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"Wow, I didn't expect Ao Long to be the king of such a big country!!"

Luffy, under the leadership of Fisher Tiger, is like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and is deeply attracted by the Liuyun bus on the Sky Island, the entertainment programs in the square, and all kinds of dazzling delicacies.

"Nami-san, when did you become the wife of the vice-captain..... How I don't know...."

Sanji, the color cook, has not yet recovered from the blow of the fact that Nami is Mrs. Otaryu.

"I didn't expect that the original Golden Township is Bica, it's really the way of the island, Sanchongtian, this name is really domineering!!"

In the communication with Fisher Tiger, Kirby learned that the Golden Country they were looking for had long been captured by Ao Long, and now it also belonged to Ao Long's territory.

"Alright, everyone, this is the Palace Square on Four Seasons Island, and we will send three people here to compete with you!"

Fisher Tiger took Luffy and the others to the palace on Four Seasons Island through a special passage, and the three archons did not appear, after all, Fisher Tiger could handle such a small matter.

"Alright, we're ready for meat, Tiger, where are the three challengers you've prepared?"

As soon as he heard the place, Luffy began to actively launch a provocation, but unfortunately he forgot that they were the challengers, and Fisher Tiger was the defenders who were prepared.

And the defenders are generally more prepared than the challengers, which means that if Luffy and them take it lightly, they are likely to suffer a big loss.

What's more, Ao Long also deliberately emphasized that he wanted Luffy and the others to suffer a little, knowing that there are many strong people in this world.

"Well, then I will be the defender of the boxing technique, and Jian Yu and Lei Ben will be the defenders of kendo and leg art respectively."

Sword Rain is a powerful swordfish fish man in the Praetorian Guard brought by Ao Long from Fish-Man Island, and his swordsmanship has reached the level of a great swordsman, with swords like wind and swords falling like rain, so he has such a name.

As for Lei Ben, he is the strongest in the palace guards on Four Seasons Island, and I believe that under his guard, the challenger will definitely run in tears.

"Wow, it's you, then let me challenge you in terms of boxing, Zoro you choose your own opponent!"

Luffy, who thought Tiger was just an ordinary guard, was like a two-ha-like stupid choice of the most powerful Fisher Tiger, you must know that the current Tiger already has the strength that is not inferior to that of the admiral, and the armed color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering are also very powerful.

"Then in the way of the sword, let me challenge it, and try whether my three sword streams are still sharp against the fish people!"

Sauron never took the challenge left behind by Ao Long lightly, because he knew that Ao Long's move must have a deep meaning.

"I've heard that you two use your legs, so let's go up together!"

Lei Ben, as a strong man at the level of deputy commander in the Praetorian Guard, naturally has no doubt about dealing with Shanzhi and Kebi.

Nami and Usopp naturally became theatergoers, after all, Ao Long wouldn't ask too much of them.

Not to mention the miserable abuse of Luffy's four people, and then stayed on the Sky Island to study for a period of time before going to the Sky Island.

On the nameless island near the Chambord Islands, the Hades King Reilly grinned at Ao Long, who had gone and returned, after all, he was originally a good-looking person, and at such an age, he couldn't admit it in front of young people.

"Ahem, Ao Long boy, why did you leave and come back, did you leave something?"

Although I know that the previous treatment was made by Ao Long, there is a saying that a dead duck has a hard mouth, and Reilly is in this state at this time, at least he must lose a person without losing the battle.

"Hehe, Uncle Reilly, there's nothing else to do, but there are still some things to discuss with Shanks, and it just so happens that you are also here, so let's talk about it together."

Sure enough, as Ao Long finished speaking, the red-haired Shanks on the side also appeared with a strange smile, it seems that the two people who said that they were going to leave before were lying, but they just took the opportunity to turn light into darkness, and after seeing the embarrassed side of the Hades King Reilly, coming out again can be regarded as giving Reilly a step down.

After all, Reilly's damage was caused by Ao Long and Shanks.

"Shanks hasn't replied yet, so let's listen to what Ao Long has to say. By the way, Ao Long boy, what kind of ability do you have in your sleeves, hurry up and change some delicious food and wine, I haven't eaten with an open mind for a long time. "

It turns out that the current Reilly is a limited supply of fine wine controlled by Xia Qi, and he has long been hungry.

"Okay, I'll send them a message first, so they don't worry."

I saw Ao Long's long sleeves wave, and the messy island was quickly cleared out of a clearing, and then I saw a pair of tables and chairs appear in front of the three of them.

Then Ao Long's sleeves waved again, and the roasted chickens and ducks, and all kinds of fried delicacies appeared on the table, followed by a few jars of old wine.

"I'm going to take a chance to kill the five old stars of the world government and overthrow this rotten government after a while, I need your help, I don't know how?"

Ao Long poured a full bottle of wine for Reilly and Shanks, and said slowly, as if this kind of overthrowing the world government was as easy as trampling an ant to death.

"You kid don't have a fever, do you? Kill the five old stars directly? Just you and me? Do you think the Navy is paid empty? "

Reilly directly killed a glass of Ao Long's fallen wine, looked at Ao Long, and said teasingly.

"No, I won't participate, it's you and Shanks against the five old stars at that time."

Ao Long said lightly, as if it was natural for him not to deal with the five old stars.

"What? What are you kidding, you did it for a long time, saying that you wanted me to participate, but you didn't participate yourself? "

Shanks had been drinking and not speaking, but he was a little angry when he heard this. Originally, if Reilly agreed to this matter, he would definitely not refute it, but didn't Ao Long's words use them as guns? How could Shanks' temper endure it.

"It's not that I don't make a move, in the previous incident of Mary Joy's liberation of slaves, I found out that there is an old guy in the Tianlong people who is stronger than the five old stars, my plan is that I will face the five old stars with you when the time comes, if I can kill a few of the best, if I can't kill it, I also need to carry the old immortal of the Tianlong people head-on."

Ao Long patiently explained, after all, this matter is also a bit of a gun in it.

"Sengoku and Karp, they won't watch us kill the five old stars, and it will be difficult for them to entangle them then."

Hades, Reilly, as the vice-captain of One Piece Roger, has a certain advantage in analyzing things and his mind.

"You have to rest assured about this, Whitebeard and the Golden Lion will help us when the time comes!!"

"Huh? Did you really do that thing with the Golden Lion? "

Shanks looked at Ao Long with a nervous expression, and so far this broken arm has not made Shanks feel like he needs that arm in this fight.

"Hehe, it seems that you still don't believe it much, so let's let you return to your heyday first, spring breeze and rain trick !!"

A green light rose up from Ao Long's hand and finally spread to Shanks's arm.

"If you want your new arm to fit better with your body, it's best to cut off all the flesh from the old wound and start growing again."

Ao Long instructed Shanks in due course, and once again swung a knife to self-harm.

Then I saw Shanks's broken arm grow rapidly again, and Shanks's momentum was also rising, and the red-haired Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, once again returned to his peak state!

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