlefield!"

After all, Ao Long had an innate advantage, but he went too far, and he just went to the island one step ahead of Shanks.

"Ao Long, I didn't expect your speed to surpass me! Hmph, so let's try our hand at kendo! "

To be honest, in addition to his domineering and speed, what Shanks is proud of is his kendo, he is a strong man who is loyal to his physical skills, which can be known from the fact that he didn't want to be torn apart.

"Kendo? How did I hear that the number one swordsman at sea, Hawkeye Mihawk, came to you for a sword competition, and after discovering that you only had one arm, he couldn't even lift up the fighting spirit? "

Ao Long took out the long-useless stone sword from his dragon bead cave sky, pestled it on the ground, and looked at Shanks with a teasing smile.

"Hmph, whether it's strong or not, you can weigh it yourself later. Wait until I'll wring out my clothes first, and then I'll compare with you. "

This is the reason why Ao Long thinks that the One Piece world is a small world, like one of the Four Emperors, a strong man like the red-haired Shanks, can only wring out his clothes when they are wet.

Although there are many capable people in the One Piece world, it may also be explained that it is because of the low level of the world and the condensation of various Devil Fruits by unstable elements.

A very vivid analogy, Whitebeard's Shock Fruit, if the One Piece world is a bread world, it must be easy to shake, but if this bread is replaced by a stone world, it is not so easy, not to mention that there are iron, gold and silver level middle thousand worlds and large thousand worlds.

Although he has not been to other worlds, Ao Long guessed that entering a more advanced world with Whitebeard's strength might only be able to plough the ground and turn the sky upside down, although it is exaggerated, but the principle is nothing more than that.

"Okay, Ao Long boy, there is no one else here, let me seriously ask you again, is your previous plan to kill the five old stars in Xia Qi's bar true!?"

The red-haired Shanks, who wrung out his clothes and regained his personable uncle, suddenly asked very seriously.

There is no doubt that the sea thieves who can sit on the throne of the Four Emperors are not simple, although Shanks seems to be bold and coarse, but in fact, there is no lack of delicate side.

The golden lion's reappearance of the mountain was beyond everyone's expectations, and the most important thing was that the golden lion escaped from the city because he cut off his legs, which has been widely known, and now the golden lion is actually in his heyday and has returned to the top, so the red-haired Shanks guessed that someone behind him must have helped him heal his legs.

Obviously, when Ao Long said that he could cure his broken arm, Shanks thought of the golden lion, and the most important thing is whether Ao Long will put forward a lot of conditions to the golden lion?

Then the current situation in the world is a bit confusing!

"Hahahaha, since Shanks you think that only people of equal strength can discuss this issue, let's fight first! The flying dragon of the nine dragons is in the sky! "

Since Shanks proposed a fight, and Ao Long is also an arrogant person, let's convince him by force first before talking about anything else, so that Shanks can realize that there are some things that he can't do!

"Really? It seems that you are very confident in your kendo, Oni Slash! "

I saw that Ao Long's sword in the stone rolled up the wind and sand on the island, attracted the wind and waves on the sea, and finally formed a living divine dragon and flew towards Shanks.

Then Shanks's long knife slashed out a fiery red ghost flame slashing the moon arc, and the two of them were competing for strength at the moment.

"Ao Long, it seems that your dragon may not work either!! My ghost slash can cut life and death!! "

Shanks's ghost slash finally gradually eliminated the dragon scroll that Ao Long slashed out, and he was actually shocked in his heart, because just now it was basically eighty percent of Shanks' strength, and he was able to force Shanks to give eight points of strength as soon as he came up, which already showed that Ao Long was no longer the kind of junior who fought pettily.

"Really? Shanks, tell you a period, although I didn't debut as early as you, but I became famous earlier than you!! Eat me again, and I will regret it! "

I saw that the divine dragon that Ao Long slashed out again was not composed of simple wind, sand and waves, but also had thunder and lightning arc light attached to it!

The momentum is very fierce, and because of the thunder element in it, the entire divine dragon seems to have become more aura, and the speed and dragon claws are more hideous.

"It seems like this trick is really hard to accept, but do you think that's all I have? God Slash! "

Shanks saw the oncoming god dragon and said that it was a lie if there was no pressure, and it was obvious that Ao Long's move was more powerful than the one just now, so he also used his own trick, God Slash.

Speaking of Shanks's move name, it is still the same as his character, full of domineering, one move to kill people, one move to kill ghosts, one move to kill gods, only with these three moves, the red-haired Shanks has rarely encountered opponents along the way.

(The above is made up by the author, if it is inconsistent with the original work, please bear with me.) )

In fact, Shanks has another trick that he has never used, that is, the common life slash, which is a trick he left behind to press the bottom of the box in order to prepare for the day when he faces the world government.

I saw that Shanks's divine slash and Ao Long's Kanglong regretted a stalemate on the island, and then Ao Long jumped and merged into the sword, and the whole divine dragon looked handsome.

"Shanks, it seems that I can't really take you if I don't move a little bit!!"

Shanks was surprised to see that Ao Long could actually unite man and sword, this is a concept that the One Piece world does not have, so it gave Shanks a feeling of opening a new world at the level of the great swordsman, it turns out that the swordsmanship can also be like this, in addition to speed, moves and strength, it can also be combined with man and sword.

Shanks is also a talented and intelligent person, and he directly integrates the power of his whole body into his divine slash.

"Ao Long, your swordsmanship is good, let's fight hard!!"

Then I saw a fiery red ball of light and a thunderbolt-wrapped dragon colliding back and forth on the entire uninhabited island, and the aftermath of the battle directly turned the bushes and rocks on the island into powder.

The two of them were as if they were tireless, so you slashed each other back and forth for a day and a night, and in the end, Shanks had to spend ninety percent of his strength to repel the dragon's claws, so his physical strength was also consumed quickly.

The master has made a move, and the slightest movement can be felt by the other party.

"This guy is really a pervert, he has been fighting with me for so long, and he doesn't look tired at all, it's completely abnormal! You must know that I myself feel the consumption of physical strength, although it is not obvious, but there is indeed a trend of declining physical strength and combat effectiveness. "

Shanks was slashing against Ao Long, while complaining about Ao Long's enduring combat effectiveness, if this continues, won't his senior's face be saved.

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