Thank you fengpo80 for the flower tip, thank you for the flower tip!

Shrimp Jia and Shrimp B stood on the palace wall of the Crystal Palace, looking at the 100,000 Imperial Forest Army surrounded by the square outside, and glanced at each other.

"Looks like these Guards are all reversed?"

Shrimp A said to Shrimp B.

"No, Shrimp Armor, if you take a closer look, there seem to be naval soldiers in it, I will say that with the virtue of our Majesty, how can those Royal Forest Army all rebel!"

Shrimp B pointed to a vice admiral in the east, who else is not Vice Admiral Tea Dolphin!

You must know that this tea dolphin was insulted by Ao Long in the Crystal Palace, so as soon as he heard that the Crystal Palace was going to be captured, the tea dolphin immediately joined the Royal Forest Army under Shark Star.

On the other side, there is the navy led by Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit, but her eyes are anxious and worried.

"Ao Long, Ao Long, the army of 100,000 is besieging the city, why haven't you come out yet!!"

On Fish-Man Island, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider and Vice Admiral Kong Ming of the Navy Headquarters, as well as the navy led by Vice Admiral Virgo, have already started a battle against the Royal Forest Army and the Praetorian Guard who are loyal to Ao Long.

"Under the orders of the World Government, Ao Long, the King of the Dragon, has repeatedly sabotaged the actions of the World Government, disrupted order and peace, and now he is designated as a world criminal, and we are here to arrest him! You people, don't hurry up your weapons, disarm and surrender!! "

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider also wanted to come with a salute before the soldiers, and said directly to the Praetorian Guard commanders Crab A and Crab B who were besieging them.

"Hmph, our Canghai County is not a constituent unit of the world government in the first place, when your world government also has a role in our Canghai County country, if you want to arrest our king, be ready to sleep at the bottom of the sea!"

You must know that as the shrimp soldiers and crab generals who followed Ao Long in the early days, the strength of several of them will not be lower than that of these vice admirals of the navy, so even in the face of the three admirals of the navy, they are not afraid at all.

"Sister Hancock, do you think we need to make a move?"

On top of a belvedere tower, Guina and Dusty asked Hancock, the commander-in-chief of Fish-Man Island.

"Don't worry, I'll watch the three navies on the field, this time Lord Ao Long directly released 200,000 elites brought back from the West Sea, just so that they can see the essence of the Dragon Country!"

The meaning of them in Hancock's mouth is quite profound, not only to let the navy see it, but also to let the world government and those who have moved their minds take a good look at what strength is.

"You two, now follow Monet's information and go with Bonnie to cut off the bed bugs in those ditches!"

Looking at CP8 who caused a riot in the streets and alleys, Hancock suddenly said seriously, although these fish-man islands are nothing in their eyes, they can save their vitality or try to save it.

"Oh my God, what the hell is going on? Why did so many human navies come to Fish-Man Island!! "

An octopus fishman who sells barbecued pork shouted loudly as he looked at his overturned cart and the hot shells and raw materials scattered on the ground.

"Oh my God, it's war, it's out!!"

The mermaid mother holding the quintuplets tightly covered her children to prevent the debris caused by the war from hitting her children.

The residents of the streets and alleys have rioted, and at this moment they have lost their sense of security, and the Guards who were originally maintaining law and order on the streets have either been taken by Crab Jia and Crab B, or they have been taken by the shark star to surround the Crystal Palace.

"I heard that Neptune rebelled, and Princess Otohime and the human world government have united to launch a coup d'état!"

This is the eyeliner arranged by Olbi, and he began to announce the facts to the people.

"I said why Fish-Man Island was handed over to Neptune's second son, Emperor Star, only a few days ago, these navies can swagger into Fish-Man Island, their family is a traitor to Fish-Man, and they should be executed!!"

A tall construction worker shark clan fishman man, wielding his wrench, he was a member of the guard of Fish-Man Island some time ago, but he was eliminated from the army by the imperial star.

"That's right, execute Otohime, the traitor of the Fish-Man Clan, who actually betrayed us and led the enemy army to invade!!"

This is a young fish-man who has ruled Canghai County since he was born, and the ruling of Princess Otohime's generation has no effect on him.

"Since His Majesty King Canglong has been in power, our national strength has been booming, what's wrong, I want to support King Canglong!!"

At this moment, on the square of Fish-Man Island, the two armies were fighting, and the people were boiling, all of which were under Ao Long's control, but he didn't move, because he hoped that more fish could get in, so that he could tighten his pockets.

In the Chambord Islands, the redhead is once again at Xia Qi's extortion.

"Deputy Captain, you said that Ao Long guy is okay, do you need our help?"

In terms of nature, the red-haired Shanks still admires Ao Long very much, so he rushed to the Chambord Islands as soon as he heard about the accident in Canghai County.

"I don't think it's necessary, since the Navigation Daily dared to report this matter and broadcast it live, it means that Ao Long must be very sure!"

Reilly said that if you can't overcome such a small challenge, then what is there to talk about overthrowing the world government.

"As far as I know, that navigation daily is Ao Long's woman, and Olbia is in charge, so up to now, this Ao Long must be in the next big game."

Xia Qi smoked a cigarette and leaned on the bar, her bewitching posture was undoubtedly displayed, as a female intelligence leader, she saw this matter very clearly.

"Okay, then let's take a look at Ao Long's operation and see what kind of result it will have, I also believe that the five vice admirals will not pose any threat to him."

"I heard that the world government sent two spy organizations over this time, and there seem to be strong generals in them, so the Sharp Knife Force must be those two spy organizations."

Xia Qi added, this is the latest news she has inquired about, to be honest, she herself was surprised, and the world government seems to be bound to win this operation.

However, this is also very important to the geographical location of Fish-Man Island, if Fish-Man Island is controlled, the World Government can cut off the influx of pirates into the New World from the two passages of Mary Joya and Fish-Man Island at the same time, and then it can save the current decline of the navy.

On the pirate ship of the New World Whitebeard Pirates, the immortal bird Marco showed Whitebeard the news about Ao Long for the first time.

"Dad, do you think the vice-captain needs our support this time?"


Whitebeard took a big sip of wine, stared into the distance, and said slowly:

"Neptune, my old friend, why did you make such a decision, that kid from Ao Long is not so easy to plan, that's the deputy captain chosen by Lao Tzu....."

"It seems that Daddy has already made a decision about the victory or defeat of the deputy captain, but Daddy, the doctor said, with your body, you should drink as little as possible!"

The majestic Diamond Joz comforted in a loud voice, knowing that now that Whitebeard has grown older, the dark wound that had been healed by Ao Long has recurred again, or rather, with the use of Whitebeard's Shock Fruit, it must have left new scars.

"A man should be like this sea, stirring up big waves when he is happy, stirring up the storm, and when he is unhappy, he should also set up big waves, so that all beings know his majesty! Ao Long, like this sea, is unfathomable! "

Whitebeard once again drained a barrel of fine wine, and didn't seem to worry about his physical condition at all.

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