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A night of wind and rain washed a new look, and two idle red lines were pulled.

For many years, Emperor Wangchun has been bitter, and Oja Island has lingered for a long time.

On the beach where they met as children, Robin and Ao Long finally became one, but they had fulfilled a long-cherished wish for many years.

"Brother Ao Long, do you know? When he escaped from O'Hara with you, Robin also had Olbia, and Robin felt happy at that time. "

Ao Long hugged Robin in his arms, and at some point, Ao Long had already waved his hand to take out a set of camping equipment from the Dragon Bead Cave Sky, and at this time, the two of them were lying on the chaise longue together, covering a quilt of the same style when they slept together, and quietly watched the rising sun of O'Hara.

Ao Long listened to Robin silently, and he knew that if these things were not spoken, there would be an eternal gap between Robin and him.

"But later, Robin found out that Olbia actually fell in love with Brother Ao Long, just like trying to snatch Robin's most cherished treasure, at that time Robin was afraid to return to loneliness again, afraid to return to the kind of life without Brother Ao Long..."

rambling, Robin recounts the psychological journey over the years, which is so subtle and twisty.

"I'm sorry, Robin, it's all my fault, it's me who is too greedy and always wants to have all the happiness!"

Ao Long looked at Robin, who began to cry as he spoke, and Ao Long hugged her tightly in his arms in distress.

"Actually, Robin knows that I will definitely not be the only one with such a good person as Brother Ao Long, but fortunately, now, at this time, Brother Ao Long in O'Hara still belongs to Robin alone, and Robin is very content to watch the sunrise with Robin."

Finally, Robin finally smiled, as if all these years of suffering were relieved at this moment with the untying of the knot in his heart.

In this way, Ao Long accompanied Robin to live in O'Hara for a week, during which Capone Becky did not come to disturb, and the two of them made a simple little house in front of the beach, made at sunrise and rested at sunset, like two very ordinary little couple.

And Robin is also becoming more and more attached to Ao Long, and the feeling of the year has finally been regained again.

"Robin, can I take you to the West Sea Dragon Palace to have a look?"

This morning, Ao Long went out on a trip, and after taking care of some things at Capone Becky's side, he came back and said to Robin.

Robin knew that it was time for the two of them to leave, after all, the two of them were not in retreat, there were still many things waiting for the two of them to face, Robin was clear about Ao Long's plan, and she also knew that the ultimate goal of this magical man was the sea of stars, and she couldn't restrain his steps.

"Well, wherever Brother Ao Long goes, I'll go!"

Robin said obediently that since the two of them reconciled, it was really the feeling of a husband and wife.

But then Robin looked at the small house where the two of them lived in the past few days, there was a happy time where two people lived, women are always emotional, Robin undoubtedly hopes that this happy time can continue.

"It's a pity that this house, but Brother Ao Long and I built it together, and it is all carefully arranged garden courtyards."

Ao Long smiled and said:

"What's so hard about this, look at me!"

I saw Ao Long go to the front of the house, wave his sleeves, and the whole house disappeared, and then with Robin flashed, the traces of the two on O'Hara's sand pond had disappeared.

"Wow, where is this? How did our house get here? "

Robin looked at Ao Long beside her, she didn't know that Ao Long's Dragon Bead Cave Heaven had developed half the size of Huaxia.

"This is the coast of the East China Sea, the cave world that I evolved according to the appearance of my hometown, here, I am the way of heaven and can control everything, so this house is placed here, it will not decay, and if you want to live in the future, I will accompany you."

Ao Long looked at Robin gently, and promised intimately, Robin felt that Ao Long's boyfriend was simply off the charts at this moment, and his heart fluttered, and he was moved to jump into Ao Long's arms.

"By the way, there are a few acquaintances here, do you want to take a look?"

Ao Long said to Robin that he was naturally referring to the Baroque Commune that he had imprisoned.

"Huh? Acquaintances? Where is it? "

Robin was also more curious about who was here, only to see Ao Long holding Robin in his arms, rising directly into the sky, and condensing a cloud of colorful auspicious clouds under the feet of the two people, fluttering like a fairy, which is also in the Dragon Bead Cave Tian Ao Long can be so pompous.

The group soon arrived in a desert in the west, and found that a castle had appeared here at some point, and Klockdal was leisurely smoking cigars at the top of the castle, or rather decadently smoking cigars, next to his members, drinking tea and painting.

Although Longzhu Cave Heaven is already half the size of Huaxia, as long as Ao Long restricts the pattern inside the space, the sand crocodile will naturally not be able to walk out of this desert, since he likes sand, Ao Long naturally let him be with the sand, and he also got all his other members together.

"Sand crocodile, it seems, your days are very leisurely, don't you?"

The two Ao Long Robin, who fell from the sky, stood in front of the sand crocodile, looked at the sand crocodile who had lost his fighting spirit, and said jokingly.

"Huh? Ao Long, the king of the dragon? You're finally here, what exactly are you going to do? How long are you going to lock us up? "

When the sand crocodile saw Ao Long, he was not angry, only negotiated like a businessman seeking profit.

According to other members, this is a very large place, but I don't know why they were finally transferred to this desert by Ao Long, you must know that it is very desolate, and there are no modern materials, so Klokdal and they are just in a much larger prison, and life is very hard.

"Me? There's no purpose, I just think it's a pity to kill someone like you, and I can't believe it, so I'll just lock it up first, anyway, you're in a panic, what kind of ideal township you want to create, you can play here, it's all deserts, it's all your world. "

Ao Long said lightly, then smiled at Robin, and disappeared in front of Klockdal with Robin.

"Damn!! Damn the Dragon King!! "

Seeing the two people disappear, the sand crocodile could no longer remain calm, and directly smashed a gorgeous sandy clay pot in front of him angrily.

"Brother Ao Long is so bad, he actually forced Klokdahl to be like that."

Robin whispered in Ao Long's arms, she didn't have much to say about Klockdahl, although it was indeed an acquaintance, but it could also be said that it was two strangers who used each other.

"Okay, it's time to take you to my Xihai Dragon Palace, that's a base for me to develop in the West Sea, you must know that it is up to them to overthrow the world government!"

Back on O'Hara's golden beaches, Ao Long said to Robin.

"Then where the hell is the West Sea Dragon Palace?"

Robin asked curiously, after all, there was a vast sea in front of him, and there was nothing.

"Hehe, in order to commemorate our acquaintance back then, the entrance of this West Sea Dragon Palace is on the beach in front of you, watch me help you open the door!"

Robin didn't pay attention to the West Sea Dragon Palace anymore when he heard this, and directly pounced on Ao Long is kiss.

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